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Silurian Carbonate Platforms of Gotland, Sweden - Archives of Local, Regional and Global Environmental Changes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna doktorsavhandling syftar till att identifiera och tolka förändringar i den marina miljön, avspeglade i Gotlands siluriska berggrund. Silurperioden (ca 444-416 miljoner år sedan) har traditionellt beskrivits som ett tidsintervall med ett varmt växthusklimat och hög global havsnivå med små miljömässiga förändringar i den marina miljön. Under det senaste decenniet haThis thesis treats the Silurian carbonate platforms of Gotland, Sweden, which formed close to the equator within the East Baltic Basin. Three different time intervals, all involving changes in facies composition and structure of the platforms, have been studied; Late Homerian, latest Homerian ? earliest Gorstian, and late Ludfordian, respectively. Two of the intervals, the Late Homerian and the la

Optimizing conventional cardiac MRI in the rabbit at 0.3 T

The aim of this study was to define the most efficient way of performing cardiac MRI for anatomic information in small experimental animals, using a vertical magnetic field with a strength of 0.3 T (FONAR beta-3000M). This information may be used to improve cardiac MRI in infants and small children, since the size of a rabbit is considered comparable to that of a neonate. Experimental axial cardia

Methodological aspects of flow cytometry DNA analysis in endometrial carcinoma, with special reference to sampling and reproducibility

Two adjacent paraffin-embedded sections manifested concordance in ploidy status in 96% of cases (45/47), and the standard deviation (SD) for SPF was 2.7%. Analysis of 'micro-heterogeneity', within a distance of < or = 700 microm, yielded results for concordant ploidy status in 94% of cases, and the SD for SPF was 1.9% (n = 17). Frozen and paraffin-embedded material yielded concordant results for p

Ett paradis för alla. Epa mellan folkhem och förförelse

Popular Abstract in Swedish ETT PARADIS FÖR ALLA. EPA MELLAN FOLKHEM OCH FÖRFÖRELSE I början av 1930-talet etablerades en ny form av konsumtion i Sverige när Enhetsprisaktibolaget Epa öppnade dörrarna för en hänförd och överväldigad allmänhet. Hörnstenar i Epa-systemet var fasta priser, massproducerade produkter, stora lagerutrymmen och låga leveranskostnader. Varorna var avsedda för en ny bred kA Paradise for All. Epa between the People's Home and Seduction. This dissertation is about the Epa department store chain, which existed in Sweden from 1930 to 1977. For many people, Epa was an arena for meeting modernity. By allowing issues of tradition and modernity, cultural learning processes, class, gender and aesthetics to collide with the Epa phenomenon, a complex picture of the Swedish P

Island-finding ability of marine turtles

Green turtles (Chelonia mydas) swim from foraging grounds along the Brazilian coast to Ascension Island to nest, over 2200 km distant in the middle of the equatorial Atlantic. To test the hypothesis that turtles use wind-borne cues to locate Ascension Island we found turtles that had just completed nesting and then moved three individuals 50 km northwest (downwind) of the island and three individu

Studies of protective actions of nicotine on neuronal and vascular functions in the brain of rats: comparison between sympathetic noradrenergic and mesostriatal dopaminergic fiber systems, and the effect of a dopamine agonist

Neuroprotective and possible trophic actions of nicotine were studied in two types of experimental models: (1) one in which the meso-striatal dopamine system was subjected to partial hemitransection, and regional glucose utilization (using 2-[3H]deoxyglucose) and blood flow (using [14C]iodoantipyrine) were measured by computer-assisted quantitative autoradiography based on a double-isotope techniq

A novel two-step extraction method with detergent/polymer systems for primary recovery of the fusion protein endoglucanase I-hydrophobin I.

Extraction systems for hydrophobically tagged proteins have been developed based on phase separation in aqueous solutions of non-ionic detergents and polymers. The systems have earlier only been applied for separation of membrane proteins. Here, we examine the partitioning and purification of the amphiphilic fusion protein endoglucanase I(core)-hydrophobin I (EGI(core)-HFBI) from culture filtrate

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a survey of practice in Scandinavia

There is no consensus on the treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), and practice seems to vary between centres. The main purpose of the present study was to survey current practice in Scandinavia. Thirteen paediatric surgical centres serving a population of about 22 million were invited, and all participated. One questionnaire was completed at each centre. The questionnaire evaluated

Urban Design and Space Use. A Study of Dar es Salaam City Centre.

Albeit there is a general consensus that urban design in the twentieth century failed in relation to space use, systematic research on this aspect has been very limited or at most inadequate in the developing countries. This study focuses on the above failure of urban design in this century with specific reference to the developing countries through an analysis of Dar es Salaam city centre, Tanzan

Synthesis, Function, and Inactivation of Blood Coagulation Factor V.

Blood coagulation factor V (FV) is a 330 kDa plasma glycoprotein. Activated FV (FVa) is a non-enzymatic cofactor to activated Factor X in the activation of prothrombin that occurs during coagulation. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of the quantitative FV deficiency associated with the FV R2 haplotype (a common genetic variant in several populations), four missense mutations identified in

Calcification and cellularity in human aortic heart valve tissue determine the differentiation of bone-marrow-derived cells

Human bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are responsible the remodeling of human tissue. However, damaged aortic valves are lack the ability to regenerate which is an active cell-mediated process. Diseased aortic valve remodeling has similarities even to bone formation. In this study, the prerequisites for cultured MSCs to undergo osteoblastic differentiation on aortic valves were ex

Superdeformation in Tc-91

A high-spin rotational band with 11 gamma -ray transitions has barn observed in Tc-91. The dynamical moment of inertia as well as the transition quadrupole moment of 8.1(-1.4)(+1.9) eb measured for this band show the characteristics of a superdeformed band. However, the shape is more elongated than in the neighbouring A = 80-90 superdeformed nuclei. Theoretical interpretations of the band within t