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How businesses strategize for sustainability and overcome barriers within different economic paradigms

Industrial society is the reason for the rising global ecological crisis, and companies are a primary contributor to this trend. To change this course, companies must transform along with society’s green transition. In the academic debate of economics and sustainability, various competing economic paradigms suggest how to steer society towards a sustainable transformation. Based on theoretical his

Smakfullt gränsöverskridande - e-handelsförsäljning av alkoholdrycker. Etableringens tillräcklighet i ljuset av Winefindermålet

Sveriges alkoholmonopol, som instiftades för att reglera alkoholförsäljningen för att främja folkhälsan, förändrades efter EU-inträdet 1995, vilket ökade tillgängligheten av alkohol och möjliggjorde fler leverantörer på marknaden. Efter ändringar i alkohollagen 2008 uppkom flera webbplatser för alkoholbeställningar med hemleverans. Rättsliga åtgärder från Systembolaget mot e-handelsföretaget WinefSweden's alcohol monopoly, established to regulate alcohol sales and promote public health, underwent changes following its entry into the EU in 1995, increasing alcohol accessibility and permitting more suppliers in the market. Amendments to The Alcohol Act in 2008 resulted in the emergence of various websites for alcohol orders with home delivery. Legal actions by Systembolaget against t

En skadlig kod eller ballistisk robot? Cyberoperationer i jus ad bellum

Uppsatsen undersöker cyberoperationer inom jus ad bellum-regimen, där reglerna återfinns främst uttryckta i FN-stadgan. Inom ramen för arbetet är cyberoperationer försök att ändra, störa eller förstöra datorsystem eller nätverk, alternativt information eller program på dessa, med ett politiskt intresse eller säkerhetsintresse. Användning av traditionella vapen exkluderas från definitionen. FrågesThis thesis explores cyber operations under the jus ad bellum-regime, where the rules primarily are expressed in the UN Charter. Cyber operations are for the purpose of this thesis understood as attempts to change, disrupt, or destroy computer systems or networks, alternatively, programs or information on them, whilst having a political or security interest. The use of traditional weapons is exclu

Barnets röst i vårdens korridorer - En komparativ studie om barns rätt till delaktighet i hälso- och sjukvården i Sverige och Danmark

Principen om självbestämmande återfinns i internationella rättskällor och även i Sverige och Danmarks nationella hälso- och sjukvårdsreglering. Den är central inom den medicinska rätten och innebär att innan undersökning eller behandling genomförs ska ett informerat samtycke inhämtas från patienten. Självbestämmanderätten konstateras vara obegränsad för en beslutskompetent vuxen patient. Hur starkThe principle of self-determination is found in international legal sources and in the national healthcare regulations of Sweden and Denmark. It is central in medical law and implies that before a medical examination or treatment is carried out, informed consent must be contained from the patient. The right to self-determination is unlimited for a decision competent adult patient. However, the str

Associations of MAFLD and MAFLD subtypes with the risk of the incident myocardial infarction and stroke

Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is a condition characterized by liver fat accumulation and metabolic abnormalities. Given the potential impact of MAFLD on patient health, it is important to understand its association with major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) such as myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke. In the prospective UK Biobank cohort, we sought to elucidat

Hepatic steatosis aggravates atherosclerosis via small extracellular vesicle-mediated inhibition of cellular cholesterol efflux

Background & AimsWhile it is recognized that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), how NAFLD affects the development and progression of CVD remains unclear and debatable. Hence, we aimed to determine the role of steatotic hepatocyte-derived small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) in foam cell formation and atherosclerosis progression.MethodssEVs

Development of innovative non-linear architectures for UV fiber lasers

This project has been performed within the Research and Development division of Bloom Lasers, located in Pessac, France. Bloom has strong expertise in developing high power ultraviolet fiber lasers. One of the key aspects that enables to obtain high ultraviolet power is to have an efficient nonlinear conversion module, which converts the Infrared into ultraviolet. The most relevant parameters that

Populism and populism studies Theories and contributions

In this chapter, we will lay the foundation for the case studies in the subsequent chapters. To this end, we will make explicit our understanding of populism, which links the individual contexts discussed in the remainder of this book. In this book, we define populism as a political strategy and/or practice, realised in discourse, that is based on a dichotomy between "the people", who are unified

Effect of targeted acetylation on wood–water interactions at high moisture states

Acetylation is a wood modification used to increase the durability. Although it is known that the wood moisture content is lowered, the exact mechanisms behind the increased durability are not known. However, since fungi need water in different locations for different purposes the location and state of water is most probably of importance in addition to the total moisture content. In a previous st

Constructing type-II CuInSe2/CuInS2 core/shell quantum dots for high-performance photoelectrochemical cells

CuInSe2 (CISe) quantum dots (QDs) have shown promising applications in photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells due to their nontoxicity, high extinction coefficient, and wide optical absorption range; however, their low PEC performance prevents their applications due to insufficient charge carrier separation and severe charge recombination. Herein, CISe/CuInS2 (CISe/CIS) core/shell structured QDs are des

III-V Devices for Emerging Electronic Applications

Today’s digitalized society relies on the advancement of silicon (Si) Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology, but the limitations of down-scaling and the rapidly increasing demand for added functionality that is not easily achieved in Si, have pushed efforts to monolithically 3D-integrate III-V devices above the Si-CMOS technology. In addition, the demand for increased computati

Vem svarar principalen för? - En kritisk studie om principalansvarets räckvidd i förhållande till plattformsarbetare

Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda huruvida plattformsarbetare omfattas av det utvidgade arbetstagarbegreppet i 6 kap. 5 § 3 skadeståndslagen (1972:207) i förhållande till arbetsgivarens principalansvar. Utredningen grundar sig i en rättsdogmatisk metod tillsammans med ett kritiskt och rättsekonomiskt perspektiv. GIG-tjänster eller plattformsföretag skapar flexibla arbetsformer, nya inkomstkällor The essay aims to investigate whether platform workers fall under the extended concept of an employee in Chapter 6, Section 5, Subsection 3 of the Swedish Compensation Act (Skadeståndslagen 1972:207) in relation to the employer's vicarious liability. The methodology employed in this essay is rooted in a legal doctrinal method, complemented by a critical and a legaleconomic perspective. GIG-ec

En sabbad demonstrationsfrihet? Om straffansvar för sabotage som begränsning av demonstrationsfriheten

Aldrig före 2022 har demonstranter dömts för sabotage, trots att bestämmel-sen har funnits sedan 1948. Att straffansvar för sabotage nu dömts ut mot aktivister har väckt debatt om hur lagstiftningen egentligen ska tillämpas. Även ett konstitutionellt perspektiv aktualiseras, eftersom domstolen tillämpar strafflagstiftningen på en situation där den tilltalade utövar sin grundlagsskyd-dade demonstraPrior to 2022, protesters had never faced convictions for sabotage, despite the provision existing since 1948. The imposition of criminal liability for sabotage on activists has sparked a debate on how the legislation should be applied. A constitutional perspective is also highlighted, as the court applies criminal law to a situation where the defendant is exercising their constitutionally protect

Sex and age differences in the patient-reported outcome measures and adherence to an osteoarthritis digital self-management intervention

ObjectiveTo explore sex and age differences in Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) and adherence to digital osteoarthritis (OA) self-management intervention.MethodsA register-based study with data from an OA digital self-management intervention. PROMs and adherence were collected at baseline and/or 3 ​month follow-up: ‘pain intensity’ in hip/knee (best/worst: 0–10), ‘activity impairments' (