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Cumulative incidence of ureteroenteric strictures after radical cystectomy in a population-based Swedish cohort

Objective: The incidence of benign ureteroenteric strictures following radical cystectomy (RC) for urinary bladder cancer (UBC) is investigated mainly in single-centre studies from high-volume centres. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cumulative incidence of strictures and risk factors in a population-based cohort. Patients and methods: Data was collected from Bladder Cancer Data Base Swe

Acute Application of Imidacloprid Alters the Sensitivity of Direction Selective Motion Detecting Neurons in an Insect Pollinator

Cholinergic pesticides, such as the neonicotinoid imidacloprid, are the most important insecticides used for plant protection worldwide. In recent decades, concerns have been raised about side effects on non-target insect species, including altered foraging behavior and navigation. Although pollinators rely on visual cues to forage and navigate their environment, the effects of neonicotinoids on v

Revascularization of occluded renal artery stent grafts after complex endovascular aortic repair and its impact on renal function

Background: Acute occlusion of renal bridging stent grafts after fenestrated/branched endovascular aortic repair (F/B-EVAR) is an acknowledged complication with high morbidity that often results in chronic dialysis dependence. The feasibility and effect of timely or late (≥6 hours of ischemia) renal artery revascularization has not been adequately reported. Methods: We performed a retrospective, m

Nonelective surgery at night and in-hospital mortality: Prospective observational data from the European Surgical Outcomes Study

Background: Evidence suggests that sleep deprivation associated with night-time working may adversely affect performance resulting in a reduction in the safety of surgery and anaesthesia.Objective: Our primary objective was to evaluate an association between nonelective night-time surgery and in-hospital mortality. We hypothesised that urgent surgery performed during the night was associated with

Ultraviolet Absorption Cross-Sections of Ammonia at Elevated Temperatures for Nonintrusive Quantitative Detection in Combustion Environments

Ammonia (NH3) is regarded as an important nitrogen oxides (NOx) precursor and also as an effective reductant for NOx removal in energy utilization through combustion, and it has recently become an attractive non-carbon alternative fuel. To have a better understanding of thermochemical properties of NH3, accurate in situ detection of NH3 in high temperature environments is desirable. Ultraviolet (U

Installing PV: Barriers and enablers experienced by non-residential property owners

There is huge potential to increase installation of photovoltaics (PV) using the roofs of non-residential buildings. While barriers to and enablers of the adoption of PV in residential buildings are well studied, this is not the case for non-residential buildings. This article is intended to fill this research gap by mapping barriers to and enablers of PV adoption by property owners of non-residen

Adaptable design-towards smart one-of-a-kind product development

The smart factories that are already beginning to appear employ a completely new approach to product creation. Smart products are uniquely identifiable, know their current status and alternative routes to achieving their target state. The embedded manufacturing systems are vertically networked with business processes and horizontally connected to disperse value networks that can be managed in real

How much is too much?- Defining the Metes and Bounds of Excessive Pricing in the Pharmaceutical Sector

Excessive pharmaceutical pricing represents one of the most contentious issues in legal and political discourse and has recently gained renewed attention by courts, competition authorities and political forces on both sides of the Atlantic. Balancing the public demand for affordable and accessible health-care with the need for sufficient incentives and a sustainable innovation system in the field

In vivo tau pathology is associated with synaptic loss and altered synaptic function

Background: The mechanism of synaptic loss in Alzheimer’s disease is poorly understood and may be associated with tau pathology. In this combined positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) study, we aimed to investigate spatial associations between regional tau pathology ([18F]flortaucipir PET), synaptic density (synaptic vesicle 2A [11C]UCB-J PET) and synaptic function (M

Hur kan den lokala kulturpolitiken möta dagens och framtidens utmaningar? : Ny kulturstrategi för Malmö 2014-2020

Abstract: Sedan 1990-talet finns en till synes motstridig rörelse inom kulturområdet. Dels en tendens att kultursektorn, i dess nuvarande kulturpolitiskt mer traditionella avgränsning, uppfattas som alltmer marginaliserad. Dels att kultur i bredare bemärkelse efterfrågas i allt högre grad och inom allt fler områden. Rörelsen hänger samman med övergripande samhällsförändringar som globaliseringens Since the 1990s, there has been a seemingly contradictory movement in the field of culture. On the one hand, there is a tendency for the cultural sector, in its current cultural-political more traditional demarcation, to be perceived as increasingly marginalized. Secondly, that culture in a broader sense is in increasing demand and in more areas. The movement is connected with overarching societal

Critical challenges in implementing sustainable transport policy in Stockholm and Gothenburg

This paper explores the mental-models of Swedish planners in order to understand the extent to which they support the ideals of sustainable transport. Focussing on three critical challenges: forecast-led versus vision-led planning; tackling congestion; and, public acceptability; the findings, drawn from in-depth interviews, demonstrate mostly advanced thinking. However, implementation can be at od

The Legal Dimensions of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Pharmaceutical Innovation (original title in accepted version): Editorial to special issue of the European Pharmaceutical Law Review on "Big Data, AI & Machine Learning in Pharmaceutial Innovation"

Multiple factors indicate that big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a crucial role in the evolution of pharmaceutical innovation.The ongoing paradigm shift is fuelled by rapid technical advances that have greatly transformed and enhanced many facets of the pharmaceutical sector. Huge datasets are driving new drug discoveries and are making clinical trials more efficient