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Mobility and productivity among Swedish inventors – a cause for causality?

In this thesis the background characteristics as well as the mobility and productivity of Swedish inventors is investigated. Swedish inventors tend to be highly educated, with an education in engineering or natural sciences. They are to a large extent male and in their mid-forties. Since there is possible an endogenous relationship between mobility and productivity, instrumental variables applied

Remittances and Economic Growth in Sub-Sahara African Countries

Remittances are getting wider attention in recent years because of the enormous increase in amounts. Remittances have already outshined the inflow of FDI, official development assistance, and portfolio flows for many developing countries. However there is no clear-cut understanding of its macro level importance to economic growth which arises because of shortage of study in the area. This study tr

Income Inequality and HIV in Zambia

Poverty has previously been viewed as one of the most important drivers of the HIV epidemic. However, recent studies have found that poor individuals are not more likely than wealthy to be HIV positive. Therefore, economic inequality together with gender inequality has instead been suggested as the main socioeconomic drivers of the spread of HIV. The studies analyzing the relationship between econ

Do the Swedish Trade Council and the Foreign Service Promote Exports?

Export promotion policies are widely used in most countries. The aim is to increase exports to foreign markets and in this, Sweden is no exception. In this study, my objective is to investigate whether Swedish export-promoting activities abroad, realized through the Swedish Trade Council (STC) and the Foreign Service (i.e. embassies and consulates), are associated with higher aggregate Swedish mer

Developing AIDS, A study of AIDS in the context of other social problems in New Crossroad, Cape Town

Development is often looked upon in economical terms and often research tries to investigate how one country can produce or sell more in order to increase its GDP. This thesis does not exclude these considerations but focuses on health as an important aspect of development. I investigate why South Africans (SA) would place their lives at risk with full knowledge of AIDS by not using freely availab

The Group of 20 and Global Economic Affairs

The G20 leaders forum was created as a response to the economic and financial crisis of 2008-2009. However, well before the crisis, calls for a new order in global economic governance had mounted as the credibility and importance of existing patterns of global governance had waned. Accordingly, the G20 replaced the G7 for dealing with international economic matters and designated itself as the pre

Ansvar för prospekt

Behovet av information på värdepappersmarknaden ökar i och med att det blir allt vanligare att investera i aktier. Aktiebolag vänder sig till värdepappersmarknaden för att skaffa nytt kapital till bolaget. De främsta anledningarna till detta är att bolagen vill finansiera sin verksamhet, ofta i form av nyinvesteringar, samt att ägarna vill kompenseras för de investeringar, både i form av nedlagt aThe increased importance of information on the securities market correlates to it having become more common to invest in shares. Business corporations turn to the securities market in order to raise money. The main reasons being the will to finance their operations, often in the form of new investments, and the owners wanting to be compensated for their investments, both financially and in terms o

Children's Inequality Aversion in Ultimatum Games

Individuals do not only make decisions to maximize their own utility, but are also concerned with how their decisions affect others. Theories of inequality aversion, taking fairness considera¬tions into account, suggest that many people dislike inequalities between themselves and others. Testing for inequality aversion is easiest done by using experimental economics, in this paper in the form of a

The Poverty Effect of The Debt-Relief under (HIPC) Initiative: Assessing aggregate impact of the debt-relief On Poverty-reduction

The main objective of this paper is to empirically assess debt-relief as a mechanism of aggregate poverty reduction in severely indebted and middle-income countries. The empirical analysis focuses on the channels connecting growth to investment and social spending that are believed to fuel the resource development gap of the heavily indebted countries that have suffered from the debt crisis. In or

Identity formation in Jamaican children of garrison communities and their perception of factors shaping their identities: A phenomenological study

Abstract The research sought to present a deep analysis on the formation of identities in Jamaican children living in garrison community in the context of community violence. A phenomenological scientific and theoretical approach was applied, focusing on lived and imagined experiences formations. Data was collected using open interviews from six children, age nine to eleven. The obtained text was

The Greek debt crisis- using the Solow model to simulate future fiscal balance and output growth

Since the financial crisis of 2008 many European countries have been plagued by growing fiscal deficits and public debts. The country found by many to be the worst off is Greece and in this study we use the Solow model of economic growth to attempt to find a savings level for Greece which provides enough capital for both investment and debt service. We use two different scenarios where one is base

