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The Lund-Malmo creatinine-based glomerular filtration rate prediction equation for adults also performs well in children

Objective . To evaluate the clinical performance in a paediatric population of the Lund-Malmo creatinine-based glomerular filtration rate (GFR) prediction equations, primarily developed for adults. Material and methods . Iohexol clearance was used as the gold standard in 85 paediatric Caucasian patients (0.3-17 years; 37 F/48 M). One Lund-Malmo equation was based on age and gender (LM) and one inc

Improving student success in difficult engineering education courses through Supplemental Instruction (SI) – what is the impact of the degree of SI attendance?

The customary way to determine whether an adopted Supplemental Instruction (SI) program has been successful or not is by comparing course results for two groups, SI attendees and non-attendees. The division of SI attendees and non-attendees is generally done rather arbitrarily by prescribing a minimum number of SI sessions a student has to attend to be considered an SI attendee. Although the SI at

Quantification of mRNA in single cells and modelling of RT-qPCR induced noise

Background: Gene expression has a strong stochastic element resulting in highly variable mRNA levels between individual cells, even in a seemingly homogeneous cell population. Access to fundamental information about cellular mechanisms, such as correlated gene expression, motivates measurements of multiple genes in individual cells. Quantitative reverse transcription PCR ( RT-qPCR) is the most acc

Interactions between Predation and Resources Shape Zooplankton Population Dynamics.

Identifying the relative importance of predation and resources in population dynamics has a long tradition in ecology, while interactions between them have been studied less intensively. In order to disentangle the effects of predation by juvenile fish, algal resource availability and their interactive effects on zooplankton population dynamics, we conducted an enclosure experiment where zooplankt

Follow-up of Adolescents Born Extremely Preterm Cognitive Function and Health at 18 Years of Age.

Abstract Aim: To compare cognitive ability, school achievement and self-perceived health aspects in adolescents born extremely preterm and term born controls. Method: Fifty-two, out of 61, extremely preterm born adolescents (mean age 18.4 years) and 54 matched controls (mean age 18.3 years) born at full term were investigated; intelligence quotient was measured with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence

Iso-luminance counterillumination drove bioluminescent shark radiation.

Counterilluminating animals use ventral photogenic organs (photophores) to mimic the residual downwelling light and cloak their silhouette from upward-looking predators. To cope with variable conditions of pelagic light environments they typically adjust their luminescence intensity. Here, we found evidence that bioluminescent sharks instead emit a constant light output and move up and down in the

Jets in QCD media: From color coherence to decoherence

We investigate soft gluon radiation off a quark-antiquark antenna in both color singlet and octet configurations traversing a dense medium. We demonstrate that, in both cases, multiple scatterings lead to a gradual decoherence of the antenna radiation as a function of the medium density. In particular, in the limit of a completely opaque medium, total decoherence is obtained, i.e., the quark and t

Gender, Buddhism and Social Resilience in the Aftermath of the Tsunami in Thailand.

Abstract in UndeterminedThis paper addresses the recovery in Thailand after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The country worst affected by the tsunami was Indonesia, while in Thailand about 8,000 people were assumed dead. In all the countries affected more females were killed than males. Disasters test the strength of a society's structures and relationships, and this paper focuses on the interplay

Local environmental governance: Assessing proactive initiatives in building energy efficiency

Popular Abstract in Swedish Städer har kommit att framstå som alltmer drivande i arbetet med att ställa om till ett ekologiskt hållbart samhälle. Utöver att genomföra statliga direktiv eller fokusera på klassiskt kommunala uppgifter som fysisk planering eller renhållning, har kommunala politiker och tjänstemän alltmer kommit att driva en egen miljöpolitik på lokal nivå. Ett exempel är energi- och Local governments are increasingly taking the initiative in environmental governance. But can they make any difference in addressing current environmental challenges, which are becoming more and more global in scope? This PhD thesis explores and analyses the outcomes of proactive initiatives in the field of building energy efficiency, and the governance approaches taken. It addresses outcomes both

