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Should Sweden apply for an EMU membership?

This paper examines the effect a membership in the EMU would have on the Swedish economy. This is done by using the synthetic control method where a synthetical Sweden is created and compared with actual Sweden. Synthetic Sweden is created by 11 donor pool countries, which are the 11 countries that joined the EMU in 1999. Using GDP per capita and Export as a percentage of GDP as dependent variable

The Effectiveness of Performance Management Systems and its Systemic Value

This thesis aims to explore how managers comprehend the systemic value of a companies’ Performance Management System (PMS). The study findings show that PMS causes path-dependent behavior, leading to organizational rigidities, strategic inertia, and diminishing PMS effectiveness. Managers' comprehension of the multifaceted, complex, and systemic nature of PMS can counteract the unintended nega

PLK-1 inhibition has a functional impact on MYC and is a relevant target for high-risk mantle cell lymphoma patients

types of B-cell lymphomas. However, the role of MYC in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), a clinically diverse and incurable disease, needs to be further elucidated. The aim of this study is to evaluate MYC mRNA deregulation and explore the mechanism behind PLK-1 induced cell death, as a target for MYC-driven MCL. To achieve this, RNAscope® is used to detect and quantify MYC mRNA expression in a populati

Äldres upplevelser och firande av högtider och traditioner utifrån rekommendationer och restriktioner under covid-19 pandemin. - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Covid-19 pandemin medförde att personer 70 år och äldre ansågs vara en riskgrupp och behövde begränsa all social kontakt. Högtider och traditioner är en viktig del i flera människors liv som bidrar med förutsägbarhet, tillhörighet och gemenskap. Samtidigt finns det begränsat med kunskap kring hur högtider och traditioner upplevdes och firades under pandemin. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöBackground: The covid-19 pandemic caused people 70 years and older to be considered a risk group and needed to limit all social contact. Holidays and traditions are a significant part of many peoples lives because they contribute to predictability, belonging and community, there is limited knowledge about how holidays and traditions were experienced and celebrated during the pandemic. Aim: To expl

Towards Circularity in Fashion E-commerce — Business Model Development

I dagsläget står textilindustrin i Sverige inför flera utmaningar relaterat till dess negativa miljöpåverkan och brist på cirkularitet. Ett identifierat ämne inom detta område är klyftan mellan e-handlare av kläder och second hand-organisationer eller andra mottagare av kläder. Klyftan skapar en affärsmöjlighet i form av en affärsmodell för en digital tjänst som kan stödja cirkularitet genom att kToday, the textile industry in Sweden faces several issues regarding its negative environmental impact and lack of circularity. One identified topic within this area is the gap between fashion e-retailers and second-hand organisations or other receivers of garments. The gap creates a business opportunity in terms of a business model for a digital service that can support circularity by connecting

The Other Side of the Pandemic Reportage : Audience Perception of COVID-19 Media Framing and its Influence on Social Polarization

This research aimed to explore the experiences of Lagos State residents during COVID-19 and the relationship between COVID-19 reportage in Lagos State and ethnic inter-relationship. The goal is to understand media influence in a society from the perspectives of people directly influenced by the COVID-19 media frames. This thesis is the first research to explore ethnic polarization in Lagos State w

Gelling properties of milk gels using rennet as a coagulant

As the consumption of dairy is a common staple in the Nordic and European diet and culture, better understanding of the dairy industry as a whole, and especially the cheese industry is needed to aim for a more sustainable production. This project aims to offer an extended approach on the rennet coagulation of milk, analysing the gelling properties of skim milk samples at different pH values (5.5-6

Interactive approaches for teaching entrepreneurship

Games are not a new method of teaching in education; however, their impact is not well understood in Entrepreneurial Education. These two concepts have been merged in the past with mostly quantitative approaches viewing existing structures. This study contributes to the combination by inductively elaborating on a gamified experience (The Mount Everest Challenge) by presenting the perception of stu

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Orkanen i Malmö

Orkanen i Malmö är en universitetsbyggnad som består av fem tillgängliga våningsplan och ett källarplan. Det finns även våning sex och sju, de är dock inte är tillgängliga för studenter eller allmänheten. Genom platsbesök, tillgänglig litteratur kopplat till anläggningen och genom en kontaktperson utvärderas brandskyddet i Orkanen ur ett personsäkerhets perspektiv. Utvärderingen sker genom att möjThe purpose of this report is to evaluate the fire safety of the university building Orkanen Malmö as an educational part of the course Fire Risk Assessment (VBRN70) at Lund University (LTH). Limited to the safety of occupants in the building, the report does not take economic or structural damage into account. To begin with, the building was investigated during a guided tour where photographs wer

