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Att fånga en sångelevs sanna tankar. En aktionsforskningsinspirerad studie om coaching i egen sångundervisning

Denna kvalitativa studies syfte var att undersöka och dokumentera hur coaching som förhållningssätt ter sig inom ramen av studiens sångundervisning. Studien är inspirerad av aktionsforskning och genomfördes i en triangulering av metoderna videodokumentation, handledning och dagboksskrivande. Datainsamlandet skedde under tre veckors lång praktik på en folkhögskola med 18 sångelever. Resultatet lyftThis qualitative studies aim was to investigate and document how the coaching approach appears in the context of the study singing lessons. The study is inspired by action research and was conducted in a triangulation of method such as video documentation, tutorials and diary writing. Data gathering took place during the threeweek long internship at a Folk High School with 18 vocal students. The r

ADOLESCENT SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND RIGHTS (SRHR) IN INFORMAL URBAN SETTLEMENTS: Changes, Challenges and Life-Strategies of Adolescent Girls Living in Kibera, Nairobi

The increasing urbanization trends in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and the proliferation of urban poverty together with the explosion of informal urban settlements have lead to a shift in the international poverty alleviation agenda from the focus on rural poverty to an increased emphasis put on the particularities of urban poverty. Kenya is one of the fastest urbanizing countries in SSA and the major

Från körledare till körpedagog – En studie om körledares syn på sångtekniska frågor i kör

Syftet med studien är att belysa körledares syn på olika sångtekniska frågor i kör, och vad de menar krävs för att kunna sjunga så bra som möjligt i kör. För att uppnå syftet med studien är den gjord genom metoderna enkät och kvalitativ intervju med tre körledare. Studien visar att körledarna ser sångtekniken som en grund dels för att körsångarnas röster ska må så bra som möjligt, men också för atThe purpose of this study is to shed light upon choral conductors’ views of various singing technical issues in choir singing, and what they mean is necessary to be able to sing as well as possible in a choir. For this purpose, the study has been performed using a poll as well as through qualitative interviews with three choral conductors. The study shows that choral conductors see singing techni

Att tala om nyanser av mörker. En diskursanalys om hur den ”äkta” depressionen konstrueras på internet.

The purpose of this study was to examine how people with personal experience of depression create different kind of discourses and collective identities to the aspirational ”real” depression versus the ”non-acceptable” depression in a big Swedish internet forum. It also examined how the forum writers thought about empowerment versus profesional help as a solution for the ”real” depression. Four fo

Development of a Standard for Structural Testing of Implants in Transfemoral Osseointegrated Prostheses

The aim of this Master's Thesis was to develop a standard for structural testing of implants to be used in transfemoral osseointegrated prostheses, since there is a lack of such standards for this type of implant. The methods used in this project include a literature study, a review of ISO standards, simulations of gait in a software called OpenSim, and a comparison of the OpenSim results with

Individual’s privacy management behaviour on the social networking sites (SNS): Examining the actual use of the privacy settings

Social networking sites (SNS) play an important role in human’s daily life today. Individuals, employ different SNS where they mainly self-disclose and share personal information with other users. SNS have been characterized as a new communication landscape, with SNS users to be benefited in more ways when using them, such as with information and enjoyment. However, this online information sharing

Investigating the potential of object-based image analysis to identify tree avenues in high resolution aerial imagery and lidar data : a literature review

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka potentialen hos geografisk objektbaserad bildanalys (GEOBIA) för att identifiera och övervaka alléer med hjälp av fjärranalysbilder och lidardata. För detta genomfördes en trefaldig litteraturstudie: först användes artiklar, böcker och rapporter för att skapa en bild av de viktigaste funktionerna inom GEOBIA. Sedan introducerades eCognition, ett välkäntThe aim of this study was to investigate the potential of geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) for the identification and monitoring of tree avenues with the help of aerial imagery and lidar data. For this, a literature review into three topics was conducted: First, scientific literature in form of journal articles, text books, and reports were used to highlight key features of GEOBIA.

Interactive glove for mobility training and rehabilitation after stroke

Stroke affects a vast amount of people every year. As a result, many survivors have at least partially lost some of their abilities which are necessary to complete everyday activities. Although rehabilitation can be used to improve those abilities, many survivors claim that conventional methods are demotivating and discouraging. The aim of this project is to develop and test interactive objects, w

A descriptive analysis of the emergency response to the 2013 flood incident in Suffolk, UK - A study in theory and practice

Over the past decade, flooding has been a great issue for several countries in Europe. With the movement of people and assets to flood prone areas, consequences due to flooding are increasing. Coping with this problem requires an effective response to flood risks. Therefore, this work has aimed to describe the emergency response to the 2013 flood incident in Suffolk, UK. This, in order to provide

“I want myself to become Malaysian” : Political Participation and Identity Construction among Chinese Malaysians

This thesis centers the concepts of citizenship and identity. It is an ethnographic case study focusing on well- educated, urban Chinese Malaysians with the aim to discover to what extent political participation, utilizing one’s citizenship rights, affects citizenship identity. Identity has been narrowed down into two categories; national and ethnic identity, based on previous research by Kymlicka

Synthesis of Knowledge - The Perception of Graduates with Non-Business Bachelor Degrees and a Master in Management (MiM)

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to generate insights and shed light on the value of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills derived from a novel educational concept (Master in Management, MiM) as assessed by the corporate world. Therefore, companies’ perception of the synthesis of knowledge from management graduates with non-business bachelor degrees was explored. Ultimately, this research a

Aggregation and toxicity study of Parkinson’s Disease related mutations in α-Synuclein.

