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"Eldkroppen i jordkropparnas mitt" - Nyplatonism och marxism i Birgitta Trotzigs Dykungens dotter (1985)

The aim of this study is to uncover a neoplatonic discourse in the Swedish writer Birgitta Trotzigs novel Dykungens dotter (1985) (The Mud King's Daughter). This discourse is often interpreted as being an expression of Trotzigs catholic mysticism, but few of the earlier researchers have mentioned the strictly platonic influences in her work. Firstly; by analyzing the system of metaphors and th

Befolkningsförändringar: Vilka blir de ekonomiska effekterna för Sveriges regioner?

Föreliggande uppsats undersöker hur svenska regioners ekonomi påverkas av befolkningsförändring mellan 2012 och 2018. Genom uppsatsens modell presenteras vilka förväntade effekter befolkningsförändringar kan ha för regionernas ekonomi. Med denna uppsatsen har jag för avsikt att fortsätta att bidra och nyansera tidigare studier som ämnat sig att undersöka hur svenska kommuners ekonomi påverkas av b

Religious Identities in Viking Age Britain: Pagan Imagery in a Colonial Context

When the Vikings settled the British Isles between the 8th and 11th centuries, they left behind numerous stone monuments in their wake. These monuments, many of which are stone crosses, utilize a combination of Christian and pagan imagery, and are found heavily in Christian contexts. This thesis sought to analyze this imagery and their contexts in order to determine how they reflected the colonial

Hitta rätt när det gått snett - en kvantitativ studie av studenters relation till droger

The following study was conducted in order to answer the following questions: 1) Why do students start taking drugs in early adulthood?, 2) What does the ratio between students with early versus late onset drug use look like?, 3) Do students know where they could get professional help in case of drug use- related negative outcomes? and 4) What do they think of the healthcare available? Using the s

De kort- och långsiktiga konsekvenserna av den kortsiktiga coronapolitiken

This paper analyses the Swedish government and the Swedish central bank's measures during the coronavirus pandemic and their effects on the economy in the short run and potential long run effects. By comparing the covid-19 pandemic with the Swedish crisis in the 1990s, and the financial crisis 2008-2009, differences and similarities are combined with previous studies to analyze what effect the

När berättelsen byts - En kvalitativ studie om hur aktiva inom Socialdemokraterna hanterade omläggningen av flyktingpolitiken 2015

Under flyktingsituationen 2015 genomförde Socialdemokraterna i regeringsställning en hastig omläggning från en generös till en restriktiv flyktingpolitik. Omläggningen i denna värdeladdade fråga skapade debatt inom partiet men etablerades likafullt som partiets nya hållning. Vad händer hos en organisations medlemmar när något som traditionellt varit en central del i organisationens identitet förän

Principal Component Analysis for STEM-EDS images: Optimal collection parameters

STEM-EDS is a common technique used for compositional mapping in materials. The vasts amounts of raw data produced by STEM EDS is suitable for advanced analysis using methods in unsupervised machine learning. One powerful method is Principal Component Analysis (PCA) which can automatically discover significant chemical correlations in a sample. Although more powerful than classical analysis, there

Initial fate of Streptococcus pyogenes captured in a human plasma protein shell and its effects towards host peptides and cold atmospheric plasma

Streptococcus pyogenes covered by a human plasma protein shell Streptococcus pyogenes is a bacterium found mainly on human skin. It can cause a number of diseases ranging from uncritical to life threatening sepsis by entering the bloodstream. Infections such as sepsis can have high mortality rates, making it essential to identify how this bacterium causes infections. It is equally important to de

Assessment of mammography screening using clinical and virtual data

Bröstcancer är idag en av de vanligaste cancerformerna hos svenska kvinnor; mer än 1400 avlider varje år till följd av sjukdomen. Ett sätt att reducera dödligheten är genom screeningprogram, där intent ionen är att detektera brösttumörer i ett tidigt stadie med hjälp av en röntgenundersökning som kallas mammografi. Alla kvinnor i åldra rna 40- 74 erb juds därför mammografi i förebyggande syfte, trAim: Virtual clinical trials (VCT) in medical imaging can be used to predict the outcome of clinical trials, by simulating anatomy, imaging methods and image interpretation. VCTs could reduce the cost and duration of clinical trials and their dependence on available patients. This thesis is motivated by the limitations in the field of breast cancer screening. The aim of the project is to expand a

Retroaktiv rättvisa - En juridisk studie över justeringen av de generella ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna

