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Rheological characterization of creams and prediction of stability

- Kan man förutse en kräms hållbarhetstid utifrån dess tjocklek? I detta examensarbete har de reologiska- och texturegenskaper undersökts hos två typer av krämer, en med Cetostearylalkohol som förtjockare, och en med ett mer naturligare alternativ som Xanthan Gum, samtidigt som stabiliteten hos dessa två krämer har undersökts under längre tidsperiod. Att utveckla nya läkemedel är en tidskrävandeThe aim of this project was to develop analytical methods for characterizing rheological behavior of creams. The rheological methods of shear ramp, thixotropy, amplitude sweep, and frequency sweep, as well as texture analysis were initially developed at LTH and later transferred to Galenica. For this project two series of emulsions were formulated and used as test subjects for these methods. One u

Klimatberäkning av Pålsjö Äng - En jämförelse mellan beräkningsmetoder

Miljö- och klimatpåverkan är idag centralt inom byggbranschen. För att uppnå de globala och nationella mål som existerar krävs fler åtgärder för att minska byggsektorns klimatpåverkan. Byggsektorn står idag för cirka 21 % av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser. Klimatberäkningar är ett sätt att uppmärksamma aktörer på den klimatpåverkan branschen utgör och öka motivationen till förändring. I dThe environmental and climate impact are today central within the building sector. To meet the global and national emission goals more actions need to be taken to reduce the impact of the building sector which is responsible for 21% of Sweden’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Climate calculations are a great step in the right direction to draw attention to the impact a building has on the environm

The Shift Towards Flexible Workplaces

Den här studien ämnar att undersöka relationen mellan ett varumärkes attraktionskraft och ett arbetsgivarvarumärkes individuella dimensioner - specifikt gällande möjligheten för potentiella arbetstagare att arbeta flexibelt; helt, eller delvis på distans. Covid-19 har dramatiskt förändrat människors liv världen över, därför är målet att observera hur den här ändringen har påverkat hur studenter seThe purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between brand attractiveness determined by the individual dimensions of an employer brand, with a specific focus on the effect caused by the prospect of remote work opportunities among potential employees. The recent pandemic has changed the everyday life of people throughout the world. Therefore, our aim is to examine if this change in

Ta hand om dig. /red, Krisinfo

Vi lever i ett krissamhälle där kriser ständigt är närvarande i någon bemärkelse. Människor i kris söker sig efter information och förståelse på sociala medier, där det även sprids misinformation och desinformation. Studien syftar till att skapa en ökad förståelse för vilken funktion hade som moderatorer i sitt eget kommentarsfält på sociala medier under Covid-19-pandemin. Det tWe live in a crisis society where crises are a constant in our lives, furthermore people in a crisis are searching for information and understanding through social media, where misinformation and disinformation is spread. The aim of this study was to reach an increased understanding of what purpose had as a moderator in its own comment section on social media during the Covid-19

Reactions Towards Politicians' Different Self Portrayals Among Individuals of Generation Z

The aim of this study is to analyze the reactions of individuals within Generation Z in regards to various self presentations of politicians. The study has been conducted based on three focus groups, where certain Instagram posts of Ebba Busch, Ulf Kristersson and Nicola Sturgeon have been presented. As a way of answering our research question, “How do individuals within Generation Z express their

“Än så står jag pall!” - En enkätstudie med fokus på operationssjuksköterskans ergonomi och fysiska arbetsbelastning

Abstrakt. Bakgrund: Ergonomiska utmaningar är något som operationssjuksköterskan möter dagligen i sitt yrke. Dessa utmaningar leder ofta till sämre arbetsställningar, vilket i sin tur kan öka risken för fysiska besvär och arbetsbelastning. Försäkringskassan uppger att sjukskrivning relaterat till dessa besvär (ergonomiska belastningsbesvär) är den näst vanligaste bland sjukskrivningar i Sverige 2

Ensuring Semiconductor Availability with Obsolescence Management

The context of electronics components such as semiconductors has increased in the most diverse within the automotive industry and the industry is to a larger extent interacting and depending on the electronics industry. The trend is expected to continue which calls for effective obsolescence management. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a knowledge within Proactive Obsolescence Management w

Urban Ergonomics - A study towards a smarter use of resources and space in external shopping centers in Sweden.

