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Kommunism och nazism en eller två historier?
Is Buddhism the low fertility religion of Asia?
BACKGROUND The influence of religion on demographic behaviors has been extensively studied mainly for Abrahamic religions. Although Buddhism is the world's fourth largest religion and is dominant in several Asian nations experiencing very low fertility, the impact of Buddhism on childbearing has received comparatively little research attention. OBJECTIVE This paper draws upon a variety of data sou
Queering school, queers in school: An introduction
Queer studies of education and research with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) kids, tightly connected to anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia and norm-critical activism, have become a growing field with a range of theoretical and political positions and methodological approaches. One of the key contentions within this field is what researchers and activists mean by “queer” in the
Genetic variation in PNPLA3 but not APOC3 influences liver fat in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Background and Aim: A recent study in Indian subjects suggested common variants in apolipoprotein C3 (APOC3) (T-455C at rs2854116 and C-482T at rs2854117) to contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), plasma apoC3 and triglyceride concentrations. Our aim was to determine the contribution of genetic variation in APOC3 on liver fat content and plasma triglyceride and apoC3 concentratio
A visual ergonomics intervention in mail sorting facilities: Effects on eyes, muscles and productivity.
Visual requirements are high when sorting mail. The purpose of this visual ergonomics intervention study was to evaluate the visual environment in mail sorting facilities and to explore opportunities for improving the work situation by reducing visual strain, improving the visual work environment and reducing mail sorting time. Twenty-seven postmen/women participated in a pre-intervention study, w
Measuring Professional Judgements: An Application of the Factorial Survey Approach to the Field of Social Work
The focus on this thesis is the factorial survey approach as a method for studying professional judgements in social work. The factorial survey approach, which was first introduced in the social sciences around the beginning of the 1980s, constitutes an advanced method for measuring human judgements of social objects. At the general level, this quasi-experimental approach involves presenting respo
Diabetes mellitus in Adults - Aspects of Incidence, Autoimmunity and C-peptide
Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes är en livslång kronisk sjukdom som före upptäckten av insulin 1922 ledde till döden inom 0-5 år från debuten vid ungdomsdiabetes, och inom ca 5-20 år vid åldersdiabetes. Användningen av insulin ändrade detta helt. Istället blev långtidskomplikationer ett hot som förkortade och påverkade livet. Förutom svåra infektioner handlar det om småkärlskomplikationer drabType 1 and type 2 diabetes increase worldwide, leading to a heavy burden of disease and its complications. All 1666 adults aged 18-100 years with new onset diabetes in Kronoberg during 3 years were registered, and type of diabetes classified by pancreatic autoantibodies and C-peptide. Annual incidences of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes were higher than previously described (27.1/100 000 and 378/1
Movement speed and exit choice in smoke-filled rail tunnels
An evacuation experiment including 100 individuals was performed inside a tunnel in order to study the effectiveness of different way-finding installations and to collect data on movement speeds and human behaviour. The participants took part in the experiment individually, and no group interactions were studied. The experiment tunnel was 200 m long and an emergency exit was located 180 m into the
Quasifreestanding single-layer hexagonal boron nitride as a substrate for graphene synthesis
We demonstrate that freeing a single-atom thick layer of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) from tight chemical bonding to a Ni(111) thin film grown on a W(110) substrate can be achieved by intercalation of Au atoms into the interface. This process has been systematically investigated using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, x-ray photoemission, and absorption techniques. It has been demonstra
Service Life Assessment of Harbor Structures - Case studies of chloride ingress into concrete and sheet piling corrosion rates
Popular Abstract in English The two most used building materials in harbor structures are undoubtedly steel and concrete. These two materials are often combined in the structures of wharfs and quays where most steel sheet pile walls have cap beams of reinforced concrete. The degradation processes of these structures must be taken into account both when designing new structures and when inspecting The two most used building materials in harbor structures are undoubtedly steel and concrete. These two materials are often combined in the structures of wharfs and quays where the steel sheet pile walls often have cap beams of reinforced concrete. The degradation processes of these structures must be taken into account both when designing new structures and when inspecting existing harbor structu
Surface proteins of Finegoldia magna interacting with the human host
Finegoldia magna is a Gram-positive anaerobe and a member of the normal human microflora. This bacterium is also an opportunistic pathogen and isolated from ~10% of all anaerobic infections. Reoccurring taxonomical changes and the anaerobic growth have contributed to the neglect of F. magna. The present thesis describes the identification and characterization of two novel surface proteins of F. ma
Personlig assistans i praktiken : Beredskap initiativ och vänskaplighet
Popular Abstract in Swedish Personlig assistans i praktiken Beredskap, initiativ och vänskaplighet Bakgrund, syfte och perspektivval Denna avhandling handlar om hur det går till att realisera personlig assistans, en insats för människor med omfattande funktionsnedsättningar. Serviceformen personlig assistans, som myntades av den amerikanska Independent Living –rörelsen i slutet av 1960 talet, uPersonal assistance is a user-directed service that was founded by a section of the disability movement, namely the American Independent Living movement, in the late 1960s. Today, the concept and ideology of personal assistance services (PAS) has spread worldwide, and constitutes a part of the support system for people with disabilities in many countries. The service differs from several other pub
Antibiotic stewardship challenges in the management of community-acquired infections for prevention of escalating antibiotic resistance
Community-acquired infections, including respiratory tract infections (RTIs) and urinary tract infections (UTIs), represent a major burden for most healthcare systems, partially due to ineffective or inappropriate antibiotic treatment leading to clinical failure, which often requires alternative antibiotics for cure. Appropriate antimicrobial use not only maximises clinical success in the treatmen
Total adiponectin does not predict cardiovascular events in middle-aged men in a prospective, long-term follow-up study
Aim. Plasma total adiponectin is a marker of insulin resistance, but its role in predicting cardiovascular events is unclear. We aimed to investigate the role of adiponectin as a predictor of cardiovascular risk in middle-aged men, and to describe the association between adiponectin and glucose metabolism. Methods. In this population-based prospective study of middle-aged men (n=3885), total adipo
Light Higgs bosons in phenomenological NMSSM
We consider scenarios in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric model (NMSSM) where the CP-odd and charged Higgs bosons are very light. As we demonstrate, these can be obtained as simple deformations of existing phenomenological MSSM benchmarks scenarios with parameters defined at the weak scale. This offers a direct and meaningful comparison to the MSSM case. Applying a wide set of up-to-date constra
Comparison of engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae and engineered Escherichia coli for the production of an optically pure keto alcohol.
In this study, the production of enantiomerically pure (1R,4S,6S)-6-hydroxy-bicyclo[2.2.2]octane-2-one ((-)-2) through stereoselective bioreduction was used as a model reaction for the comparison of engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae and engineered Escherichia coli as biocatalysts. For both microorganisms, over-expression of the gene encoding the NADPH-dependent aldo-keto reductase YPR1 resulted
No signs of progressive beta cell damage during 20 years of prospective follow-up of autoantibody-negative diabetes.
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are considered to be associated with different degrees of progressive beta cell damage. However, few long-term studies have been made. Our aim was to study the clinical course of 20 years of diabetes disease, including diabetes progression, comorbidity, and mortality in a prospectively studied cohort of consecutively diagnosed diabetic patients. Among all 233 patien
Diet, Health and Agriculture : The Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age Example of Abbekås, Southern Sweden
Diet and health during the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Scandinavia have never been under systematic study. Still, high statures have been reported from osteologists, statures that indicate good health. This article is based on a pilot study examining health changes in relation to dietary changes due to intensified agriculture and the possible Secondary Products Revolution as discussed by S