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Hållbarhet och global hälsa

By highlighting four key emerging and persistent global health challenges: The unavoidable health impacts of climate change (heat-stress, extreme cold, flooding, rising incidence of vector borne-diseases) The prevailing sanitation crises (causing preventable deaths and disease outbreaks, contributing to the poverty trap, affecting economic output, polluting the environment) The global dietBy highlighting four key emerging and persistent global health challenges: The unavoidable health impacts of climate change (heat-stress, extreme cold, flooding, rising incidence of vector borne-diseases) The prevailing sanitation crises (causing preventable deaths and disease outbreaks, contributing to the poverty trap, affecting economic output, polluting the environment) The global diet

Matematik: Distributionsteori

Kursen behandlar distributionsteorins grunder, testfunktioner, distributionsbegreppet, distributioner med kompakt stöd, operationer på distributioner, faltning, homogena distributioner och Fouriertransformen.The course treats the foundations of distribution theory test functions, the concept of a distribution, distributions with compact support, operations on distributions, convolution, homogeneous distributions and the Fourier transform.

Matematik: Grupp- och ringteori

Kursen behandlar: Grupper: Konjugatklasser. Burnsides lemma med tillämpning på Polyaräkning.Sylows satser. Strukturen hos ändligt genererade abelska grupper. Ringar: Noetherska och Artinska ringar och moduler. Artin-Wedderburns sats. Ändligt genererade moduler över en huvudidealring med tillämpning på Jordans normalform. Lineär algebra: Multilineära avbildningar. Tensorproduct The course treats: Groups: Permutation groups. Burnside's lemma with application to Pólya arithmetic. Sylow's theorems. Symmetric and alternating groups. The structure of finitely generated Abelian groups. Rings: Noetherian and Artinian rings and modules. Artin-Wedderburn's theorem. Finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain with application to the Jordan's normal form of matri

Matematik: Fördjupningskurs till integrationsteori

Kursen behandlar grundläggande egenskaper hos mått med tecken och komplexamått: Hahn- och Jordanuppdelning, absolut kontinuitet och Radon-Nikodyms teorem, singularitet, Lebesgue-uppdelning av mått, deriverbarhet av ändliga Borel-mått på R^d, deriverbarhet av absolutkontinuerliga funktioner, Hardy-Littlewoods maximalfunktion och uppskattningar för densamma, Hardy-Littlewoods maximalfunkThe course treats basic properties of signed and complex measures: Hahn and Jordan decomposition, absolute continuity and the Radon-Nikodym theorem, singularity, Lebesgue decomposition of measures, differentiability of finite Borel measures on Rd, differentiability of absolutely continuous functions, the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function and the weak type estimate for it, the Hardy-Lit

Introduktion till synkrotronljusvetenskap

Kursen ger en introduktion till användningen av synkrotronljus och till användningen av högbriljant vakuumultraviolett- och röntgenstrålning. Kursen ger en beskrivning av uppbyggnaden av strålrör och en orientering om hur olika experiment utnyttjar en facilitet. En kort genomgång av synkrotronljusets betydelse för forskning inom fysik, kemi och biologi ges. Några exempel på metodik som fotonelektrThis course gives an introduction to the use of synchrotron radiation with different wavelengths. The design of beam lines and an introduction to different experiments at a synchrotron radiation facility is part of the course. The importance of synchrotron radiation for research in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology is discussed and examples are given of various experimental techniques (

Miljö- och hållbarhetsvetenskap: Metoder och verktyg - från kunskap till handling

Kursen ger deltagarna möjlighet att förbättra sina kunskaper och färdigheter inom hållbarhetsvetenskap genom en djupare förståelse av styrkorna och svagheterna med deltagande metoder. Kursen bygger på transformativt studentlärande där studenterna utvecklar kunskaper och färdigheter i problemlösningsprocesser för hållbarhet genom iterativa aktiviteter som idéskapande, reflektion, teoribildning, intThis course provides opportunities for participants to enhance their knowledge and skills in sustainability science through a deeper comprehension of the strengths and weaknesses of participatory methods. The course is based on transformative student learning whereby students develop knowledge and skills in sustainability problem solving processes through iterative activities such as idea generati