As a result of 20th-century car-centric planning, many urban districts had emerged designed to serve only one function. Different residential suburbs and trade areas were dispersed scattered within and outside the cities. This has led to more dependence on private cars to meet people’s daily needs. Urban Ergonomics will discuss one type of these areas, the external shopping centers, or the big-bo

IT-säkerhetens påverkan på distansarbetets uppskalning

Distansarbete är en term som kommit att bli allt vanligare sedan Covid-19 pandemins början, och nu arbetar organisationer med att hitta sin nya identitet gällande tillvägagångssätt för arbete. Detta har lett till nya utmaningar för IT-säkerheten hos samtliga branscher då man nu bör se över sina rutiner, riktlinjer och tekniker för att förse sina anställda med vad de behöver för att arbeta ostört ä

Portfolio Optimization – Bitcoin & Downside Risk

The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the inclusion of cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin, affects downside risk in a diversified portfolio. The analysis utilizes a number of performance measures and combines Modern Portfolio Theory with a Post-Modern Portfolio Theory optimization in order to evaluate different portfolios. The portfolios are also benchmarked against a naive diversification

Interactive Network Visualization of Insurance Portfolios

Companies are seeking new ways to analyse data, and network visualizations are a great tool to enhance the ability to understand relational data. The objective of this thesis project was to build an interactive network visualization of an insurance company’s portfolio. The resulting visualization helps users catch sight of patterns and outliers that might, otherwise, be overlooked. The results wer

Touching Architecture - Towards an Architectural Typology for the Sense of Touch

This research aimed to explore the sense of touch within the discipline of architecture. While haptic stimulation has been studied within architectural theory, the sense of touch remains underrepresented within the practical side of the discipline. To increase the accessibility of the knowledge necessary for representation within architectural practice, there was a need for further study. This has

Fördrivning av socialbidragstagare i Sverige: Problemrepresentationer hos kommuner och organisationer i civilsamhället

Denna studie undersöker fördrivning av socialbidragstagare, ett fenomen som uppmärksammades i media hösten 2020 under namnet ”social dumpning”, vilket beskrev hur kommuner runt om i landet genom socialtjänsten aktivt tvingar personer i behov av ekonomiskt bistånd att flytta till andra kommuner. Genom intervjuer med anställda i kommuner som tagit emot fördrivna socialbidragstagare samt civilsamhällThis study examines displacement of people in need of social assistance in Sweden, a phenomenon that received media attention during the fall of 2020 under the name “social dumping”, that describes how municipalities around the country actively forces people to move to other municipalities. Through interviews with employees within municipalities who have received displaced people in need of social

"30 million women rejected me" - a narrative analysis of perpetrators of gendered mass murders

This thesis examines how perpetrators of misogynistic mass murder utilise narrative and storytelling to make meaning of their violent acts towards women. This thesis is hereby an attempt to understand gendered mass violence, and its narrative resources that precede and promote such actions, as part of a wider, misogynist culture centered on a denial of the existence of patriarchal societies and op

Fårkött i det offentliga köket

Syftet med detta arbete är att se om det är möjligt att servera fårkött i de offentliga köken och vilka vinster det kan ge. Årligen inhandlas livsmedel för cirka 10 miljarder kronor till de offentliga köken. Det ställs höga krav på vilka val som görs vid inköp av livsmedel till de offentliga köken avseende bland annat hållbarhet och produktion. Fårkött är ett livsmedel som inte finns att köpa f

Making the world a better place: The strategic role of communication practitioners in sustainability organisations

The unusual conditions that prevailed during the last couple of years set the ground for an unprecedented boost in the global agenda of sustainability. This situation has resulted into a growing wave of new organisations that are tackling the main social and environmental challenges of our time while turning them into profitable and innovative business solutions. Communication practitioners workin

Rainbow-Washing on Screen: Perceptions of 21st Century Popular Media Representations of Queer Identities in a Comparison between Sweden and Czechia

This thesis investigates how queer people perceive queer representations in popular media (film and TV) produced in recent years and how such representations affect queer people’s identity and self-perception, as well as how they mirror and reproduce heteronormative understandings of queerness. A cultural comparison between Czechia and Sweden in perceptions of heteronormativity and queer represent

Coping with the climate crisis: How to address climate emotions to galvanize sustainability transformations

Effectively coping with climate emotions has untapped potential to galvanize sustainability transformations. This thesis investigates how individuals cope effectively with climate change, and how to upscale coping for sustainability. First, I used a systematic literature review to define effective coping: coping that ensures emotional wellbeing and climate engagement, encompassing meaning- focused