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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

The effect of ph and storage temperature on the stability of emulsions stabilized by rapeseed proteins

Rapeseed press cake (RPC), the by-product of rapeseed oil production, contains proteins with emulsifying properties, which can be used in food applications. Proteins from industrially produced RPC were extracted at pH 10.5 and precipitated at pH 3 (RPP3) and 6.5 (RPP6.5). Emulsions were formulated at three different pHs (pH 3, 4.5, and 6) with soy lecithin as control, and were stored for six month

Living with relatives offsets the harm caused by pathogens in natural populations

Living with relatives can be highly beneficial, enhancing reproduction and survival. High relatedness can, however, increase susceptibility to pathogens. Here, we examine whether the benefits of living with relatives offset the harm caused by pathogens, and if this depends on whether species typically live with kin. Using comparative meta-analysis of plants, animals, and a bacterium (nspecies = 56

Host tropism determination by convergent evolution of immunological evasion in the Lyme disease system

Pathogens possess the ability to adapt and survive in some host species but not in others–an ecological trait known as host tropism. Transmitted through ticks and carried mainly by mammals and birds, the Lyme disease (LD) bacterium is a well-suited model to study such tropism. Three main causative agents of LD, Borrelia burgdorferi, B. afzelii, and B. garinii, vary in host ranges through mechanism

Bikini textile contact dermatitis : A Sherlockian approach revealing 2.4-dichlorophenol as a potential textile contact allergen

Background: Different textile constituents may act as allergens and/or irritants and provoke textile contact dermatitis (TCD). Objectives: To report a case of TCD caused by ethylene glycol monododecyl ether and 2.4-dichlorophenol, present in a bikini. Methods: A woman presented with an eczematous, pruritic rash in the area of the bikini straps and back. Patch testing was performed with the Europea

Operational Challenges and Mega Sporting Events Legacy: The Case of BRT Systems in the Global South

This paper examines the bus rapid transit (BRT) legacies of mega sporting events (MSEs) held in the Global South cities of Cape Town and Rio de Janeiro. It discusses the extent to which these transport systems have been operationally sustainable, post-MSE; in other words, their ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level and hence their ability to act as public good as planned and accordin

Spatially Coupled Serially Concatenated Codes: Performance Evaluation and VLSI Design Tradeoffs

Spatially coupled serially concatenated codes (SC-SCCs) are constructed by coupling several classical turbo-like component codes. The resulting spatially coupled codes provide a close-to-capacity performance and low error floor,which have attracted a lot of interest in the past few years. The aim of this paper is to perform a comprehensive design space exploration to reveal different aspects of SC

Baseband Processing for 5G and Beyond: Algorithms, VLSI Architectures, and Co-design

In recent years the number of connected devices and the demand for high data-rates have been significantly increased. This enormous growth is more pronounced by the introduction of the Internet of things (IoT) in which several devices are interconnected to exchange data for various applications like smart homes and smart cities. Moreover, new applications such as eHealth, autonomous vehicles, and c

Contaminant, Commodity and Fuel: A Multi‐sited Study of Waste's roles in Urban Transformations from Italy to Austria

This article traces the flow of municipal solid waste from southern Italy through a waste‐to‐energy facility and district heating system in Austria, examining the roles that waste's transformation from contaminant to commodity to fuel plays in interconnected, distributed, and contested urbanization processes. It contends that, while metabolic circulation hides socioecological costs in one place to

Real-Time Event-Driven Classification Technique for Early Detection and Prevention of Myocardial Infarction on Wearable Systems

A considerable portion of government health-care spending is allocated to the continuous monitoring of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, particularly myocardial infarction (MI). Wearable devices present a cost-effective means of monitoring patients' vital signs in ambulatory settings. A major challenge is to design such ultra-low energy devices for long-Term patient monitoring. In t

Challenges of Adopting SAFe in the Banking Industry – A Study Two Years After Its Introduction

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a framework for scaling agile methods in large organizations. We have found several experience reports and white papers describing SAFe adoptions in different banks, which indicates that SAFe is being used in the banking industry. However, there is a lack of academic publications on the topic, the banking industry is missing in the scientific reports analyzing

Circulating dipeptidyl peptidase 3 on intensive care unit admission is a predictor of organ dysfunction and mortality

BACKGROUND: Our aim was to investigate the prognostic potential of circulating dipeptidyl peptidase 3 (cDPP3) to predict mortality and development of organ dysfunction in a mixed intensive care unit (ICU) population, and for this reason, we analysed prospectively collected admission blood samples from adult ICU patients at four Swedish hospitals. Blood samples were stored in a biobank for later ba

Dissociative Adsorption of CO2 on Copper: The Role of Steps

CO2 chemistry has received significant interest in recent time, due to the greenhouse effects of CO2 emissions and the resulting climate change. CO2 reduction reactions, such as methanol synthesis and reverse water-gas shift, is providing a route for recycling of CO2 and thus limiting the CO2 emissions. These reactions are commonly performed over Cu-based catalysts, making the interaction of CO2 a

Evaluation of Feasibility of High-Power Long-Pulse Transformers Using Single-Layer and Pancake Winding Techniques

Solid-state klystron modulators are typically based on oil-immersed high-voltage (HV) pulse transformers because of their high performance, robustness, simplicity, and straightforward design. However, pulse transformer size is fundamentally linked to application pulse length, pulse power, and pulse rise time. For high-power applications transformer size quickly becomes very problematic when approa

Are changes in meniscus volume and extrusion associated to knee osteoarthritis development? A structural equation model

Objective: To explore the interplay between (changes in) medial meniscus volume, meniscus extrusion and radiographic knee osteoarthritis (OA) development over 30 months follow-up (FU). Methods: Data from the PRevention of knee Osteoarthritis in Overweight Females study were used. This cohort included 407 middle-aged women with a body mass index ≥27 kg/m2, who were free of knee OA at baseline. Demo

Multidisciplinary approaches for assessing a high temperature borehole thermal energy storage facility at linköping, sweden

Assessing the optimal placement and design of a large‐scale high temperature energy storage system in crystalline bedrock is a challenging task. This study applies and evaluates various methods and strategies for pre‐site investigation for a potential high temperature borehole thermal energy storage (HT‐BTES) system at Linköping in Sweden. The storage is required to shift approximately 70 GWh of e

Association of Sleep and β-Amyloid Pathology among Older Cognitively Unimpaired Adults

Importance: Disrupted sleep commonly occurs with progressing neurodegenerative disease. Large, well-characterized neuroimaging studies of cognitively unimpaired adults are warranted to clarify the magnitude and onset of the association between sleep and emerging β-amyloid (Aβ) pathology. Objective: To evaluate the associations between daytime and nighttime sleep duration with regional Aβ pathology

Social democracy and the decline of strikes

This paper tests if a strong labor movement leads to fewer industrial conflicts. The focus is on Sweden between the first general election in 1919 and the famous Saltsjöbaden Agreement in 1938, a formative period when the country transitioned from fierce labor conflicts to a state of industrial peace. We use panel data techniques to analyze more than 2000 strikes in 103 Swedish towns. We find that