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High land-use intensity in grasslands constrains wild bee species richness in Europe

There is widespread concern regarding declines in bee populations given their importance for the functioning of both natural and managed ecosystems. An increasing number of studies find negative relations between bee species richness and simplification of agricultural landscapes, but the role of land-use intensity and its relative importance compared to landscape simplification remain less clear.

Long-term follow-up of retinal function and structure in trpm1-associated complete congenital stationary night blindness

Purpose: TRPM1-associated congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is characterized by nystagmus and high myopia. We assessed retinal function and structure over long-term follow-up up to 10 years in two siblings from a family with the homozygous deletion c.2394delC in exon 18 that we previously identified. In addition, we describe retinal function and structure in two other siblings with the

Nomenclature of Genetically Determined Myoclonus Syndromes : Recommendations of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society Task Force

Genetically determined myoclonus disorders are a result of a large number of genes. They have wide clinical variation and no systematic nomenclature. With next-generation sequencing, genetic diagnostics require stringent criteria to associate genes and phenotype. To improve (future) classification and recognition of genetically determined movement disorders, the Movement Disorder Society Task Forc

En rättvis omställning av transportsystemet : - En analys av de sociala effekterna av styrmedel för minskade klimatutsläpp

Dagens planeringssystem är uppdelat på många aktörer och har traditionellt drivits av fokus på prognoser, kostnadseffektivitet, och samhällsekonomisk lönsamhet. Klimatutmaningen ställer delvis helt nya krav på planeringen, med ett fokus på att utveckla styrmedel som på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt leder till de utsläppsminskningar som behövs. I detta behövs en större uppmärksamhet på de sociala effe

The Blue Fix : What's driving blue growth?

This article explores the politics behind the promise of ‘blue growth’. Reframing it as a ‘blue fix’, we argue that the blue growth discourse facilitates new opportunities for capital accumulation, while claiming that this accumulation is compatible with social and ecological aims as well. The blue fix is made up of three underlying sub-fixes. First of all, the conservation fix quenches the social

The Macroeconomic Effects of a Pandemic in Europe. A Model-Based Assessment

This report estimates possible macroeconomic effects of a pandemic taking place in the EU in 2006, using a quarterly macroeconomic model. The macroeconomic costs of a pandemic, that is the cost in terms of production lost due to illness and death measured as reductions in GDP growth and/or declines in the level of GDP, are quantified in various pandemic scenarios. We focus on two sectors of the Eu

Multiple Nonfamilial Unilateral Trichoepitheliomas : Report of a Case-Mini Review of the Literature

Trichoepitheliomas are benign skin tumors with follicular differentiation that present most commonly as solitary lesions. They can also present as multiple centrofacial papules due to several mutations in the CYLD gene. Multiple unilateral trichoepitheliomas in a linear or dermatomal distribution may rarely be seen. Herein, we report a case of multiple unilateral trichoepitheliomas on the face of

Cold war television diplomacy : The German Democratic Republic on Finnish television

Following the formal diplomatic recognition of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) by the Nordic countries in 1972, an intensive collaboration over the Baltic Sea was initiated in a number of societal fields (Almgren, 2009; Hentilä, 2006; Linderoth, 2002; Åkerlund, 2011), one of which was broadcasting, particularly public service television. As an accommodating yet non-aligned neighbour of the So

Agricultural intensification and gender in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia

The SAIRLA-supported AFRINT IV project has been collecting data on agricultural intensification from23 farming communities in seven regions in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia since 2008. Policies in allcountries have a strong focus on maize intensification and also target women as recipients ofsubsidised farm inputs. During this time, data on maize shows that only in the Zambian region hasthere been a

Neurocognitive outcomes in long-term survivors of Wilms tumor : a report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort

Purpose: To examine prevalence and predictors of neurocognitive outcomes, social attainment, emotional distress, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in long-term survivors of pediatric Wilms tumor (WT). Methods: One hundred fifty-eight WT survivors (59% female; mean [SD] age 33 [9.1] years; time since diagnosis 29 [9.1] years) and 354 community controls (55.6% female; 35 [10.2] years) compl

Functional characterization of odorant receptors from the moth Eriocrania semipurpurella : A comparison of results in the Xenopus oocyte and HEK cell systems

The Xenopus oocyte and the Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) 293 cell expression systems are frequently used for functional characterization (deorphanization) of insect odorant receptors (ORs). However, the inherent characteristics of these heterologous systems differ in several aspects, which raises the question of whether the two systems provide comparable results, and how well the results correspond

Direct comparisons of effectiveness and safety of treatment with Apixaban, Dabigatran and rivaroxaban in atrial fibrillation

Introduction: Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have been proven non-inferior or superior to warfarin in preventing stroke and systemic embolism, with a lower risk of major hemorrhage, in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). We sought to investigate whether effectiveness and safety differs among apixaban, rivaroxaban and dabigatran. Materials and methods: Patients with newly ini

Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses multiple receptors for adherence to laminin during infection of the respiratory tract and skin wounds

Pseudomonas aeruginosa efficiently adheres to human tissues, including the lungs and skin, causing infections that are difficult to treat. Laminin is a main component of the extracellular matrix, and in this study we defined bacterial laminin receptors on P. aeruginosa. Persistent clinical P. aeruginosa isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis, wounds or catheter-related urinary tract infection

Correcting for selective participation in cohort studies using auxiliary register data without identification of non-participants

Aims: Selective participation may hamper the validity of population-based cohort studies. The resulting bias can be alleviated by linking auxiliary register data to both the participants and the non-participants of the study, estimating propensity scores for participation and correcting for participation based on these. However, registry holders may not be allowed to disclose sensitive data on (in

Dyskinesia matters

Levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) represents a significant source of discomfort for people with Parkinson's disease (PD). It negatively affects quality of life, it is associated with both motor and nonmotor fluctuations, and it brings an increased risk of disability, balance problems, and falls. Although the prevalence of severe LID appears to be lower than in previous eras (likely owing to a more