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Wideband 39 GHz Millimeter-Wave Channel Measurements under Diversified Vegetation

This paper presents a measurement-based analysis of 39 GHz millimeter wave (mm-wave) radio propagation through vegetation using an ultra-wideband (UWB) channel sounder. The measurement campaign was conducted in a suburban area on campus of Tongji University, Shanghai, China. Two different kinds of measurements were performed to investigate the foliage influence on the characteristics of radio prop

Skäl, bevis och beslutsfattande

Skäl för att överväga huruvida skäl för ett beslut, i frånvaron av bevis, bör berättiga beslutsfattande i särskilda omständigheter presenteras. Det föreslås att en distinktion mellan skäl och bevis baserad på deras tid-indexikala olikheter ger oss skäl att, i särskilda omständigheter, formulera beslutsfattandeprocedurer som inte, utöver skäl, också kräver bevis för premisserna för beslutet. Invänd

Horizontal and vertical disconnects in the complex social organization of flood risk governance in Sweden

Urban flood risk is a big and growing concern, particularly in relation to climate change. The complexity of this problem poses distinctive challenges to a broad range of actors involved in various ways in flood risk governance, as well as to the social scientists endeavoring to grasp them. These challenges are related both to the complexity of risk and risk perception as such, which attract a lot

Macroscopic modelling of coupled multiphysics in swelling cellulose based materials

Paperboard has been the basis for packaging materials used to aseptically store and protect food and beverages for a long time. To ensure that there are no bacteria that can spoil the product, sterilizing treatments are made. One such treatment is the retorting process, which involves heating to high temperatures in a pressurized environment of water vapor and dry air. The porous nature of paper m

Authoritarian Legality after Authoritarianism : Legal Governance of Parties and Elections before and after Democratic Transition in South Korea

The Republic of Korea (ROK) was designed as a Cold War democracy. It started as an electoral regime with formal commitments to democratic values, but institutions designed to keep the state secure also imposed limits on domestic political struggle. From the ROK’s founding in 1948 to the political liberalization of 1987, the political system shifted between orders that might be labeled more democra

Functional Screens Identify Vulnerabilities in Acute Leukemia

Acute leukemia refers to a group of aggressive hematological malignancies of myeloid and lymphoid lineages termed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) respectively. Acute leukemia is characterized by the presence of underlying genetic aberrations which alter the biology of normal hematopoietic cells resulting in the accumulation of immature abnormally differentiated blast

Migrant blackbirds, Turdus merula, have higher plasma levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to residents, but not enhanced fatty acid unsaturation index

Birds have been observed to have dietary preferences for unsaturated fatty acids during migration. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may increase the exercise performance of migrant birds; however, PUFAs are also peroxidation prone and might therefore incur increased costs in terms of enhanced oxidative damage in migratory individuals. To shed light on this potential constraint, we analyzed plas

‘Even war has rules’: a call for global action to protect civilians

There is an urgent need to address in a comprehensive manner the problem of systematic and flagrant violations of international humanitarian and human-rights law in ongoing conflicts, including its sources and implications. More specifically, possible lines of action to counter the growing importance of non-state armed actors and the use of explosives in populated areas must be discussed. A Global

Trapping and re-use system for radioactive xenon in nuclear medicine

Different methods of trapping radioactive xenon are reviewed. Trapping by adsorption on activated charcoal has the advantage of being simple and cheap and also makes it possible to recycle the xenon. An activated charcoal trapping system is described which can extract 133Xe from 100l of expired air in 10 min from patients undergoing diagnostic pulmonary or circulation studies. Details of the const