Regulation of enhanced cerebrovascular expression of proinflammatory mediators in experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage via the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway

Background: Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is associated with high morbidity and mortality. It is suggested that the associated inflammation is mediated through activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway which plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of delayed cerebral ischemia after SAH. The aim of this study was first to investigate the timecourse of altered expression of

Do drug transporter (ABCB1) SNPs and P-glycoprotein function influence cyclosporine and macrolides exposure in renal transplant patients? Results of the pharmacogenomic substudy within the symphony study

The function of the efflux pump P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and ABCB1 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) should be considered as important tools to deepen knowledge of drug nephrotoxicity and disposition mechanisms. The aim of this study is to investigate the association of C3435T, G2677T, C1236T, and T129C ABCB1 SNPs with Pgp activity and exposure to different immunosuppressive drugs in renal transp

Compton scattering from the deuteron below pion-production threshold

Differential cross sections for elastic scattering of photons from the deuteron have recently been measured at the Tagged-Photon Facility at the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden. These first new measurements in more than a decade further constrain the isoscalar electromagnetic polarizabilities of the nucleon and provide the first-ever results above 100 MeV, where the sensitivity to the polarizabi

Asthma incidence in children growing up close to traffic: a registry-based birth cohort

Background: Recent reviews conclude an association between traffic-related pollution and incidence of asthma in children, but not all studies agree. Studies have almost exclusively relied on parental-reported symptoms or parental-reported diagnoses of asthma and wheeze. Our aim was to investigate if traffic exposure is associated with higher incidence of early onset asthma, using registry-based ou

Comparative enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated spruce by supernatants, whole fermentation broths and washed mycelia of Trichoderma reesei and Trichoderma atroviride.

Cellulase and beta-glucosidase production on steam pretreated spruce (SPS) with Trichoderma reesei Rut C30, Trichoderma atroviride TUB F-1505 and TUB F-1663 was investigated. The enzymes were compared in term of activity, temperature optima and hydrolytic capacity. The T. atroviride cellulases proved to have lower temperature optima for filter paper activity (FPA) assay (50 degrees C) and for hydr

Variations in the pre-operative status of patients coming to primary hip replacement for osteoarthritis in European orthopaedic centres

Background: Total hip joint replacement (THR) is a high volume, effective intervention for hip osteoarthritis (OA). However, indications and determinants of outcome remain unclear. The 'EUROHIP consortium' has undertaken a cohort study to investigate these questions. This paper describes the variations in disease severity in this cohort and the relationships between clinical and radiographic sever

Solar Energy Conversion - Natural to Artificial

Photosynthesis is the process by which energy of light is converted into chemical energy by plants, algae and photosynthetic bacteria. For this, highly specialized pigment-proteins have evolved that capture the light and transform the short-lived excited states of pigment molecules into a stable transmembrane potential. By close scrutiny of organization and processes of the photosynthetic pigment

Anion mediated diversity in the nuclearity of nickel(II) complexes with a N2O donor Schiff base: Formation of a supra-molecular chain via Br center dot center dot center dot Br interactions

Two nickel(II) complexes, [Ni(L)(2)] (1) and [Ni-2(mu(1,1)-N-3)(2)(L)(2)(DMSO)(2)] (2) [where HL = 3-(methyl-amino)propyliminomethyl-4-bromophenol, a tridentate Schiff base], have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The deprotonated tridentate Schiff base occupies three coordination sites o

Global sensitivity analysis of the BSM2 dynamic influent disturbance scenario generator.

This paper presents the results of a global sensitivity analysis (GSA) of a phenomenological model that generates dynamic wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) influent disturbance scenarios. This influent model is part of the Benchmark Simulation Model (BSM) family and creates realistic dry/wet weather files describing diurnal, weekend and seasonal variations through the combination of different gene