WELL- Certifieringen i praktiken
Titel: WELL- certifieringen i praktiken Författare: Amanda Khouri & Mohammad Almushref Denna rapport analyserar WELL-certifieringen. Rapporten undersöker problemformuleringarna: Hur fungerar WELL- certifiering och vad baseras den på? Hur upplevs WELL- certifieringen hos brukare? Hur kan WELL- certifieringen anpassas för att passa det svenska samhället bättre? Inledningsvis beskrivs kort Title: WELL-certification in practice Authors: Amanda Khouri & Mohammad Almushref This report analyzes the WELL certification. The report examines the problem formulations: How does WELL certification work and what is it based on? How is WELL certification experienced by users? How can WELL certification be adapted to better suit Swedish society? Initially, the need for the certification i