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Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Naturligtvis - En studie kring företag och konsumenters inställning till ekologiska kläder Författare: Sofia Green, Johanna Persson, Johanna Settergren Universitet: Institutionen för Service Management vid Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg. Nivå och ämne: Kandidatuppsats Service Management 15 hp. Handledare: Anette Svingstedt och Filippa Säwe Nyckelord: Ekologi

Internationella cykler och oberoende penningpolitik i Sverige

En nationell valuta med rörlig växelkurs antas ge centralbanken möjlighet att föra en oberoende penningpolitik som kan användas för att stabilisera ekonomin. Men om inflationen på kort sikt inte i första hand styrs av nationella faktorer, utan av internationella konjunkturcykler, minskar möjlighe-ten att föra en oberoende penningpolitik. Den rörliga växelkursen kan då i stället vara en källa till

Moraliska väktare

Utgångspunkten för denna kandidatuppsats i sociologi har varit att granska de dilemman som ordningsvakter i handeln kan hamna i när de ska verkställa åtgärder där olika huvudaktörer har anspråk på hur arbetet ska utföras. Tillvägagångssättet har varit kvalitativt. Genom att utföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta ordningsvakter har de själva fått berätta hur de upplever sin situation. Utifrån

The Concept of Human Dignity in International Law

As we have evolved, human beings have developed a wide range of disciplines and discourses through which we address, analyse, dissect, explore and seek to progress, various aspects of our lives and what it is to be a human person. When considered from the perspective of each of these individual disciplines or vantage points different human features and aspects become the focus, depending on the le

Assuring financial statements filed in XBRL – A new technology’s effect on the assurance process

XBRL is an XML based, meta-tagged financial reporting language, which is anticipated to become one single standard for electronic filing of financial statements. Numerous studies have identified errors and inconsistencies in XBRL filings. Error-laden XBRL documents are a serious concern for many stakeholders. Many questions have been raised regarding the potential assurance of XBRL filings. These

Researching Research

This research examines how focus groups can be used as a tool for designing quantitative online surveys suitable for a specific target group. Depending on where in the development process of the survey the researcher is, somewhat different focus groups should be used. If the researcher is far into the development of the survey a focus group with the questionnaire template as discussion basis could

Importance of legitimacy based on trust in startup ventures

The purpose of this paper is to make a personal reflection of the last year when I have been studying the Master’s Programme in Entrepreneurship at Lund University and the experiences I have had during this time. This paper mainly explores the importance of legitimacy and what you need to do to adapt and maybe change to fit in on a market but also the importance of trust, both within your own orga

Interactive Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

This report initially asks the question of why Robotic Vacuum Cleaners are not a regular part of our everyday lives. The concept of a completely automated robotic aid to help us with our chores seems, at glance, an attractive proposition. Interviewing various groups of users suggests that most robotic vacuum cleaners do have some technical problems like limitations in suction power and inability t