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Bog sites and wetland settlement during the Mesolithic: research from a bog in central Scania, southern Sweden
Bog sites and wetland settlement during the Mesolithic: research from a bog in central Scania, southern Sweden The bogs Agerods Mosse and Ronneholms Mosse with their total area of 12 km(2), form a north-westerly arm of the Ringsjon Basin of central Scania, in the southernmost part of Sweden. In the 1940s and 1970s excavations of Early Mesolithic sites around and within the bog Agerods Mosse were c
The potential role of isothermal calorimetry in studies of the stability of fresh-cut fruits
Attention is drawn to the feasibility of using high sensitivity isothermal heat conduction calorimetry to study metabolic responses of differently processed and stored fresh-cut fruit. The heat production of endogenous (tissue metabolism during 12 h of analysis at 10 degrees C for kiwifruit and strawberry) and exogenous (microbial growth during 18 d of analysis at 10 degrees C for cantaloupe) biol
Experimental Colonic Obstruction and Anastomotic Healing
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases world-wide. Most patients can be diagnosed, staged and treated by surgery in an elective setting. However, about one fifth of the patients will have an emergency presentation and in most cases due to malignant obstruction of the left colon. Immediate resection and anastomosis is feasible but carries a 3-fold higher risk of developing a
Radiation-Associated Angiosarcoma After Breast Cancer: High Recurrence Rate and Poor Survival Despite Surgical Treatment with R0 Resection
Secondary angiosarcoma of the breast is a rare but severe long-term complication of breast cancer treated with breast-conserving surgery and radiotherapy. We characterized a population-based cohort of patients with secondary angiosarcomas from two tertiary hospitals to investigate this complication with respect to surgical treatment and outcome. We identified 35 patients with a history of radiatio
Using non-linear methods to investigate the criterion validity of traffic psychological test batteries
Teaching medical ethics: what is the impact of role models? Some experiences from Swedish medical schools
The goal of the present study was to elucidate what influences medical students' attitudes and interests in medical ethics. At the end of their first, fifth and last terms, 409 medical students from all six medical schools in Sweden participated in an attitude survey. The questions focused on the students' experience of good and poor role models, attitudes towards medical ethics in general and per
Single-particle and collective excitations in Ni-63
A study of excited states in Ni-63 up to an excitation energy of 28 MeV and a probable spin of 57/2 was carried out with the Mg-26(Ca-48,2 alpha 3n gamma)Ni-63 reaction at beam energies between 275 and 320 MeV. Three collective bands, built upon states of single-particle character, were identified. For two of the three bands, the transition quadrupole moments were extracted, herewith quantifying t
FRAX (TM) and the assessment of fracture probability in men and women from the UK
A fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX (TM)) is developed based on the use of clinical risk factors with or without bone mineral density tests applied to the UK. Introduction The aim of this study was to apply an assessment tool for the prediction of fracture in men and women with the use of clinical risk factors (CRFs) for fracture with and without the use of femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD
Substance abuse and psychiatric co-morbidity as predictors of premature mortality in Swedish drug abusers a prospective longitudinal study 1970-2006
Background: Few longitudinal cohort studies have focused on the impact of substances abused and psychiatric disorders on premature mortality. The aim of the present study was to identify predictors of increased risk of drug related death and non drug related death in substance abusers of opiates, stimulants, cannabis, sedatives/hypnotics, hallucinogens and alcohol over several decades. Methods: Fo
Genetic variation of CYP2C19 affects both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic responses to clopidogrel but not prasugrel in aspirin-treated patients with coronary artery disease
The metabolic pathways leading to the formation of prasugrel and clopidogrel active metabolites differ. We hypothesized that decreased CYP2C19 activity affects the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic response to clopidogrel but not prasugrel. Ninety-eight patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) taking either clopidogrel 600 mg loading dose (LD)/75 mg maintenance dose (MD) or prasugrel 60 mg LD
Bone Marrow Transplantation Confers Modest Benefits in Mouse Models of Huntington's Disease.
Huntington's disease (HD) is caused by an expanded polyglutamine tract in the protein huntingtin (htt). Although HD has historically been viewed as a brain-specific disease, htt is expressed ubiquitously, and recent studies indicate that mutant htt might cause changes to the immune system that could contribute to pathogenesis. Monocytes from HD patients and mouse models are hyperactive in response
Selma Lagerlöf : Banbrytande författare blev nationalikon
Artikel om Selma Lagerlöf på grund av 100-årsjubiléet av hennes inträde i Svenska Akademin. Exposé över hennes liv och viktiga verk.
Genes regulating molecular and cellular functions in noninfectious nonallergic rhinitis
Background: Chronic noninfectious, nonallergic rhinitis (NINAR) is a complex syndrome with a principally unknown pathophysiology. New technology has made it possible to examine differentially expressed genes and according to network theory, genes connected by their function that might have key roles in the disease. Methods: Connectivity analysis was used to identify NINAR key genes. mRNA was extra
The Spatial Division of Talent in City Regions: Location Dynamics of Business Services in Copenhagen
The paper focuses on the location dynamics and spatial distribution of talent by workplace to provide evidence of the multiplicity of economic geographies of city regions. City regions are not just homogenous growth machines but complex urban landscapes. The economic growth and revitalisation of the city region and the rise of the knowledge economy, including the growth of advanced business servic
The Antimicrobial Peptide Cathelicidin Protects Mice from Escherichia coli O157:H7-Mediated Disease.
This study investigated the role of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin in Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection and subsequent renal damage. Mouse and human cathelicidin, CRAMP and LL-37, respectively, killed E. coli O157:H7 in vitro. Intestines from healthy wild-type (129/SvJ) and cathelicidin-knock-out (Camp(-/-)) mice were investigated, showing that cathelicidin-deficient mice had a thinner co
Bacterial growth and respiration responses upon rewetting dry forest soils: Impact of drought-legacy
Longer periods of drought and droughts of higher intensity are expected to become increasingly frequent with future climate change. This has implications for the microbially mediated turnover of soil organic matter (SOM), which will feedback to the global C cycle. In this study, we addressed the microbial dynamics underlying the pulse of respiration following rewetting of dry soil, and how the dro
Linear Precoders for Parallell Gaussian Channels with Low Decoding Complexity
Consider the transmission of complex-valued symbols over N parallell channels in additive white Gaussian noise. It is well known that linear precoding of the complex-valued data improves system performance (e. g. symbol error rate, information rate, MMSE, etc.) at a cost of increased decoding complexity at the receiver. This work constructs precoders that are constrained to have a decoding complex
Cystatin C Is Not Causally Related to Coronary Artery Disease.
Strong and independent associations between plasma concentration of cystatin C and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) suggests causal involvement of cystatin C.
Estimating the distribution of the G2 phase duration from flow cytometric histograms
A mathematical model, based on branching processes, is proposed to interpret BrdUrd DNA FCM-derived data. Our main interest is in determining the distribution of the G2 phase duration. Two different model classes involving different assumptions on the distribution of the G2 phase duration are considered. Different assumptions of the G2 phase duration result in very similar distributions of the S p