Vatten och hållbarhet

The themes are covered significantly through a variety of scientific readings and reflection that exemplify different approaches and perspectives for analysing and interpreting present and future water resource availability, the political ecology of water resource challenges, water-related vulnerability and adaptation measures, and uncertainties in climate modelling coupled to freshwater resourcesThe themes are covered significantly through a variety of scientific readings and reflection that exemplify different approaches and perspectives for analysing and interpreting present and future water resource availability, the political ecology of water resource challenges, water-related vulnerability and adaptation measures, and uncertainties in climate modelling coupled to freshwater resources

Miljö- och hållbarhetsvetenskap: Hållbarhet och inre omställning

As a result, the notion of inner transformation (or inner transition) has emerged as a new area of exploration. The course explores this new area and creates space and opportunities for learning and knowledge development on this topic. Inner transformation, as used here, describes changes in the sphere of human interiority related to people’s (expanded) consciousness, mindsets, values, and beAs a result, the notion of inner transformation (or inner transition) has emerged as a new area of exploration. The course explores this new area and creates space and opportunities for learning and knowledge development on this topic. Inner transformation, as used here, describes changes in the sphere of human interiority related to people’s (expanded) consciousness, mindsets, values, and be

Miljö- och hållbarhetsvetenskap: Resiliens och hållbar utveckling

The course deals with how theories about the resilience concept have developed within sustainability science. The course starts with a historical overview of the resilience concept within development- and sustainability science. The course then goes on to critically examine resilience as a concept and as an approach. Resilience has come to mean many things. There is for example, a resistance amonThe course deals with how theories about the resilience concept have developed within sustainability science. The course starts with a historical overview of the resilience concept within development- and sustainability science. The course then goes on to critically examine resilience as a concept and as an approach. Resilience has come to mean many things. There is for example, a resistance amon

Klimat och samhälle

About the course Climate Change and Society The course provides an interdisciplinary and state-of-the-art perspective on climate change with a particular emphasis on its social, economic, political and cultural dimensions. As a students you will receive a close understanding of the intertwined social and biophysical dynamics of both drivers and impacts of climate change, and of the different soluAbout the course Climate Change and Society The course provides an interdisciplinary and state-of-the-art perspective on climate change with a particular emphasis on its social, economic, political and cultural dimensions. As a students you will receive a close understanding of the intertwined social and biophysical dynamics of both drivers and impacts of climate change, and of the different solu

Produktion av fotoner och neutroner för vetenskap

Kursens mål är att studenter efter avslutad kurs skall ha förvärvat följande kunskaper och färdigheter: Kunna beskriva och förklara olika acceleratortyper och deras funktionssätt Kunna beskriva hur fotoner och neutroner produceras med hjälp av acceleratorer och leds till experiment Känna till och kunna beskriva andra foton-/neutronkällor och tillhörande kärnreaktioner Kunna diskutera ochIn this course, you will learn about different types of accelerators for the production of photons and neutrons for research. methods of producing photons with highly relativistic electron beams in combination with special magnets called undulators and the method of producing neutrons by letting a relativistic proton beam hit a target. the experimental stations, the experimenta

Agenda 2030 - Kunskap, uppföljning och ledarskap

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), was adopted by all the United Nations Member states in 2015 as a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity for all people. This course provides an interdisciplinary and state-of the-art perspective on Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development GoalThe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), was adopted by all the United Nations Member states in 2015 as a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity for all people. This course provides an interdisciplinary and state-of the-art perspective on Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goal

Miljövetenskap och hållbarhetsvetenskap: Examensarbete för masterexamen

The thesis should be a synthesis and further development of the knowledge and competences gained during the three terms of course work in LUMES on top of undergraduate studies. The thesis work should develop the student’s potential for professional sustainability work and/or for further research. The process puts great demands on the capacity to wThe thesis should be a synthesis and further development of the knowledge and competences gained during the three terms of course work in LUMES on top of undergraduate studies. The thesis work should develop the student’s potential for professional sustainability work and/or for further research. The process puts great demands on the capacity to w

Miljö- och hållbarhetsvetenskap: Ekonomi och hållbarhet

Kursen ger en översikt över ekonomiska teorier och ekonomisk tillväxt och analyserar deras miljömässiga och sociala konsekvenser, så som degradering av miljön eller inverkan på social välfärd och jämlikhet. Studenter utvecklar förmågan att kritiskt utvärdera implikationer från olika ekonomiska paradigm för transformativ förändring samt att kunna avväga deras respektive för- och nackdelar. Under kuThe course briefly reviews economic theories and economic growth and analyses their environmental and social consequences, for instance, environmental degradation, social welfare and equity. Students will develop competencies in critically assessing the implications of different economic paradigms for transformative change and weighing the trade-offs for each. During the course, students will: C