Machine Learning in Architecture

The development of image-based machine learning technology brings new ways of how we use and produce images. Due to the significant reliance on images and drawings, machine learning technology might achieve new potentials for the architecture discipline. My thesis explored these potentials through conducting experiments. In the first part of my thesis, I used the image-based machine learning algor

”Du är där men inte där”: En kvalitativ studie om phubbing

Phubbing beskriver fenomenet då en eller flera personer under en social interaktion tar upp sin mobiltelefon och riktar sin uppmärksamhet mot den istället för den eller de en umgås med. Phubbing har i tidigare kvantitativa studier visat sig ge upphov till negativa känslor och tycks påverka relationer och relationskvalitet negativt. Därför ämnar denna kvalitativa studie besvara forskningsfrågan: HuPhubbing describes the phenomenon when one or more people during a social interaction pick up their mobile phone and direct their attention to it instead of the person or people they are hanging out with. Phubbing has in previous quantitative studies been shown to give rise to negative emotions and seems to affect relationships and relationship quality negatively. Therefore, this qualitative study

Evaluation of overheating risks and passive cooling measures in low energy Swedish dwellings

Overheating in buildings is becoming a major concern and cause for various health issues. Existing research and previous studies on the issue were examined to acquire relevant information about the definition of overheating, its possible causes, and the heath impacts it could have on human health. The review included data on the current status of thermal comfort and overheating regulations in Swed

Grammatikens betydelse för valet mellan de och dem

Researchers do not agree on whether grammar teaching is important for students' writing. At the same time, research shows that the choice between de 'they' and dem 'them' is an increasingly common problem of language accuracy among Swedish students. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the importance of grammar for the level of language accuracy in Swedish high sch

Improving Warehouse Picking Performance by Using Contextual Factors and Lean Practices: A Design Science Study at Tetra Pak

Problem Description: As warehouses play an important role in the supply chain and are vital for the success of a company, it is important that they operate efficiently. Thus, Tetra Pak wants to increase their picking efficiency for their production warehouse by identifying and solving bottlenecks and wastes that decreases the performance. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to develop a soluti

Brandteknisk Riskvärdering- Utvärdering av Kulturmejeriets Brandskydd

Denna rapport har granskat brandskyddet i allaktivitetshuset Kulturmejeriet i Lund. Granskningen har genomförts med fokus på personsäkerhet. Skador på egendom och miljö har inte beaktats i rapporten. Utifrån ett antal tänkbara brandscenarier valdes tre representativa scenarier. Dessa scenarier analyserades vidare med datorsimulering för brandutveckling och utrymning. Simuleringarna som genomfördThe following report is an evaluation of the fire protection in the all-activity house Kulturmejeriet in Lund. The evaluation was conducted with a focus on personal safety. Damage to property and the environment has not been considered in this report. Based on several possible fire scenarios, three representative scenarios were selected. These scenarios were further analyzed with computer simulati

Unblocking the Chain - Blockchain Implementations in the Digital Music Industry

The music industry has been affected by the digital revolution. This paper identifies key issues relating to copyright within the digital music industry which have the possibility to be partially or wholly solved with the help of blockchain technology. Identified issues are: the lack of reliable rights management information, issues with intermediaries and long value chains, fragmentation of right

Importance of communication strategies in online communities. Case study - Sounders

Although online communities are numerous on social media platforms like Facebook, the communication strategies can be very different. The current research analyses a single case study and its online community. Sounders is an Italian start-up focused on creating a recognized and academic path for whoever wants to undertake a DJ career. Moreover, by sharing values such as sharing and willingness, So

“De syns och hörs fastän de egentligen är gömda” - En kvalitativ studie om papperslösas situation och civilsamhällets betydelse

The aim of this study was to investigate the living situation of undocumented migrants in Sweden from a civil society perspective. The study also aimed to study how representatives from the civil society describe their work with undocumented migrants. The method used for the study was based on a qualitative approach where we conducted eight semi-structured interviews with representatives from diff