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The Generalized Signal Detection Theory

Signal detection theory (SDT) and the Dual Process SDT (Yonelinas, 1994) are currently the most influential accounts of item variability in recognition memory. However, neither provides a sufficient account of differences in the familiarity distributions. Instead, this phenomenon is accounted for by the idea of encoding variability (Wixted, 2007) or an additional retrieval process (Yonelinas, 2001

Cooling vest incorporated with phase change materials (PCMs): how much benefit is there?

The aim of this study was to investigate torso cooling benefit of various PCM vests in a simulated warm environment (Ta= 34 °C, RH=56 %, Va=0.4 m/s). A pre-wetted cotton torso fabric skin was used to simulate sweating on a thermal manikin (Tmanikin=34 °C). Six conditions were tested: nude fabric skin (Fabric Skin), Vest A without (VA) and with frozen gels with a melting temperature (Tm) of 0 °C (V

Receivers of (dis)trust: Administrators in bankruptcy

Analyses of economic actions often proceed from a consideration of how trust serves as a basis for the interaction of economic agents. A bankruptcy entails a breach of the relations of trust in an economic network. Receivers are the lawyers appointed by Swedish courts to investigate and ultimately resolve bankrupts disputes. The article demonstrates how the manner in which receivers characterise t

Fiction, Truth and Reality in Sigrid Combüchen's Tale Parsifal

The frame story in Parsifal is situated in a dystopian Europe, devastated, war-weary and in a state of shock and decay. Main protagonists are a retired general, Piscator (cf. Fisher King) and a middle aged unemployed female journalist, Perle Vaus (cf.Perlesvaus/Perceval/Parsifal). With her questions Perle is trying to help the general to write his memoirs in a truthful way. The game with time a

Superdeformed triaxial bands in Lu-163,165

An experimental investigation of the nucleus 165Lu, using the reactions 138Ba(31P,4n) 165Lu and 150Sm(19F,4n) 165Lu at beam energies of E = 155 and 95 MeV, respectively, has been performed. Among other additions to the existing level scheme, a new band, with transition energies almost identical to a strongly deformed (β2 0.42) πi13/2[660 1/2+] band recently discovered in 163Lu has been established

Miljonbelopp till unikt handikappsprojekt

Allmänna arvsfonden har beslutat att ge nära fem miljoner kronor till Lunds Tekniska Högskola för utveckling av ett kommunikationsredskap för svårt hjärnskadade. Initiativtagarna bakom projektet Minimetern tror på stora utvecklingsmöjligheter.

Att veta är bra - Att lära nytt ger hopp om bättring

Syftet med projektet var att synliggöra lärandeprocesser hos personal inom organisationer verksamma i socialt arbete. Tre förvaltningar i Helsingborgs stad samt Socialhögskolan vid Lunds universitet, Campus Helsingborg, studerades. Projektet genomfördes med hjälp av skuggning (shadowing), reflekterande lärandecirklar och en återkopplande lärandefestival. Perspektivsättningen i rapporten, och den t