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Your search for "*" yielded 532771 hits

Dynamic Pictures in Sampled Data Systems

This Master Thesis Project presents an interactive program intended to be used in a course in Digital control, given by the Department of Automatic Control at Lund Institute of Technology. This application is supposed to give the students a good comprehension of sampled data systems. The areas that are covered are sampling, aliasing, observability, parameter sensitivity, PID-control, pole placemen

Modeling of Multibody Systems in Omola

A library of Omola models for modeling and simulation of mechanical multibody systems in three dimensions has been developed. It contains common basic mechanical components such as springs and joints of different kinds. Omola is an object-oriented modeling language and supports flexability. The modularization and inheritance concepts supports easy modification of models. The library contains abstr

Window Based Handling of Image Hardware

Window based interactive software systems can be used to create very user friendly interface e.g. to image processing libraries, and hence to image processing hardware. A system has been implemented, where standard "off the shelf" products that are commercially available from different companies have been used. The use of readily available components greatly simplifies the implementation

Temperatur och flödesreglering av infusionsvätska vid hemofiltration

This master thesis is about the regulation of temperature and flow of a steaming fluid when it passes through a heater. There are problems with the present regulation of temperature when the flow rate varies. The study has dealt with two control methods to regulate temperature and flow of the infusion fluid. These methods are different from the method to date. The first method is based on the fa

Pulsbreddsmodulering av styrsignal till DC-motor

The purpose of this work was to investigate if the choice of frequency, on a pulse width modulated control signal to a DC motor, might influence the behaviour of the system, as wall as to see how the system reacts in connection with the controlling by means of such a signal. I came to the conclusion that the frequency was not critical seen from the system's point of view, but should be chosen

Stridsåtgärder mot kollektivavtalsbundna arbetsgivare – en studie om möjliga begränsningar av stridsrätten med utgångspunkt i konflikten i Göteborgs hamn

På den svenska arbetsmarknaden råder den s.k. ”svenska modellen”. Modellen kännetecknas av en hög organisationsgrad bland arbetstagare och arbetsgivare samt att kollektivavtal används för att reglera anställningsförhållanden. Arbetsmarknadens parter är självständiga och ges stor möjlighet att lösa inbördes konflikter utan statlig kontroll och med minimal arbetsrättslig lagstiftning. Rätten att vidThe Swedish Labor Market Model (also known as the "Swedish model") is characterized by a high degree of organization among employees and employers, and collective agreements are used to regulate employment relationships. The labor market parties are independent and are to a large extent given rights to resolve inter-conflicts without government intervention and with minimum labor law reg

Socionomen - den hjälpande handen : En kvalitativ undersökning kring hur yrkesverksamma socion o mer förstår sin yrkesidentitet

Authors: Jessica Bjurberg & Anna Engblom Title: Social Worker – the helping hand A qualitative study how active social workers experience their professional identity. Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren Assesor: Janicke Andersson The purpose of our study was to investigate how active social workers experience their professional identity. The method used for this investigation was semi-structured

Kan allmän plats tas i anspråk utan ersättning?

Fram till 1 januari 2015 hade länsstyrelsen möjlighet att besluta om ”113-förordnande” enligt 6 kap. 5 § PBL. 113-förordnandet innebar att kommunen kunde ta mark i anspråk utan ersättning om det ansågs skäligt med hänsyn till den nytta som exploatören förväntades få av planens genomförande och till omständigheterna i övrigt. Hur mark för allmän plats ska värderas och ersättas regleras i 4 kap. 3a Until 1st of January 2015, the county administrative board could decide on “113-regulation” according to Ch. 6 Art. 5 Planning and Building Act. The regulation meant that the municipality could claim land for public spaces without compensation if it was fair considering the benefit expected to be achieved by the planer's implementation and the circumstances in general. How public space is to b

Optimal inflation? -Inflation-tillväxtrelationen omprövad

This study reconsiders the consensus regarding low inflation being optimal for economic growth. By studying four industrialized countries over a longer period of time (1870-2016) deflation data is taken into account, something previous research has ignored. The empirical result rejects the two percent inflation target set by many central banks. While the model suggests that optimal inflation for G

Vilken konfatyp är du? : den postmoderna kyrkan i ett individualiserat samhälle

Den här uppsatsen, med titeln "Vilken konfatyp är du? Den postmoderna kyrkan i ett individualiserat samhälle", är författad av Marcus Enochsson vid institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds universitet, under vårterminen 2018. Uppsatsen består av en fallstudie, i form av en analys av Svenska kyrkan Västerås’ webbplats. Syftet är att undersöka på vilket sätt Svenska kyrkans fyra,

“The War for the Imagination” : Author Representations of the UK Public Library Service in an Age of Austerity

This study explores author texts on public libraries in the United Kingdom between the years 2010 and 2018. The texts appear in a national public debate about the value, purpose and direction of the library service following a significant number of library closures and funding cuts. These were the result of the global financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 and the subsequent implementation of the auste

Artificiella intelligenta vapensystem utmanar folkrätten - en studie av reglering kring autonoma dödliga vapensystem

Under de senaste åren har experter inom artificiella intelligenta området uttryckt sina åsikter om framtidens autonoma dödliga vapensystem, som inte ännu finns. De menar att det finns en grundad anledning förbjuda sådana vapen. Med bakgrund av den kritiken som artificiella dödliga vapensystem har bemött, finns det en intressant aspekt att undersöka reglering kring autonoma dödliga vapensystem. SOver the last years has researchers on the artificial intelligence expressed their opinions about the lethal autonomous weapon systems, even if they do not even exist. They deem that there is a based motive to prohibit that kind of weapons. In the light of the criticism made against the lethal autonomous weapon systems, there is an interesting aspect to look into regulation on these weapons. The