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Your search for "*" yielded 531806 hits

“Do you not see my Hereditary sweatpants and my A24 socks?”: A netnographic exploration of Film Twitter’s productive consumers

Previous scholarship has viewed the productive activities of fans—otherwise known as fan labor—as a means to successfully permeate an otherwise cluttered social media environment. The following study challenges as well as problematizes these existing assumptions by exploring: (i) fan perceptions of the ‘work’ they perform; and (ii) the distinct forms the performed ‘work’ assume, specifically in re

Explaining the dynamics of exchange rate volatility

This research examines the volatility of the Swedish krona in regards to the Euro and US-dollar exchange rate, using both daily and monthly data ranging from the beginning of 2000 until 2022. Using this time span allows us to update previous literature on exchange rate volatility, and also incorporates recent economic events such as the great financial crisis of 2008, the 2020 covid-pandemic and t

EU State Aid During Covid-19 - Discrimination Between Airlines?

This thesis analyses the state aid given to European airlines during the Covid-19 pandemic and looks into Ryanair’s arguments that member states discriminated between airlines, targeting their own national carriers with aid while forsaking budget airlines and non-national airlines. Two research questions were posed, investigating how member states applied the Temporary Framework for state aid set

The Distribution Tax Regime Paradox - Compatibility of Estonian Tax Treatment of Non-Residents’ Capital Gains from Alienation of Immovable Property with European Law

The four fundamental freedoms granted to residents in the Community have become the pillars for fairness between economic operators and persons within the internal market. The aim of the freedoms is to prohibit any restriction or discrimination toward residents of another Member State and endorse equal treatment. Subsequently, tax laws of Member States have been scrutinised before the Court of Jus

Den moderna amerikanska hegemonins utveckling

Under 1900-talets andra del växte USA till en supermakt och så småningom, efter Sovjetunionens fall, hegemon inom den internationella politiken. När USA attackerades elfte september 2001 och vid den efterföljande invasionen av Afghanistan, anses ofta det amerikanska inflytandet och makten varit som allra störst. När man tjugo år senare 2021 drog sig ut ur Afghanistan menar många istället att den b

Reducing the beef with beef. How a food retailer could reduce their environmental impact by changing what and how they sell

Current food consumption habits in wealthy countries continue to drive biodiversity loss and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Food retailers play a key but currently understudied and underleveraged role in shifting consumer habits away from foods with high climate and biodiversity impacts (e.g. beef, lamb, milk) towards lower-impact alternatives. Through partnering with a Swedish food retailer and

The Paradox of Employee Engagement and How Managers are Aiming to Control This.

The Paradox of Employee Engagement and How Managers are Aiming to Control This. Purpose: The aim of this study is to produce new knowledge of the phenomenon of employee engagement from a managerial perspective. More specifically, the authors want to address how managers are navigating the paradox of employee engagement and control; thus, how they are navigating through the challenges of engaging t

Security lighting in horse riding halls: Development of a simulation-led testing methodology in VR

Security lighting plays a vital role for safe evacuation during an emergency such as power outage or a fire related incidence. Installing a security lighting system properly is more crucial for a horse riding facility for two reasons. Firstly, if a sports activity is ongoing at the exact moment of an emergency, the activity needs to be ended safely with the help of security lights to avoid injurie

What’s harm got to do with it? The framing of accountability and harm in the EU Artificial Intelligence Act Proposal

The European Union released an Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulation proposal in April 2021 aimed at laying down harmonised rules for AI circulating the Union market. The purpose of this study is to critically examine how accountability and individual, collective, and social harm was approached and framed by the proposal. Previous research has shown that AI and algorithmic bias and discriminatio

Exploring the Adoption Intentions of COVID-19 Digital Contact Tracing App in Denmark

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, contact tracing apps have been used as a means to curb the spread of the virus worldwide. If well adopted, these apps can aid in subduing the spread of the virus. However, the introduced contact tracing app needs to be accepted and adopted by the majority of the public in order for it to be beneficial. The Danish government has made available a local c

Kommunernas klimatanpassning till framtida värmeböljor i Sverige

Sverige blir allt varmare på grund av klimatförändringarna och det innebär ökade hälsorisker för den äldre befolkningen. Den här undersökningen har därför studerat hur kommunerna arbetar för att skydda äldre invånare från den potentiellt dödliga värmen. Detta gjordes genom en webbenkät som skickades till alla Sveriges kommuner. Enkäten innehöll frågor om exempelvis fysisk planering, krisberedskap,Extreme temperatures are increasing in frequency as well as intensity due to human induced climate change. Heat waves now pose a very high risk to the public health in Sweden and the elderly are particularly vulnerable. This study therefore aimed to investigate how Swedish municipalities are working to strategically manage these health risks. An analytical framework, based on recommendations from

Att använda eller inte använda klorhexidinbaserad tvål preoperativt - en systematisk litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Postoperativa infektioner är näst vanligast bland de vårdrelaterade infektionerna och leder till lidande för patienterna. Preoperativ helkroppstvätt med klorhexidinbaserad tvål används i stor utsträckning i förebyggande syfte inför alla typer av kirurgiska ingrepp. Vårdhandboken rekommenderar preoperativ klorhexidintvätt inför särskilt infektionskänsliga ingrepp. Syfte: Att granska ocBackground: Surgical site infections (SSI) are the second most common healthcare associated infection and causes patient suffering. Presurgical showering with chlorhexidine soap is widely used to prevent SSI amongst all types of surgery. The national guidelines in Sweden promotes the use of chlorhexidine soap prior to surgery classed as perceptive to infections. Aim: To review published researc

