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Interstitial transition atom impurities in silicon: electronic structure and lattice relaxation

Both the electronic structure and the `breathing-mode' relaxation for tetrahedral interstitial 3D transition atom impurities in silicon are studied in the local-density approximation. The calculations show that although the interstitial 3d impurities constitute a very large perturbation locally, they interact rather weakly with the surrounding crystal in the sense that they perturb the spatial dis

Family Structure and Declining Sex Ratios in Rural India

This article builds on the recognizition that the declining child sex ratios in rural India are a result of an ongoing process of social change. It looks at areas both in the north and in the south which have shown significant decline in the child sex ratio between 1991 and 2001. In order to understand why the lives of female children are at risk and why there is an increasing discrimination again

The Source of Jus Cogens Obligations: How Legal Positivism Copes with Peremptory International Law

If legal positivists wish to sustain their account of the international legal system, arguably, they have yet to explain how jus cogens obligations can derive from the usual norm-creating processes recognized by international law. This article provides such an explanation exactly. The explanation builds on the distinction between first order rules of jus cogens (commanding or prohibiting some cert

Local Polynomial Regression with Application on Lidar Measurements

This thesis deals with the problem of estimating a function or one of its derivatives from a set of measurements, mainly of a bivariate or spatial nature which is so common in environmental applications. In this work particular attention has been on the lidar (light detection and ranging) application which is a versatile technique for measurement of among other things atmospheric trace gases. In l

The Evaluability Hypothesis : The Syntax and Semantics of Polarity Item Licensing in Swedish

This dissertation is concerned with the empirical and theoretical aspects of polarity item licensing in Swedish. I argue that polarity items are semantically sensitive to evaluability, a concept that refers to the possibility of accepting or rejecting a clause as true in a communicative exchange. Clauses are either evaluable or non-evaluable. According to the present hypothesis, non-evaluable clau

Review of This one moment: Skills for everyday mindfulness.

Reviews the video, This one moment: Skills for everyday mindfulness by M. M. Linehan (2003). Marsha Linehan is well known as the developer of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), a comprehensive treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD). In "This One Moment," Linehan explains, with easy-to-follow and creative examples, how to be more fully in the present. She divides her instructions into

COPD and the risk of tuberculosis--a population-based cohort study.

BACKGROUND: Both chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and tuberculosis (TB) primarily affect the lungs and are major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. COPD and TB have common risk factors such as smoking, low socioeconomic status and dysregulation of host defence functions. COPD is a prevalent co-morbid condition, especially in elderly with TB but in contrast to other diseases k

The Tree Theme Method(®) (TTM), an occupational therapy intervention for treating depression and anxiety: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial.

Depression and anxiety disorders are increasing among the general population in the Western world. Individuals may need several kinds of treatment in order to maintain health, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and drug treatment. However, having an everyday life that "works" is also important, suggesting a need for interventions based on activities that facilitate a satisfying everyday l