Parkinsons sjukdom är en neurologisk sjukdom som drabbar upp till 2 % av alla människor över 60 år. De exakta orsakerna som leder till utvecklingen av sjukdomen är fortfarande okända men åldrandet är den största kända riskfaktorn idag. Sjukdomen kännetecknas av en progressiv försämring av kroppens rörelseförmåga i samband med förlust av nervceller. Patienter med sjukdomen har också påvisat proteinParkinson´s Disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease. Only a small number of cases appear to be caused by genetic mutations, meaning most cases arise due to unknown mechanisms. While there are reported to be multiple causes of the disease, what links all cases is a small protein called α-synuclein whose aggregation appears to correlate to the pathology and progression of the dis

När kaffedoften försvinner - från industriområde till levande stadsrum

Många gamla industri- och hamnområden, som tidigare låg utanför centrum, har idag växt ihop med stadskärnan. Det har därför blivit allt vanligare att städer utvecklar dessa områden till att bli nya levande stadsdelar. På grund av att jordens befolkning ökar, och att en allt större del av befolkningen väljer att bosätta sig i städer, finns det också ett behov av nya platser att förtäta och utvecklaMany old industrial and port areas that were previously located outside of the city centre, have now become a part of the city centre, due to the expansion of the city. Therefore, it is more and more common for cities to develop these areas into new vibrant neighbourhoods. Because of the earth’s increasing population, and the fact that a larger part of the population chooses to settle in cities, t

Ekoföräldern - en studie om svenska småbarnsföräldrars ekologiska livsmedelskonsumtion

Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad som driver svenska småbarnsföräldrar till och hindrar dem från att konsumera ekologiska livsmedel. Frågeställningarna som besvaras under studien är Vilka faktorer driver svenska småbarnsföräldrar till att konsumera ekologiska livsmedel? och Vilka faktorer hindrar svenska småbarnsföräldrar från att konsumera ekologiska livsmedel? För att undersöka detta har e

Arctic sea ice drift - A comparison of modeled and remote sensing data

Det är välkänt att isarna på polerna krymper och att temperaturerna över hela världen ökar. Att kunna förutsäga vädret i Arktis för att på förhand förstå sig på och ta sig an konsekvenserna av de rådande klimatförändringarna är därför viktigt. Precis som att det görs prognoser av vädret för att underlätta för människors levnad görs det prognoser över Arktis för att förutspå tillväxten och smältninThe Arctic climate and the sea ice drift are important to study both for the improvement in short-term forecasts and to get a better understanding of the climate change. Short-term forecasts are needed to improve the shipping and offshore industries in the Arctic Ocean. Changes in the ice thickness and concentration can have massive consequences for people and the environment. In the present work,

Kompetensförsörjning inom järnvägsbranschen med avseende på införandet av ERTMS i Sverige

The average age of the signalling systems the Swedish railways is high and the technology old. Parts of the current system are over 50 years old and requires a high amount of service due to its old age. Due to an EU-directive regarding interoperability, the current signalling system on the most heavily trafficked parts of the Swedish railway (equal to about 2/3 of the total number of signalling po

Open Innovation: An Offer Some Can't Refuse

Title: Open Innovation: An offer Some Can't Refuse. A comparative case study on the strategic implications of being bound to openness Seminar date: 2016-06-03 Course: FEKH19 Degree project, Undergraduate level in Strategic Management, Business Administration, 15 University Credit Points (ECTS) Authors: Björn Arvesen, Jakob Matto, Jacob von Segebaden Advisor: Anna Brattström Key words: Open inn

Lung Fibroblasts and Airway Epithelial Cells Activate Dendritic Cells and Shape Their Microenvironment In Vitro

Förekomsten av luftvägsallergier som astma och hösnuva har ökat under de senaste årtiondena. Dessa sjukdomar kan leda till fysiska och psykosociala besvär; astma kan i värsta fall få fatala konsekvenser. Dendritceller är skickliga regulatorer av immunförsvaret och av allergiska reaktioner. I den här studien har vi i en cellkulturmodell undersökt hur dendritceller kan påverkas av deras närmiljö i lDendritic cells (DCs) are influenced by signals from their microenvironment, which may affect how they regulate immunity. Activation of T helper (Th) 2 cells by DCs in allergic reactions is well supported, yet the underlying mechanisms that regulate DCs to stimulate Th2 development are less clear. Airway epithelial cells (AECs) have been suggested as potent regulators of DCs and drivers of DC indu

The Socio-Economic Problems Faced by Urban Refugees: A Case Study of Kampala, Uganda

The purpose of this study was to examine the socio-economic problems faced by urban refugees with a case study of Kampala Uganda. Under this topic, participants were asked why they live in unrecognized areas, why they never lived in settlements and why urban refugees are not visible to humanitarian agencies. The study went ahead to investigate the socio-economic problems refugees were facing as we

Let’s deal…. - A quantitative study of shopping value in daily deal: Their antecedents and subsequents

Daily-deal websites have recently been a new and successful way of attracting product service providers since they offer ‘‘free’’ advertising and at the same time the opportunity to sell products and services via certain promotional campaigns. However, research on the concept of daily deal consumer behaviour has been somewhat limited in the context of online shopping, especially regarding empirica