Inför gaeliskan är vi alla sassenachs : Översättningen av språkliga varieteter och kulturspecifika element i Diana Gabaldons Outlander

Syftet med detta masterarbete är att undersöka hur skotska dialektmarkörer och skotska kulturspecifika element hanterats och överförts från Diana Gabaldons roman Outlander (1991) till Sven Christer Swahns svenska översättning Främlingen (1992). Två kapitel ur originalromanen och motsvarande kapitel ur översättningen analyseras. I en dels kvantitativ, dels kvalitativ analys behandlas kategorierna l

Sakrätt - en studie i att finna sak i saken

Denna uppsats har som syfte att förstå sakrättslig identitet utifrån situationen att en sak blir en ny sak. Utifrån syftet har uppsatsen formulerat två frågeställningar; När blir en sak en ny sak? och Hur ska sakrättslig identitet förstås? Inom sakrätten finns det en tydlig situation där dessa överväganden kommer i ljuset, nämligen legotillverkning. Legotillverkning behandlar situationen av att The purpose of this thesis is to understand the identity of an object based on the situation when an object transforms into a new object. Based on this purpose, the thesis aims to answer following two questions; When does an object become a new object? and How should the identity of an object be understood? In Swedish law, there is a clear situation whereas these considerations come to light, name

Asylsökanden med funktionsnedsättning, en viss samhällsgrupp under flyktingkonventionen? - En intersektionell tolkning av CRPD och flyktingkonventionen beträffande förföljelsegrunden tillhörighet till viss samhällsgrupp

Denna uppsats undersöker artikel 1(A)(2) i 1951 års konvention om flyktingars rättsliga ställning och konventionen om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning. Det är beaktat att flyktingar och personer med funktionsnedsättning utgör utsatta grupper värdiga skydd av samhället. Traditionellt har dock asyl- och funktionsrätt behandlas fristående från varandra. Däremot indikerar skapandet avThis essay analyses Article 1(A)(2) of The 1951 Refugee Convention and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Refugees and people with disabilities constitute vulnerable groups, worthy protection of society. However, traditionally the areas of refugee- and disability law have been addressed independently of each other. On the other hand, the adoption of the CRPD indicates that

Beviskraft och EncroChat - Felkällor vid bevisvärdering

Efter att fransk polis lyckats få tillgång till material från den krypterade kommunikationstjänsten EncroChat vidarebefordrades delar av materialet till den svenska Polisen. Detta resulterade i att ett stort antal personer dömdes till långa fängelsestraff. EncroChat är dels en krypterad kommunikationstjänst, dels ett operativsystem för smarta mobiltelefoner. EncroChat används av personer som inteAfter the French police managed to gain access to material from the encrypted communication service EncroChat, parts of the material were forwarded to the Swedish police. This resulted in a large number of people being sentenced to long prison terms. EncroChat is partly an encrypted communication service and partly an operating system that runs on smartphones. EncroChat is used by people who do n

White Nicotine Pouches of Freedom?

In today’s digital climate, consumers are constantly exposed to marketing and communication from companies and organisations. The increase in marketing has subsequently led to the birth of new, and in some cases, misleading advertising strategies, such as Greenwashing and Healthwashing. Other marketing strategies such as Femvertising utilise societal movements in order to be effective. These marke

Expression and purification of pyruvate transporting human mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC) protein complex for structural studies

Litet protein med ett stort syfte En grundförutsättning för mänskligt liv är föda. Maten vi intar omvandlas till energi som möjliggör alla kroppsliga funktioner. Den största delen av maten vi äter är kolhydrater. Kolhydraterna bryts ner till glukos som sedan bryts ner till pyruvat, en viktig intermediär i energimetabolismen. Pyruvat är en molekyl som transporteras från våra cellers cytosol till Pyruvate is one of the main molecules needed for the citric acid cycle, which produces energy in the form of ATP. The citric acid cycle reaction occurs in the mitochondrial matrix, and for pyruvate to participate in the reaction, it needs to be transported from the cytosol across the mitochondrial membranes into the mitochondrial matrix. A special membrane protein called the mitochondrial pyruvate

Registrering och minskning av om- och dubbelarbete vid samverkansprojekt i byggbranschen

Samverkan har använts som samarbetsform i svenska byggprojekt sedan mitten av 1990-talet. Samverkan har många fördelar såsom ökad transparens, större teamkänsla och högre kvalitet i projektet. Det har utförts många studier om samverkansprojekt men det finns inte så många studier som gjort kvantitativa mätningar om samverkansprojekt faktiskt är mer lönsamma och håller högre kvalitet. Om- och dubbPartnering has been used as a project form in the Swedish construction industry since the middle of the 1990’s. Partnering has many advantages such as increased transparency, a bigger sense of being a team and higher quality projects. There have been many studies done on partnering projects but there are not many not many of those studies that quantitively examines if partnering projects actually

Staying competitive within the EU energy sector to realize energy transition and potential sustainable competitive advantage: A resource perspective

Our research has conducted a comparative cross-case analysis to assess how firm-specific resources can enable the energy transition within firms located in the EU. The multiple-case study was based on data collected from two incumbent energy companies that were founded and headquartered in an EU country (E.ON and Vattenfall). We have chosen a privately owned company and a state-owned company to cr