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Demographic and clinical data in acquired hemophilia a: results from the european acquired haemophilia (each2) registry.

Background: Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare autoimmune disease caused by autoantibodies against coagulation factor VIII and characterized by spontaneous hemorrhage in patients with no previous family or personal history of bleeding. Although data on several AHA cohorts have been collected, limited information is available on the optimal management of AHA. Objectives: The European Acquired He

Null Referential Subjects in Övdalian

In this article, Övdalian null subjects are introduced and analysed. A general background to Övdalian is provided, whereupon the possible null subjects (wįð ('we') and ið ('you')) are presented. Interestingly, these null subjects do not appear in the same syntactic positions; whereas null ið seems to be unrestricted, null wįð may only appear in positions immediately preceding the finite verb. It i

Emerging Polymorphism in Nanostructured TiO2: Quantum Chemical Comparison of Anatase, Rutile, and Brookite Clusters

Density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT calculations have been performed on a set of 34 titanium dioxide clusters ((TiO2)(n) with n125) to investigate structural and electronic properties of nanostructured TiO2 (nano-TiO2) materials. The investigated clusters include models of the three low-energy polymorphic forms of TiO2 anatase, rutile, and brookite. A systematic comparison of cl

The Economy of Undocumented Migration: Taxation and Access to Welfare

A strict division between the formal economy and the informal economy cannot be made and every economic actor has in certain situations a propensity to engage in informal economic activities. The formal, as well as informal economy may lead to economic growth which is essential for a broad welfare policy, under which social benefits are categorized. A person's economic contribution to a state shou

Climate dependent diatom production is preserved in biogenic Si isotope signatures

The aim of this study was to reconstruct diatom production in the subarctic northern tip of the Baltic Sea, Bothnian Bay, based on down-core analysis of Si isotopes in biogenic silica (BSi). Dating of the sediment showed that the samples covered the period 1820 to 2000. The sediment core record can be divided into two periods, an unperturbed period from 1820 to 1950 and a second period affected by

Surgical Care and Health Systems

BACKGROUND: While surgical care impacts a wide variety of diseases and conditions with non-operative and operative services, both preventive and curative, there has been little discussion concerning how surgery might be integrated within the health system of a low and middle-income country (LMIC), nor how strengthening surgical services may improve health systems and population health. METHODS: We

Do Regions Make a Difference? Regional Innovation Systems and Global Innovation Networks in the ICT Industry

Access to global innovation networks (GINs) has been unequal across the regions of the world. While certain regions are considered knowledge hubs in GINs, others still remain marginalized; this points to the role of regional innovation systems (RISs) in the emergence and development of GINs. Using firm-level data collected through a survey and case studies in 2009-2010, this paper systematically c

Indirect Estimation of Semiparametric Binary Choice Models

One of the most cited studies within the field of binary choice models is that of Klein and Spady (1993), in which the authors propose a semiparametric estimator for use when the distribution of the error term is unknown. However, although theoretically appealing, the estimator has been found to be difficult to implement, and therefore not very attractive from an applied point of view. The current

Origin of Swedish hemophilia A mutations

Background: Hemophilia A (HA) has a high level of variation within the disease class, with more than 1000 mutations being listed in the HAMSTeRS database. At the same time a number of F8 mutations are present in specific populations at high frequencies. Objectives: The simultaneous presence of large numbers of rare mutations and a small number of high-frequency mutations raises questions about the

Size selective capture of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in floating pots

Little is known about the size selectivity of cod in static fishing gears such as pots and traps. In this field study, floating fishing pots were equipped with 40, 45 and 50 mm square mesh escape windows in order to estimate the size selectivity of cod at different mesh sizes. Relationships between selectivity parameters and mesh size, as well as an optimal mesh size for the escape window with res

A survey on the integration of product and package development

Increased efficiency and effectiveness in the product life cycle can be expected to result from extending the product development process to include the simultaneous development of the package. In this paper, three surveys performed in the Swedish mechanical, pharmaceutical and food industries are supplemented to describe the interest of such a concept in industry. This paper reveals that both the

A Dietary Biomarker Approach Captures Compliance and Cardiometabolic Effects of a Healthy Nordic Diet in Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome.

Assessment of compliance with dietary interventions is necessary to understand the observed magnitude of the health effects of the diet per se. To avoid reporting bias, different dietary biomarkers (DBs) could be used instead of self-reported data. However, few studies investigated a combination of DBs to assess compliance and its influence on cardiometabolic risk factors. The objectives of this s

Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Goal-directed Hemodynamic Treatment of Elderly Hip Fracture Patients: Before Clinical Research Starts.

BACKGROUND: Health economic evaluations are increasingly used to make the decision to adopt new medical interventions. Before such decisions, various stakeholders have invested in clinical research. But health economic factors are seldom considered in research funding decisions. Cost-effectiveness analyses could be informative before the launch of clinical research projects, particularly when a ta

Cone-beam differential phase-contrast laminography with x-ray tube source

We report on an x-ray cone-beam differential phase-contrast computed laminography (DPC-CL) method for tomographic reconstruction of thin and lamellar objects. We describe the specific scan geometry of DPC-CL, which consists of a Talbot-Lau grating interferometer and a lab-based x-ray tube source, and derive a filtered back-projection (FBP) reconstruction algorithm. The experimental results of a fl

Serum antibodies to human papillomavirus (HPV) pseudovirions correlate with natural infection for 13 genital HPV types.

BACKGROUND: Serology for human papillomaviruses (HPV) types -16 and -18 is established as an important tool for studies of HPV vaccinology and epidemiology. However, as there are a large number of oncogenic genital types of HPV there is a need for development of high-throughput, validated HPV serological assays that can be used for more comprehensive seroepidemiological studies and for research on

Restrictions on definiteness in second language acquisition : Affirmative and negative existentials in the L2 English of Turkish and Russian speakers

In this paper we investigate whether learners of L2 English show knowledge of the Definiteness Effect (Milsark, 1977), which restricts definite expressions from appearing in the existential there-insertion construction. There are cross-linguistic differences in how restrictions on definiteness play out. In English, definite expressions may not occur in either affirmative or negative existentials (

Direct intranigral administration of an ubiquitin proteasome system inhibitor in rat: Behavior, positron emission tomography, immunohistochemistry

Several independent lines of research suggest that disruption of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) may play a role in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease. Direct intracerebral injection of UPS inhibitors (e.g. lactacystin) in animals has consistently produced important features of the disease. In this study, a range of lactacystin doses (0.5, 1, 2, 10 and 20 mu g) were injected into the

Pervasive refusal syndrome among inpatient asylum-seeking children and adolescents: a follow-up study.

BACKGROUND: Pervasive refusal syndrome (PRS) is a rare but severe condition, characterised by social withdrawal and a pervasive active refusal in terms of eating, mobilisation, speech and personal hygiene. PRS has been proposed as a new diagnostic entity in child and adolescent psychiatry, although the diagnostic criteria are debated. In the past 10 years there has been an increase in PRS symptoms

New evidence on the introduction, cultivation and processing of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in southern Sweden

Subfossil remains of Cannabis sativa L. (hemp) have been found at Lindangelund in the region of Malmo, southern Sweden. These represent the earliest robust evidence so far for hemp retting in Scandinavia. Finds of seeds, stems and pollen of C. sativa from a waterlogged context on a settlement dating to the Roman Iron Age demonstrate that the plant was locally cultivated and processed during the 1s