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Predictive Performance of the FIF Screening Tool in 2 Cohorts of Community-Living Older Adults
Objectives: The First-time Injurious Fall (FIF) screening tool was created to identify fall risk in community-living older adults who may benefit from primary preventive interventions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive performance of the FIF tool in 2 cohorts of older adults. Design: Longitudinal cohort study. Setting and Participants: The Swedish National Study on Aging and Car
Biophysical drought metrics extraction by time series analysis of SPOT Vegetation data
The repeated occurrence of severe wildfires has highlighted the need for development of effective vegetation moisture monitoring tools. The normalized difference infrared index (NDII) derived from SPOT Vegetation satellite data and the Keetch-Byram drought index derived from temperature and rainfall data are both related to vegetation moisture dynamics. Autocorrelation of time series is a major is
Debattinlägg: ”Samarbete med Kina medför risker. Det är naivt att tro att regeringen vid varje tillfälle kan tala om när det är okej att samarbeta med Kina eller ej."
The governance of nature-based solutions in the city at the intersection of justice and equity
The embodied (hungry) female subject in Julia Ducournau’s Raw
Kameralisterna : Kreativt skrivande i gymnasieskolans svenskämne
Molecular analyses of triple-negative breast cancer in the young and elderly
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer in young adults has been implicated with a worse outcome. Analyses of genomic traits associated with age have been heterogenous, likely because of an incomplete accounting for underlying molecular subtypes. We aimed to resolve whether triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) in younger versus older patients represent similar or different molecular diseases in the context of g
Motion event descriptions in Swedish, French, Thai and Telugu : a study in post-Talmian motion event typology
Motion-event typology has moved into a “post-Talmian” terrain of approaches focusing on an open-ended number of patterns across languages and construc- tions. Following a proposal to distinguish between four typological clusters, we systematically compared the motion event descriptions in four languages suggested to exemplify these clusters: Swedish, French, Thai and Telugu, with the help of an el
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Mechanism of tetracycline resistance by ribosomal protection protein Tet(O)
Tetracycline resistance protein Tet(O), which protects the bacterial ribosome from binding the antibiotic tetracycline, is a translational GTPase with significant similarity in both sequence and structure to the elongation factor EF-G. Here, we present an atomic model of the Tet(O)-bound 70S ribosome based on our cryo-electron microscopic reconstruction at 9.6-Å resolution. This atomic model allow
Evolution of translational machinery : Could translation termination come into being before elongation?
A Faith for the Future : Why Traditional Religion Is the Preferable Form of Evolutionary Religion
In the philosophy of J. L. Schellenberg, “evolutionary religion” is a religious stance oriented towards the deep future. According to Schellenberg, the best form of evolutionary religion is non-doxastic faith in ultimism. I reject Schellenberg’s arguments for preferring ultimism and suggest that committing non-doxastically to traditional religion makes more sense from an evolutionary perspective.
Hfq-Assisted RsmA Regulation Is Central to Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Polysaccharide PEL Expression
To appropriately switch between sessile and motile lifestyles, bacteria control expression of biofilm-associated genes through multiple regulatory elements. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the post-transcriptional regulator RsmA has been implicated in the control of various genes including those related to biofilms, but much of the evidence for these links is limited to transcriptomic and phenotypic st
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RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 4,9-dodecadienal, (4Z,9Z)-, CAS Registry Number 1801275-28-4
En digifysisk primärvård med bättre prioritering efter behov
Solution Structure of the dATP-Inactivated Class I Ribonucleotide Reductase From Leeuwenhoekiella blandensis by SAXS and Cryo-Electron Microscopy
The essential enzyme ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is highly regulated both at the level of overall activity and substrate specificity. Studies of class I, aerobic RNRs have shown that overall activity is downregulated by the binding of dATP to a small domain known as the ATP-cone often found at the N-terminus of RNR subunits, causing oligomerization that prevents formation of a necessary α2β2 co
Effect of fasting hyperglycemia and insulin resistance on bone turnover markers in children aged 9–11 years
Aim: Impaired regulation of glucose metabolism in childhood adversely affects bone health. We assessed the effect of fasting hyperglycemia and insulin resistance on bone turnover markers in prepubertal children with normal glycemia (