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Människor, maskiner och framtidens arbete

En forskningsöversikt om arbetsfördelningen mellan människor och maskiner med inriktning på digitaliseringens och AI-utvecklingens effekter på framtidens arbetsmarknad och kompetensbehov.

Assessment of the appropriate use criteria for amyloid PET in an unselected memory clinic cohort : The ABIDE project

Introduction: The objective of this study was to assess the usefulness of the appropriate use criteria (AUC) for amyloid imaging in an unselected cohort. Methods: We calculated sensitivity and specificity of appropriate use (increased confidence and management change), as defined by Amyloid Imaging Taskforce in the AUC, and other clinical utility outcomes. Furthermore, we compared differences in p

The DNA damage response activates HPV16 late gene expression at the level of RNA processing

We show that the alkylating cancer drug melphalan activated the DNA damage response and induced human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) late gene expression in an ATM- and Chk1/2-dependent manner. Activation of HPV16 late gene expression included inhibition of the HPV16 early polyadenylation signal that resulted in read-through into the late region of HPV16. This was followed by activation of the exc

Statistical inference with deep latent variable models

Finding a suitable way to represent information in a dataset is one of the fundamental problems in Artificial Inelegance. With limited labeled information, unsupervised learning algorithms help to discover useful representations. One of the applications of such models is imputation, where missing values are estimated by learning the underlying correlations in a dataset. This thesis explores two ofFinding a suitable way to represent information in a dataset is one of the fundamental problems in Artificial Intelligence. With limited labeled information, unsupervised learning algorithms help to discover useful representations. One of the applications of such models is imputation, where missing values are estimated by learning the underlying correlations in a dataset. This thesis explores two

Ontogenetic development of the pineal organ, parapineal organ, and retina of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L. (Teleostei) - Development of photoreceptors

The ontogenetic developments of the pineal organ, parapineal organ, and retina were studied by the use of light and electron microscopy in embryos and fry of the teleost, Gasterosteus aculeatus, from 60 to 168 h after fertilization. Sixty to 66 h after fertilization, the primordium of the pineal complex is discernible in the diencephalic roofplate; the parapineal anlage is located rostral to the p

Convection-enhanced delivery of temozolomide and whole cell tumor immunizations in GL261 and KR158 experimental mouse gliomas

BACKGROUND: Glioblastomas (GBM) are therapy-resistant tumors with a profoundly immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. Chemotherapy has shown limited efficacy against GBM. Systemic delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs is hampered by the difficulty of achieving intratumoral levels as systemic toxicity is a dose-limiting factor. Although some of its effects might be mediated by immune reactivity, sy

På spaning efter den tid när bostadsrättsägare skyddades från flytt

När beneficieskyddet för bostadsrätter infördes i svensk rätt var lagstiftarens syfte att bostadsrätter som utgångspunkt skulle undantas utmätning. Sedan införandet har värdet på bostadsrätter stigit. Värdestegringen har varit avgörande för rättsutvecklingen och idag skyddas endast en förhållandevis liten andel av svenska bostadsrätter från utmätning genom beneficieregeln i 5 kap. 1 § första styck

Using Cards to Facilitate Conversations About Wishes and Priorities of Patients in Palliative Care

To avoid discomfort, health care professionals may hesitate to pursue conversations about end of life with patients. Certain tools have the potential to facilitate smoother conversations in this matter. The objective was to explore the experiences of patients in palliative care in using statement cards to talk about their wishes and priorities. Forty-six cards with statements of wishes and priorit

Examining the Process of Modal Choice for Everyday Travel Among Older People

Modal choice is a prominent concept within transport studies. However, the term is often used quite loosely, with little known about the factors lying behind the choice, the alternatives available to a person, and whether the person had a ‘choice’ to begin with. This study draws on a travel survey among older people living in Sweden’s large metropolitan regions. The questions posed as part of this

Parents' experiences of a health dialogue in the child health services : a qualitative study

BACKGROUND: The Child Health Services in Sweden is a well-attended health promoting setting, and thereby has an important role in promoting healthy living habits in families with young children. Due to lack of national recommendations for health dialogues, a Child Centred Health Dialogue (CCHD) model was developed and tested in two Swedish municipalities. The aim of this study was to explore paren

Between 'Everyday' and 'Extraordinary' : Partition, violence and the communal riots of 1946 in Bihar

The year 1937 saw the establishment of Congress Ministries in eight of the eleven provinces in which the provincial elections had been held, Bihar being one of them. The resounding victory of the Congress which secured a clear majority in the province of Bihar and the dismal performance of the Muslim League seemed at the time to depict the mood of the people in general. It was taken as a clear rej

Day Fines in Sweden

As in other areas of social engineering, Sweden is considered as world-leading in creating systems that address social inequality. One of the cases in point is the Swedish day-fine system which has been considered as pioneering by systematically considering both the wealth of the offender and the seriousness of the offence when imposing the penalty. This chapter analyses in detail the Swedish day-

Age at first childbirth and breast cancer survival : A prospective cohort study

Objective: Late age at first childbirth is a well-established risk factor for breast cancer. Previous studies have, however, shown conflicting results to whether late age at first childbirth also influences the prognosis of breast cancer survival. The aim of this study was to examine age at first birth in relation to survival after breast cancer diagnosis. Results: We used information from the Mal

Integration of cross-flow filtration in the beverage industry

The market for membrane technology in the food and beverage industries increased during the last two decades to a market volume of about € 150 million and is now the second biggest industrial market for membranes after municipal water treatment in Europe. The aim of this study is to highlight new application concepts for membrane processes either by replacing conventional separation processes or b

Participation in a Prospective Cohort Study on Melanoma did not Affect the Incidence and Mortality of the Studied Disease

Prospective observational studies have shown previously that study participants have lower morbidity and mortality than non-participants. The aim of the current study was to determine whether participants in a prospective cohort study on melanoma have a different incidence and mortality of melanoma compared with non-participants and the background population. Information was collected from Swedish

Visualizing Impunity : Photography and State Violence in Thailand

In this paper I discuss the challenge of visualising ongoing and repeated state violence and impunity in Thailand. Human rights activists commonly assume that photographs hold political power. This assumption can be doubted. Even if there are material traces of the violence, they cannot guarantee visibility, and, as Ariella Azoulay points out, photography of violence risks depoliticizing by equati

Predicting clinical decline and conversion to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia using novel Elecsys Aβ(1–42), pTau and tTau CSF immunoassays

We evaluated the performance of CSF biomarkers for predicting risk of clinical decline and conversion to dementia in non-demented patients with cognitive symptoms. CSF samples from patients in two multicentre longitudinal studies (ADNI, n = 619; BioFINDER, n = 431) were analysed. Aβ(1–42), tTau and pTau CSF concentrations were measured using Elecsys CSF immunoassays, and tTau/Aβ(1–42) and pTau/Aβ(