Genus och hållbarhet i teori och vardag

In the course we will discuss the broad field of gender studies and the central issues, key concepts and analytical tools in the current debates regarding inequalities, diversities and social change relevant for sustainability. The course draws on global, regional and local empirical examples to illustrate issues of how gender and sustainability interact. We will analyse similarities, differencesIn the course we will discuss the broad field of gender studies and the central issues, key concepts and analytical tools in the current debates regarding inequalities, diversities and social change relevant for sustainability. The course draws on global, regional and local empirical examples to illustrate issues of how gender and sustainability interact. We will analyse similarities, differences

Miljö- och hållbarhetsvetenskap: Hållbarhet och populärkultur

This increase of sustainability discourses in the daily practices of society might contribute to shifting the current unsustainable trajectory. For this course, popular culture is defined as the entirety of attitudes, ideas, images, perspectives, and other phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given Culture. The most common pop culture categories are: entertainment (movies,This increase of sustainability discourses in the daily practices of society might contribute to shifting the current unsustainable trajectory. For this course, popular culture is defined as the entirety of attitudes, ideas, images, perspectives, and other phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given Culture. The most common pop culture categories are: entertainment (movies,

Mediehistoria: Grundkurs

I undervisningen varvas föreläsningar med grupparbeten, diskussioner och redovisningar, baserade både i klassrummet och på vår digitala plattform Canvas. Du kommer att öva din förmåga att skriva och analysera i en egen blog, i papers och diskussionsforum på nätet. Tillsammans med dina kurskamrater kommer du att granska såväl historiskt källmaterial som sekundärlitteratur och träna dig i muntlig frThe teaching consists of lectures, seminars and exercises, carried out both in the classroom and at our digital platform Canvas. You will practise your skills in writing and analysing in your own blog, in papers and in digital forums. Together with your fellow students you will explore historical source material and secondary literature and improve your ability to make oral presentations. Course

Mediehistoria: Tidningar bland andra medier, 1600-1850

Kursen behandlar mediehistoriens grunddrag med tonvikt på 16-, 17- och första halvan av 1800-talet. De breda tematiska trådar som behandlas är framväxten av en medierad offentlig sfär och mediemarknader i relation till den växande industrikapitalismen. I synnerhet tittar vi närmare på muntliga och skriftliga nyhetsmedier, yttrandefrihet och censur, postsystemet och populärkultur i form av skillingThe module deals with the main outlines of Western media history with an a specific focus on the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries. The broad themes are the formation of a mediated public sphere and the emergence of media markets in relation to the growing industrial capitalism. In particular we take a closer look at oral and written news media, the freedom of speech and censorship, the postal s

Mediehistoria: Det moderna mediesamhällets framväxt, 1850-1940

Kursen följer framväxten av det moderna medielandskapet från mitten av 1800-talet fram till 1940-talet. I tematiskt fokus står den sammanvävda utvecklingen av nationella och transnationella medier såsom telegrafiska kommunikationssystem. Till exempel ser vi närmare på förändringarna i det sena 1800-talets press, hur tidningsmedarbetarna förvandlades från skribenter till professionella journalisterThe module traces the emergence of the modern media landscape, from mid-19th century until the 1940s. The thematic focus is the entangled development of national and transnational media such as telegraphic communication systems. For instance, we take a closer look at the changes of the late 19th century press industry, the transformation of the contributors to the press from literary men to journa

Utvecklingsstudier: Fältbaserad management

Det åligger studenten att identifiera, kontakta och säkra en praktik på en värdorganisation där båda parter överenskommer om studentens ansvar under praktiken i ett samförståndsavtal. Under kursen är studenten kontinuerligt engagerad i värdorganisationens aktiviteter och arbetar med uppgifter relaterade till studentens studier. Studenten vägleds och stöds av en handledare utsedd av värdorganisatiStudents identify, contact and secure a placement with the organisations in question themselves, with both parties developing an agreed Memorandum of Understanding that frames the student’s responsibilities during the placement. During the course, the student is continuously engaged in the activities of the host organization, working with tasks related to the student’s studies. The student is gui