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Synthesis and Photophysics of One Mononuclear Mn(III) and One Dinuclear Mn(III,III) Complex Covalently Linked to a Ruthenium(II) Tris(bipyridyl) Complex
The preparation of donor (D)-photosensitizer (S) arrays, consisting of a manganese complex as D and a ruthenium tris(bipyridyl) complex as S has been pursued. Two new ruthenium complexes containing coordinating sites for one (2a) and two manganese ions (3a) were prepared in order to provide models for the donor side of photosystem II in green plants. The manganese coordinating site consists of bri
Knappt var tredje damernas. Fungerar medierna som en demokratisk mötesplats?
”Historia à la Hollywood – Steven Spielberg i pulpeten”
A text that sees the American film director Steven Spielberg as an audiovisual lecturer of history. In the analysis how Saving Private Ryan depicts the past, aesthetic and technical considerations are dealt with at the same time as more general and historiographic topics are problematized.
The creative world of middle childhood : Creativity, imagination, and self-image from qualitative and quantitative perspectives
Popular Abstract in Swedish Inledning Kreativitet kan definieras på många olika sätt. I denna avhandling definieras kreativitet som ”ett generativt eller produktivt nytt sätt att uppleva verkligheten och sig själv på”, vilket är en något modifierad version av Smith och Carlssons (1990) kreativitetsdefinition. Det produktiva sättet att se på verkligheten uppkommer just av att man kan rekonstruera Four studies on creativity, imagination and self-image in 10-year-old children constitute the basis of this dissertation. A total of 179 participants were involved. Study I investigated two new creativity measurements comprising The Drawing Task, which had its starting-point in a brief story, and The Activity Questionnaire, which included questions about the children’s spare time activities. The h
Source Localization Using Virtual Antenna Arrays
Using antenna arrays for direction of arrival (DoA) estimation and source localization is a well-researched topic. In this paper, we analyze virtual antenna arrays for DoA estimation where the antenna array geometry is acquired using data from a low-cost inertial measurement unit (IMU). Performance evaluation of an unaided inertial navigation system with respect to individual IMU sensor noise para
NMR Self-Diffusion Studies and Stability Studies of Emulsions
The aim of this study is to characterize emulsion systems by self-diffusion PGSE NMR methods. The specifics of the emulsions studied are all taken from the literature and they are of the W/O or O/W type stabilized with different emulsifiers. We have investigated what characteristics of emulsions that the NMR self-diffusion technique can shed light on. The diffusion behavior of the liquid inside th
LTE Over Copper - Potential and Limitations
The densification of mobile networks in order to meet increased capacity demands is ongoing, needed and costly. A few papers have been published based on the insight that the fixed broadband networks offer a multitude of sites, for instance our homes, for potential small cell deployment providing backhaul capacity and power without site costs. However, in order to reach economical large-scale bene
Gränser som förenar – ett grundmotiv i postjugoslavisk film
Texten tar upp gränsmotivet i jugoslavisk film, framför allt genom att lyfta fram två filmer, Innan regnet faller (Pred Dozhdot, Mancevski, 1994) och Ingenmansland (Nicija zemlja, Tanovic, 2001). Dessutom diskuteras begrepp som jugoslavisk och postjugoslavisk film.
Experiences from apartment buildings as passive houses in Sweden.
Modelling compound intonation in Dala and Gotland Swedish
Human Factors and Sustainable Development - Some Lessons from Human Factors and Safety Management
Mankind is already spending beyond the capacity of its planet and trends look very scaring. Big changes in human behaviour are urgent. As pointed out by others there are many ways how Ergonomics/Human Factors/ could contribute to such changes. The aim of this paper is to discuss some lessons learnt from safety performance in aviation and trans¬formed to sustainability, especially the concepts sust
Gas Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis for an Anode Duct in Reduced Temperature SOFCs
In this study, a fully three-dimensional calculation method has been further developed to simulate and analyze various processes in a thick anode duct. The composite duct consists of a porous layer, the flow duct and solid current connector. The analysis takes the electrochemical reactions into account. Momentum and heat transport together with gas species equations have been solved by coupled sou
Produktionsteknisk utbildning för morgondagens ingenjörer- Industrins behov och högskolans lösning
Sweden : Changing Party Relations in a More Active Parliament
Abstract is not available
Amperometric Biosensors for Detection of Analytes in Cellular Models
Various biological problems such as disease mechanisms, drug development and toxicological studies motivated the introduction of cellular models that today also represent an alternative for reducing the use of animals in controversial medical and pharmaceutical experiments. Cells are complex matrices where several processes occur simultaneously. Because of this, analytical methods with specific p
Polarization patterns of the twilight sky.
Combustion Bowl Heat Transfer Analysis in Diesel and PPC Engines
Popular Abstract in Swedish Transporter är viktiga för ett fungerande samhälle, men samtidigt innehåller avgaserna från en förbränningsmotor farliga utsläpp som förorenar vår miljö. Kan vi på något sätt hindra att miljön blir förstörd av farliga utsläpp genom förbättrad motordesign? Frågan om global uppvärmning har varit vid liv enda sedan IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) grundadeThis thesis concerns a numerical investigation on heat transfer in internal combustion engines, with the aim of increasing engine efficiency. The efficiency gains are to be extracted from reduced heat transfer losses, by increasing the knowledge on how the heat transfer process is affected by various hardware and operational parameters in the engine. The engines concerned are both conventional die
Mycorrhiza and carbon flow to the soil
The current extent of knowledge on the supply of carbon compounds to mycorrhizal roots and mycelia, and their subsequent distribution and cycling within the soil ecosystem is reviewed. The carbon requirements of different mycorrhizal fungi are discussed and carbon transfer from host root tissue to the fungal biomass is considered in relation to available information on the amounts and types of com
Comparison Between Measured and Computed Structural Response of Some Reinforced Concrete Colums in Fire
This paper is the first result of recently commenced cooperation in structural fire engineering research between the Lund Institute of Technology, and the Fire Research Department of the Technical University of Brunswick. The goal of the project is to develop improved calculation methods based on more reliable behaviour models of concrete and steel. Fox this reason tests on columns carried out at