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Transposable elements mark a repeat-rich region associated with migratory phenotypes of willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus)

The genetic basis of bird migration has been the focus of several studies. Two willow warbler subspecies (Phylloscopus trochilus trochilus and Phylloscopus trochilus acredula) follow different migratory routes to wintering grounds in Africa. Their breeding populations overlap in contact areas or “migratory divides” located in central Scandinavia and in eastern Poland. Earlier analyses demonstrated

Condensed Supramolecular Helices : The Twisted Sisters of DNA

Condensation of DNA helices into hexagonally packed bundles and toroids represents an intriguing example of functional organization of biological macromolecules at the nanoscale. The condensation models are based on the unique polyelectrolyte features of DNA, however here we could reproduce a DNA-like condensation with supramolecular helices of small chiral molecules, thereby demonstrating that it

Academic developers developing : aspects of an expanding lifeworld

This text discusses the professional development of academic developers. It is based on the authors’ reflections and observations in the context of a semi-formal programme, Strategic Academic Development, held for academic developers in different regions of the world. Most recently the programme participants were academic developers in Singapore. In this text, we as authors share what we notice asThis text discusses the professional development of academic developers. It is based on the authors’ reflections and observations in the context of a semi-formal programme, Strategic Academic Development, held for academic developers in different regions of the world. Most recently the programme participants were academic developers in Singapore. In this text, we as authors share what we notice as

Problem Gambling and Problem Gaming in Elite Athletes : a Literature Review

Researchers have raised concerns about mental health in elite athletes, including problem gambling, where research hitherto is scarce. While gambling has been assessed in the younger student-athlete population, neither gambling nor the recently recognized behavioral addiction of gaming disorder has been sufficiently addressed in the elite athlete population. The present systematic literature revie

Advanced dental cleaning is associated with reduced risk of copd exacerbations – a randomized controlled trial

Purpose: Infections from the oral microbiome may lead to exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We investigated whether advanced dental cleaning could reduce exacerbation frequency. Secondary outcomes were disease-specific health status, lung function, and whether the bacterial load and composition of plaque microbiome at baseline were associated with a difference in outcom

Characterization of pre-analytical sample handling effects on a panel of Alzheimer's disease–related blood-based biomarkers : Results from the Standardization of Alzheimer's Blood Biomarkers (SABB) working group

Introduction: Pre-analytical sample handling might affect the results of Alzheimer's disease blood-based biomarkers. We empirically tested variations of common blood collection and handling procedures. Methods: We created sample sets that address the effect of blood collection tube type, and of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid plasma delayed centrifugation, centrifugation temperature, aliquot vol

Network Modeling and Performance Evaluation for is a gap-bridging broadband technology on the way to a fully optical access network. is deployed in hybrid fiber-copper access networks and aiming to offer ubiquitous low-cost and high-speed broadband. For network operators, it is crucial to determine the location from where to deploy, the expected network coverage, and the expected bit rates. In this paper, we perform network

Non-exacerbating patients with COPD from a UK perspective using the galaxy model

Introduction: Dual bronchodilators are recommended as maintenance treatment for patients with symptomatic COPD in the UK; further evidence is needed to evaluate cost-effectiveness versus monotherapy. Cost-effectiveness of umeclidinium/vilanterol versus umeclidinium and salmeterol from a UK healthcare perspective in patients without exacerbations in the previous year was assessed using post hoc EMA

Influence of smectite and salinity on the imaginary and surface conductivity of volcanic rocks

We investigate the complex conductivity behaviour of natural volcanic rocks containing variable amounts of smectite in multi-salinity experiments. We compare the results with relationships established for sandstones. Considering only samples with little volume of metallic particles, we observe similar and small phase-angles at low frequency for all samples at all salinities (less than 25 mrad at 1

The role of smectites in the electrical conductivity of active hydrothermal systems : Electrical properties of core samples from Krafla volcano, Iceland

The underground circulation of hot water, of interest for geothermal energy production, is often indirectly inferred from the presence of minerals formed by hydrothermal alteration at different temperatures. Clay minerals, such as smectite and chlorite, can be mapped from the surface using electrical soundings and give information about the structure of the geothermal system. Here, we investigate

Lifting with simple gadgets and applications to circuit and proof complexity

We significantly strengthen and generalize the theorem lifting Nullstellensatz degree to monotone span program size by Pitassi and Robere (2018) so that it works for any gadget with high enough rank, in particular, for useful gadgets such as equality and greater-than. We apply our generalized theorem to solve three open problems: •We present the first result that demonstrates a separation in proof

Introducing Norm Creative Perspectives in Engineering and Design Educations

The design of technologies, built environments, products, or services can result in inequalities, exclusion, and discrimination, possibly because designers–often unintentionally–reproduce social norms through their designs. This strongly relates to engineering and design educations, preparing future professionals and contributing to sustainable societies. The aim of this paper is to introduce and

The probabilistic model of Alzheimer disease : the amyloid hypothesis revised

The current conceptualization of Alzheimer disease (AD) is driven by the amyloid hypothesis, in which a deterministic chain of events leads from amyloid deposition and then tau deposition to neurodegeneration and progressive cognitive impairment. This model fits autosomal dominant AD but is less applicable to sporadic AD. Owing to emerging information regarding the complex biology of AD and the ch

CCM3 is a gatekeeper in focal adhesions regulating mechanotransduction and YAP/TAZ signalling

The YAP/TAZ transcriptional programme is not only a well-established driver of cancer progression and metastasis but also an important stimulator of tissue regeneration. Here we identified Cerebral cavernous malformations 3 (CCM3) as a regulator of mechanical cue-driven YAP/TAZ signalling, controlling both tumour progression and stem cell differentiation. We demonstrate that CCM3 localizes to foca

Systematic detection of functional proteoform groups from bottom-up proteomic datasets

To a large extent functional diversity in cells is achieved by the expansion of molecular complexity beyond that of the coding genome. Various processes create multiple distinct but related proteins per coding gene – so-called proteoforms – that expand the functional capacity of a cell. Evaluating proteoforms from classical bottom-up proteomics datasets, where peptides instead of intact proteoform

Extensive introgression and mosaic genomes of Mediterranean endemic lizards

The Mediterranean basin is a hotspot of biodiversity, fuelled by climatic oscillation and geological change over the past 20 million years. Wall lizards of the genus Podarcis are among the most abundant, diverse, and conspicuous Mediterranean fauna. Here, we unravel the remarkably entangled evolutionary history of wall lizards by sequencing genomes of 34 major lineages covering 26 species. We demo