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Arbiter and Simulation for Team Caltech in DARPA Grand Challenge

Abstract I would like to thank my mentor Richard Murray at the Control and Dynamical Systems Department of California Institute of Technology (Caltech) for giving me the opportunity of conducting my master's thesis at Caltech and for his support during the project. I would also like to thank my other mentor Anders Rantzer at the Department of Automatic Control of Lund Institute of Technology u

Underwater Locomotion of Swimming Cylinders

The object of this thesis is to explore of a planar, almost circular amoeba, can move efficiently in an inviscid fluid. We investigate a homogenous amoeba and a heterogeneous amoeba and find that motion is possible for both using the physical fact that more work is needed when moving a bulky body in a fluid than when moving a small body of the same mass. For our calculations to be valid only small

State of Charge Observer for Hybrid Vehicles

As a part of a research project, AB Volvo Technological Development is investigating the properties of traction batteries of different types. The aim is to find a suitable energy storage for electric/hybrid vehicles. This master thesis examines the possibility of using a non-linear model of a traction battery to construct a device that accurately estimates the battery State of Charge (SoC) under

Introduction of Adaptive Active Filters in HVDC Systems

When converting electric power from AC to DC, a 12-pulse converter is often used. Unfortunately, the converter creates harmonics superimposed on the DC voltage. These are removed by filters. A passive filter is normally used, but active filters may be added for improved performance. However, the drift in component values due to fluctuations in temperature and the change in load, makes it difficult

Implementering av en fuzzyregulator

The report refers to a master thesis project which has been done at SattControl AB and the Institute of Technology in Lund. The purpose of the project was to implement a fuzzy controller in SattLine, a new system of SattControl.

Självinställare baserade på gradientmetoder

The report presents a scheme for self-tuning regulators based on gradient methods. The feasibility of the scheme is studied in some special cases. The scheme is used together with different estimation techniques such as extended least squares (ELS) method and indirect estimation using a one to one correspondance with the regulator parameters. The method is illustrated using simulations of two diff

Neutralitet i det offentliga rummet? - Negativ religionsfrihet i förändring

Syftet med denna uppsats är att, med användning av ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv, rättsdogmatisk metod och komparativ metod, besvara i vilken utsträckning Europadomstolens praxis gjort avtryck på svensk rättsutveckling på religionsfrihetens område. Religionsfriheten har en positiv och en negativ sida. Den positiva sidan innebär en rätt att ha och utöva sin religion, och den negativa en rätt att The aim of the Essay is, using a historical perspective, traditional judicial method and comparative method, examine whether the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights (henceforth the ECHR) have influenced Swedish law in the field of freedom of religion. Freedom of religion have both a positive and a negative side. The positive side contain a right to have and practice a religion whereas