The ethics and politics of Fair Trade

Fair Trade has noticed a new form of involvement for the public and the private sphere in relation to consumption. The aim of this study is to explore ethical consumption in relation to Fair Trade as well as the political aspect of it which has been relevant for supporting global causes and a form of citizen participation. The data collected for the study are an in-depth semi-structured interviews

Environmental consequences of the palm oil industry in Malaysia

Palmolja finns numer i en rad olika produkter, från margarin till biobränsle, och den globala efterfrågan på palmolja ökar år för år. I Malaysia har produktionen av palmolja ökat mer än 185 gånger sedan år 1961 och idag producerar landet omkring 40 % av världens palmolja. Den enorma tillväxten drivs av bland annat populationsökning, förändrade konsumtionsvanor samt policys som syftar till att öka There is a growing global demand for palm oil – a vegetable oil used in various products such as margarine and biofuel. Since 1961 the Malaysian palm oil production has experienced a 185-fold increase and currently Malaysia produces about 40 % of the world’s palm oil. Malaysia also has one of the world’s richest flora and fauna. The palm oil industry has gained much negative attention in recent ye

Do Not Feed the Troll

Jag kommer här att beskriva ett internetcommunity, d.v.s. en hemsida och ett forum, som hyser rum åt en bråkdel av de mer kriminellt aktiva internetanvändarna. Arbetet kommer rikta sig på att så ingående som möjligt förklara och beskriva den Anonyma Cybermänniskans aktiviteter på internet och jag har valt som medium för detta då hemsidans forum är välkänt för sina anonyma användare. Ras,

Ett möte mellan Japanska och svenska chefer - en empirisk undersökning om ledarskap inom två kulturer

Today the organization, the employers and employees must be more flexible and always adapt to a changing environment. The purpose of my study is to investigate how managers interact with their employees and how they use their leadership in an international organization. In order to achieve this I have conducted qualitative interviews with six managers within the same department and international c

Let's not talk about it: Social Acceptance of Violence against Women in El Salvador

This Bachelor’s thesis is an ethnographic study examining the gendered norms and identities ascribed to men and women and how this impact the meaning accorded to violence against women in El Salvador. Violence is not just a physical act but must be studied in relation to the social and cultural structures that give it meaning. The central argument in this thesis is that there exists an inherent so

Optimisation of an image plate system with respect of tube voltage

In this study we evaluate the clinical image quality of a computed radiography system for different tube voltages. Images of anthropomorphic phantoms were produced and the quality of the images was evaluated using visual grading analysis (VGA) by a group of experienced radiologists. Two different X-ray examinations were investigated: chest PA and pelvis AP. The exposure conditions were set so that

Studies of removal of 210Po, 234U, 238U and 137Cs in man by dialysis

Mat som kontaminerats av radionuklider genom till exempel radioaktivt nedfall kan ge höga stråldoser till kroppen. Nuklider med långa halveringstider kan ackumuleras i kroppen och ge en hög tidsintegrerad absorberad dos. Personer med kronisk njursvikt kan erhålla höga stråldoser efter intag av radionuklider eftersom många radionuklider utsöndras via njurarna. I den här undersökningen har vi studerHigh internal radiation doses can result from food, contaminated by radionuclides from for example nuclear fallout. Nuclides with long half-lifes can accumulate in the body and give a high time-integrated absorbed dose. Persons with end-stage renal disease can receive high absorbed doses after intake of radionuclides, since many radionuclides are mainly excreted by the kidneys. In this study the d

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Measurements of Plutonium in Sediment and Seawater from the Marshall Islands

The atmospheric nuclear bomb test “Castle Bravo”, which detonated at the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands in 1954, led to the contamination of some populated atolls. Sediment samples from one such, the Rongelap Atoll, have been examined for plutonium (239, 240, 241, 242Pu) and americium (241Am) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Californina. Plutonium was measured with Accelerator Ma

A comparison between HPGe- and NaI(Tl)-systems in finding lost point sources and optimisation of collecting parameters

Up to recently mobile gamma spectrometry has mostly been performed with NaI(Tl)-based detector systems. However lately the interest of using HPGe(High Purity Germanium)-based systems have increased and one has realised that the excellent energy resolution of HPGe-detectors, in combination with the possibility to manufacture larger crystals than before, is an advantage not only when performing in s