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Arbetstagares integritet på arbetsplatsen

The issue of measures which are sensitive from a privacy perspective appears to be rather unregulated in Swedish law. Lately the question has been the subject of intense discussions and in 2008 a proposition of a future law is expected. At present time the current rules are found in the Personal Data Act, the law concerning general video surveillance and labour principles such as employer's su

EC Competition Policy on Compulsory Licensing of Intellectual Property Rights

Both competition law and intellectual property law are considered good for economic efficiency, but the interface between the two legal fields is, and probably always will be, a complex area of law, since these legal areas in one sense can be said to strive for the opposite things. Intellectual property rights are considered public goods, which mean that it is hard to prevent others from using the

Intergenerational equity - Protecting future generations through domestic action

The objective of this thesis is to explore the concept of intergenerational equity and study a number of different options for protecting future generations through domestic action. Intergenerational equity focuses on the relationship between people living today and generations still unborn. Problems of equity between generations are partially due to the distance between them. Future generations l

Juridiska föreningen, gudstjänster och marschmusik. En kritisk analys av Upphovsrättslagens reglering av framföranderätten

Enligt den svenska upphovsrätten har upphovsmannen ensamrätt att framföra sitt verk offentligt. Detta leder naturligtvis till gränsdragningsfrågan om vilka framföranden som enligt URL framförs offentligt och vilka som framförs privat. Utgångspunkten är att framföranden som inte sker inför en sluten krets skall räknas som offentliga. En krets dit vem som helst har tillträde eller kan skaffa sig til

Gränsöverskridande miljöskador - Några synpunkter angående Rom II

The regulation of the European parliament and the Council (EG) nr. 864/2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations is known as Rome II. Rome II contains a conflict rule in art. 7 which determines the law applicable to a claim involving environmental damages connected with more than one state. This conflict rule does not only apply to cases of damage to property and persons, but also

THE ICANN UDRP - Fairness and efficiency perspectives on the domain name dispute resolution policy.

The Internet is a unique medium never before seen and its introduction is probably only rivalled by that of television. It is unique in the sense that every person connected to the Internet has the possibility of interacting with other people across the globe simultaneously. The tools introduced to facilitate this interaction are IP-addresses and domain names. Domain names are connected to the IP-

Det personliga varumärket - en kritisk granskning av personliga varumärken

Nilsson, Emma & von Seth, Johanna (2010) Det personliga varumärket – en kritisk granskning av personliga varumärken. Författad vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds Universitet. Denna uppsats behandlar fenomenet personligt varumärke. Vi har belyst vad som gjort det personliga varumärket så pass viktigt i dagens samhälle, vilken roll Internet spelar i denna process och vilka id

Offer: Den teologiska sadomasochismen i Christine Falkenlands Trasdockan och Pauline Réages Berättelsen om O – en komparativ studie

Jag har gjort en komparativ studie av två litterära verk med masochistiska och sexuellt utlevande kvinnor som protagonister. På ytan är verken olikartade; Berättelsen om O är en erotisk klassiker där upplevelserna i huvudsak är positiva för protagonisten O själv, medan Trasdockan skildrar upplevelser som i huvudsak är destruktiva och negativa för protagonisten Ylva själv. Jag menar dock att under

Mobila applikationer som reklam

Abstract Title: Consumer perception of mobile marketing Institution: Department of Service Management, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University Level: Master’s degree Authors: David Zetterlund and Jonas Lörnell Supervisors: Jessica Enevold and Katja Lindqvist Issue: Mobile marketing is the fastest growing category of advertising right now. Mobile marketing allows direct-targeted advertising to users an

The prediction of conditional losses - an evaluation of univariate Value at Risk models

Engle (1982) explained in his classic paper what is meant by a "good" interval forecast. His main insight was that intervals should be narrow in tranquil times and wide in volatile times so that the times when the interval forecast fails are spread out over the sample and not come in clusters. On the basis of Engle's criterias, Christoffersen (1998) was the first to form a complete t

Screening för livmoderhalscancer versus ingen screening – en kostnadsnyttoanalys

Livmoderhalscancer är den näst vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor i Sverige idag. Varje år insjuknar ca 450 kvinnor i livmoderhalscancer och utav dem är det ungefär 150 kvinnor som dör av cancern. Sedan 1960-talet när screening för livmoderhalscancer infördes i Sverige har man varje år kunnat upptäcka cancer och cellförändringar på ett tidigt stadium vilket har räddat många kvinnors liv. Det na

The Trade Between the Virtual and the Real World: Buying and Selling Virtual Goods For Real Money

In this paper the trade of virtual items in online games for hard currency is analysed using economic theory. There are real welfare gains from trade but the game designer’s interests must be taken into account when deciding whether trade is desirable or not. Ricardo's Comparative Advantage and Hecksher-Ohlin Factor Proportion theories lead to conclusions about game design when trade is free.

Interleukin-17 as a drug target in human disease

Interleukin (IL)-17 (now synonymous with IL-17A) is an archetype molecule for an entire family of IL-17 cytokines. Currently believed to be produced mainly by a specific subset of CD4 cells, named Th-17 cells, IL-17 is functionally located at the interface of innate and acquired immunity. Specifically, it induces the release of chemokines and growth factors from mesenchymal cells and is now emergi

Violence, Sex or Work? Claims-making against the Swedish ban on the purchase of sexual services on the Internet

Internationally there is an on-going political struggle regarding whether to define prostitution as violence, sex or work. In Sweden, however, the national law that bans purchase of sexual services, by defining prostitution as violence against women, has strong support. The aim of this article is to identify and describe claims-making and mobilisation on the Internet against Swedish prostitution p

Decentralized LQG Control of Systems with a Broadcast Architecture

In this paper, we consider dynamical subsystems interconnected in a broadcast architecture. In the broadcast-out case, the root node can affect several leaf nodes, but the leaf nodes do not affect any other nodes. Each subsystem is locally controlled via output feedback, and the controllers can communicate according to a structure that parallels the dynamic coupling between subsystems. Explicit st

Optical properties of single coupled plasmonic nanoparticles

The electromagnetic (EM) coupling between metal nanoparticles (NPs) is of essential importance in nanoplasmonic systems, leading to a variety of fundamental studies and practical applications. The successive investigations in this field not only bring forward surprising optical effects in nanoplasmonics, but also allow revealing other novel chemical/physical properties in relevant systems. In this

Fetal pulmonary and cerebral artery Doppler velocimetry in normal and high risk pregnancy

Studies on fetal lung/brain circulation by means of power Doppler technique have suggested a marked reduction in lung perfusion in high-risk pregnancies as a sign of circulation redistribution. The ratio between lung/brain perfusion might therefore give a new method to predict fetal circulation centralization. Objective: The aim of the present study was to obtain fetal lung and cerebral artery rat

Regression Testing in Software Product Line Engineering

Software product line engineering is an approach to cost-efficiently derive tailored products to markets and customers, utilizing common components and services in a planned manner. Product lines have been applied to other engineering fields for decades, while being quite recently introduced in software engineering. For software product lines, productivity gains are mostly related to the developme