"Vinden blåser vart den vill"
Short review of a new Swedish edition of "Notes sur le cinématograph" by French filmmaker Robert Bresson (1975).
Short review of a new Swedish edition of "Notes sur le cinématograph" by French filmmaker Robert Bresson (1975).
Gymnasiets projektarbete vållar ofta mycket huvudbry för lärare. På IYPT.org läggs varje år ut 17 nya problem som lämpar sig för samarbete mellan fysiker och gymnasieskolor.
The results of an extensive search for short and moderate length polynomial convolutional encoders for time-invariant tail-biting representations of block codes at rates R=1/4, 1/3, 1/2, and 2/3 are reported. The tail-biting representations found are typically as good as the best known block codes
Mechanical load through physical activity has been shown to be one of the best stimuli to increase the bone strength. This effect of mechanical load accounts for both the accrual of bone mineral and structural skeletal adaptations. Exercise prescription also includes a "window of opportunity" in the late pre- and early peri-pubertal period, where exercise is supposed to insert the most obvious ben
Objective. To describe the feasibility of robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy for unfavorably localized myomas using the da Vinci surgical system. Design. Prospective observational. Setting. University hospital. Method. Between April 2006 and March 2008, a robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy was performed on 13 women selected for having deep intramural myomas with probable impact on fertilit
BACKGROUND: Huntington’s Disease (HD) is a hereditary, progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterised by both neurological and systemic symptoms. In HD, immune changes can be observed before the onset of overt clinical features raising the possibility that immune markers in plasma could be used to track disease progression. It has previously been demonstrated that a widespread, progressive i
The one-dimensional inverse scattering problem for inhomogeneous lossy media is considered. The model problem involves electromagnetic wave propagation in a medium of unknown thickness with spatially varying conductivity and permittivity. Two inversion algorithms are developed in the time domain using data obtained from normally incident plane waves. These algorithms utilize reflection data from b
BACKGROUND: In order to determine myocardial salvage, accurate quantification of myocardium at risk (MaR) is necessary. We present a validated novel automatic segmentation algorithm for quantification of MaR by myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) in patients with acute coronary occlusion. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients with coronary occlusion were injected with a perfusion tracer before re
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Patients with uncharacteristic inflammatory symptoms such as long-standing fatigue or pain, or a prolonged fever, constitute a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The aim of the present study was to determine if an extended immunophenotyping of lymphocytes and monocytes including activation markers can define disease-specific patterns, and thus provide valuable diagnostic i
Inledning till tema intersektionalitet I inbjudan till detta temanummer skrev den svenska redaktionen att nordisk rättsvetenskaplig forskning under de senaste decennierna allt mer har uppmärksammat olika maktrelationer i förhållande till rätten, men att interaktioner mellan olika maktrelationer inte har analyserats i någon större utsträckning. Däremot har genusvetenskaplig forskning behandlat int
This is the first study indicating an association between gradually diminished risk of fractures and years of increased physical activity. Our results could imply great benefits not only for the individual but also for the healthcare burden and cost of society.