Den 1 januari 2019 trädde nya skatteregler för den svenska företagssektorn i kraft. De nya reglerna innebär bl.a. att det infördes en generell begränsning av ränteavdrag i bolagssektorn. Syftet med reglerna var att förhindra erodering av den svenska skattebasen. Implementeringen ifrågasattes i en rad remissinstanser då området dels blivit svåröverskådligt genom den turordningsregel som lagts tillOn the 1st of January 2019, new tax regulations within the Swedish corporate sector was set in motion. The regulations constitute a general restriction of interest deductions within a company. The main purpose of the new regulations was to prevent erosion of the Swedish tax base. The implementation was questioned in a number of bodies considering proposed legislation, as the legislative area has

”Om vetekornet inte faller i jorden och dör…” En undersökning av Gustaf Wingrens vetekornsteologi

The aim of this thesis is to examine how Gustaf Wingren’s theology can be understood as a grain of wheat theology, and to answer the thesis’ main question: How can Gustaf Wingren’s grain of wheat theology contribute to a theological discussion today? The aim is to show new aspects of Wingren’s theology and especially of his grain of wheat theology. The thesis shows that the theme of life and death

A no-win situation: A case study of Socialstyrelsens brochure on child marriage and the moral outrage that followed

This study analyzes a no-win situation in which the Swedish public organization Socialstyrelsen were not able to achieve strategic goals, with the organizations mandate going against prevalent moral cultural ideals. When attempting to perform their mandate Socialstyrelsen was suddenly hit by an online firestorm, hurting their reputation and hindering them in performing their democratic responsibil

Bilden av kvinnlig könsstympning i Aftonbladet : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys

Female genital mutilation is a convention that is mainly practiced in about thirty African countries and in some countries in the Middle East and Asia. The topic has become more relevant in Sweden due to increased migration. While female genital mutilation is often referred to as a foreign phenomenon mass media is a main source of information. The purpose of this study was to explore how the conve

The Social Construction of Fatherhood and Masculinity Among Stay-at-Home Fathers in Istanbul: A Qualitative Study

This study analyses the processes of constructing masculinity and fatherhood among a sample of stay-at-home fathers in Turkey. Firstly, social construction of reality theory was used to describe the construction process of the fathers’ identities. Then, hegemonic masculinity and performativity theories were applied in order to analyse the masculinity practices and performances. How the Turkish sta

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This thesis aims to investigate the use of the Chilean voseo, which is a special form of the more broadly used voseo, a type of treatment that is used in many of the Spanish speaking countries on the American continent. The aim of this thesis is to investigate in which context and what parts of the interviews the voseo is used, in contrast to the more established form of treatment, tuteo. The rese

Populism and Engagement on Social Media: A quantitative study of Populist Discourse in Sweden

There is a growing literature analysing social media, populism and the relation between them. In this thesis I argue that populist discourse generate more engagement than non-populist discourse on social media, and that this effect is stronger for opposition and extreme parties. I provide empirical evidence for this by analyzing a dataset consisting of N=52837 Twitter posts from M=190 Swedish memb

The European Refugee Crisis and Services Trade in Greater Copenhagen

This paper analyzes trade in services’ vulnerability to exogenous shocks in order to contribute to the often-neglected area of international trade in services. It is accomplished by examining how Sweden’s border measures during the European refugee crisis affected services trade between Sweden and Denmark. The impact of the border measures is estimated with a difference-in-differences model: Swede

"Och problemen är många..." : En studie om hur arbetsmiljön för socionomer inom socialtjänsten beskrivs och framställs i media: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys utifrån sex stycken podcastavsnitt.

Authors: Angela Östlund and Cassandra Lindbladh Granberg Title: ”And the issues are numerous...” A study of the portrayal of social worker’s work environment in media: A qualitative content analysis of six podcast episodes. Supervisor: Ulrika Levander Assessor: Hans Knutagård This study follows a qualitative analysis procedure to investigate how social workers’, who works at the social services,

ESG Investing; Does it come with a Financial Sacrifice?

Sustainability issues have been a growing concern in recent years, and as a consequence, the demand for sustainable investments has drastically increased. When considering sustainable investments, common factors taken into account are Environmental, Social, and Governance aspects referred to as ESG. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the potential disparity in performance and invest

Citizen Dialogue in Urban and Rural Municipalities - A Study in Comparative Local Government

Citizen dialogue is an element of direct democracy that has been implemented within Sweden’s local governments since the start of the century. There is a significant difference in population size between the largest and smallest municipalities in Sweden. This thesis explored how urban and rural municipalities work with citizen dialogues. The purpose was to not only understand the functioning of di