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Living as a person using a lower-limb prosthesis in Nepal

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore experiences of persons in Nepal using lower-limb prostheses, in relation to specific articles in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that consider mobility, education, health, rehabilitation, and work and employment. Method: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 16 persons using lower limb prostheses. Content analysis was

Rehabilitation, using guided cerebral plasticity, of a brachial plexus injury treated with intercostal and phrenic nerve transfers

Recovery after surgical reconstruction of a brachial plexus injury using nerve grafting and nerve transfer procedures is a function of peripheral nerve regeneration and cerebral reorganization. A 15-year-old boy, with traumatic avulsion of nerve roots C5-C7 and a non-rupture of C8-T1, was operated 3 weeks after the injury with nerve transfers: (a) terminal part of the accessory nerve to the supras

Distributions at random events

We review the generalized Rice formula approachto deriving long-run distributions of a variety of characteristics defined at random events defined on a stochastic process. While the approach stems from the same principle originally introduced by Rice for the level crossing intensity in a random signal, we show how it generalizes to more general contexts. Firstly, we discuss events defined on rando

How ants, birds and bats affect crop yield along shade gradients in tropical cacao agroforestry

Tropical agroforests are diverse systems where several predator groups shape animal communities and plant-arthropod interactions. Ants, birds and bats in particular can reduce herbivore numbers and thereby increase crop yield. However, the relative importance of these groups, whether they interact, and how this interaction is affected by management and landscape context, is poorly understood. We j

Antileishmanial metabolites from Lantana balansae

Eleven compounds, 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (1), persicogenin (2), eriodictyol 3ʹ4ʹ,7-trimethyl ether (3), phytol (4), spathulenol (5), 4-hydroxycinnamic acid (6), onopordin (7), 5,8,4ʹ-trihydroxy-7,3ʹ-dimethoxyflavone (8), quercetin (9), jaceosidin (10), and 8-hydroxyluteolin (11), were isolated from an ethanol extract of Lantana balansae Briq., Verbenaceae, that was found to possess antileishmani

A 2.7-GHz multi-level PWM carrier-bursting RF transmitter

Carrier-bursting is an attractive RF transmitter concept to achieve high efficiency. The power amplifier (PA) itself either operates at its peak efficiency or is turned off. Another efficiency-enhancing approach is the Doherty concept, where the main PA reaches its peak efficiency already in back-off and the peak PA contributes at high input levels to reach the desired output power. In this work,

Transmuted distributions and extrema of random number of variables

Recent years have seen an increased interest in the transmuted probability models,which arise from transforming a “base” distribution into its generalized counterpart. While many standard probability distributions were generalized throughout this simple construction, the concept lacked deeper theoretical interpretation. This note demonstrates that the scheme is more than just a simple trick to obt

Sandy fan-like forms in the central-eastern mazovian lowland (central poland) : Textural record and chronology

A unique, continuous, fan-shaped belt of sandy landforms in the central-eastern Mazovian Lowland, Central Poland has been investigated using a multiproxy dataset of sediment physical properties and chronological framework. Although there are several previous studies of similar fan-like forms elsewhere in Central Poland, this central-eastern part has not been investigated in detail. A combined meth

Berry pomace - A review of processing and chemical analysis of its polyphenols

This article gives an overview on the work available on methods for berry pomace processing, on methods for polyphenol extraction and on methods for polyphenol analysis. Additionally, previous reviews on fruit pomace have been identified and categorised with respect to pomace origin, and the scientific focus of the work. Data on berry pomace proximate composition are compiled, as are methods appli

NF1-mutated melanoma tumors harbor distinct clinical and biological characteristics

In general, melanoma can be considered as a UV-driven disease with an aggressive metastatic course and high mutational load, with only few tumors (acral, mucosal, and uveal melanomas) not induced by sunlight and possessing a lower mutational load. The most commonly activated pathway in melanoma is the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. However, the prognostic significance of mutation