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Ett möte mellan Japanska och svenska chefer - en empirisk undersökning om ledarskap inom två kulturer

Today the organization, the employers and employees must be more flexible and always adapt to a changing environment. The purpose of my study is to investigate how managers interact with their employees and how they use their leadership in an international organization. In order to achieve this I have conducted qualitative interviews with six managers within the same department and international c

Let's not talk about it: Social Acceptance of Violence against Women in El Salvador

This Bachelor’s thesis is an ethnographic study examining the gendered norms and identities ascribed to men and women and how this impact the meaning accorded to violence against women in El Salvador. Violence is not just a physical act but must be studied in relation to the social and cultural structures that give it meaning. The central argument in this thesis is that there exists an inherent so

Optimisation of an image plate system with respect of tube voltage

In this study we evaluate the clinical image quality of a computed radiography system for different tube voltages. Images of anthropomorphic phantoms were produced and the quality of the images was evaluated using visual grading analysis (VGA) by a group of experienced radiologists. Two different X-ray examinations were investigated: chest PA and pelvis AP. The exposure conditions were set so that

Studies of removal of 210Po, 234U, 238U and 137Cs in man by dialysis

Mat som kontaminerats av radionuklider genom till exempel radioaktivt nedfall kan ge höga stråldoser till kroppen. Nuklider med långa halveringstider kan ackumuleras i kroppen och ge en hög tidsintegrerad absorberad dos. Personer med kronisk njursvikt kan erhålla höga stråldoser efter intag av radionuklider eftersom många radionuklider utsöndras via njurarna. I den här undersökningen har vi studerHigh internal radiation doses can result from food, contaminated by radionuclides from for example nuclear fallout. Nuclides with long half-lifes can accumulate in the body and give a high time-integrated absorbed dose. Persons with end-stage renal disease can receive high absorbed doses after intake of radionuclides, since many radionuclides are mainly excreted by the kidneys. In this study the d

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Measurements of Plutonium in Sediment and Seawater from the Marshall Islands

The atmospheric nuclear bomb test “Castle Bravo”, which detonated at the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands in 1954, led to the contamination of some populated atolls. Sediment samples from one such, the Rongelap Atoll, have been examined for plutonium (239, 240, 241, 242Pu) and americium (241Am) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Californina. Plutonium was measured with Accelerator Ma

A comparison between HPGe- and NaI(Tl)-systems in finding lost point sources and optimisation of collecting parameters

Up to recently mobile gamma spectrometry has mostly been performed with NaI(Tl)-based detector systems. However lately the interest of using HPGe(High Purity Germanium)-based systems have increased and one has realised that the excellent energy resolution of HPGe-detectors, in combination with the possibility to manufacture larger crystals than before, is an advantage not only when performing in s

Innovation Activities in Biotechnology Industry in Denmark

Denmark’s biotech industry has a strong position in terms of R&D investment and net sales compared with other countries in the European Union. The biotechnology patent per million inhabitants has a leading position worldwide. This thesis aims to research the key factors that ensure and promote companies’ growth in biotech industry compared with other industries in Denmark. The research results

The Oil Price and the Impact of Geopolitical Events and the VIX-index

Abstract The spring of 2011 unrest grew in the Middle East and North Africa, and as a result we saw a surge in in oil prices. This essay conducts an evaluation on if these kinds of geopolitical events within the OPEC have affected the oil price in the past in the same way. As a contrary variable we have also assessed if the VIX-index is a good indicator of decreasing oil prices. We have used

Kognitiv beteendeterapi - En studie om normalisering inom institutionsbehandling av ungdomar

The purpose of this study is to examine whether normalization is created and if so done within a specific context. More specifically the aim is to study how normalization is created and made in institutional treatment of young people, according to cognitive behavioral therapy. The two research questions I intend to answer are, how can treatment according to cognitive behavioral therapy operate nor

Det industriella varumärkesarbetet - en studie i värdeskapande relationer varumärkesaktiviteter

Studien behandlar det processuella perspektivet på hur ett industriellt företag slöter sitt varumärkesarbete mot sina kunder. Undersökningen är genomförd med en kvalitativ ansats med en tolkande och deskriptiv metod. Det empiriska materialet har insamlats genom intervjuer. Studiens teoretiska ram har utformats utifrån fyra grundläggande områden; varumärkets beståndsdelar, industriella konkurensför

Testing The Black- Litterman Model: Sensitivity of Weight Vector to the Variance of Views

The paper investigates sensitivity of the optimal portfolio obtained from the Black Litterman model to the specification of the inputs. Specifically estimation methods of the variances of the views are employed and the results are analysed. For this purpose the MSCI indices of 14 European countries are experienced. The result shows very weak response of the weight vector to the estimation method o

Miljöanpassning av befintlig bebyggelse - En- till tvåfamiljshus byggda 1880-1945

Dagens bostadsbestånd består av flerfamiljshus och drygt två miljoner småhus. Av dessa är 37 % byggda före år 1950, det vill säga 770 000 småhus. Gemensamt för husen byggda mellan åren 1880-1945 är användningen av traditionell byggteknik och materialval vid uppförandet av husen. De utgör ett värde i vårt kulturarv med en social identitet väl förankrad i sin omgivning. Dessa hus är idag i behov av

Power and Disability in the Global South: A Case Study of Ghana's Disability Rights Movement

In recent years, disability rights has emerged as an increasingly important political issue in Ghana, primarily due to the mobilization of an organized and formidable national disability rights movement. In 2006 Ghana’s Persons with Disability (PWD) Act was signed into law, marking the promulgation of the most comprehensive piece of disability rights legislation in the country’s history. The objec

Space/Place and Scale in Development Finance

The study seeks to examine the conceptualizations of space and scale in development thinking. One of the important dimensions of the development is the conceptualization of space and scale. The mainstream development theory, which is modernization, theorizes space as a physical geographical style that is technical and measurable. Scale on the other hand conceptualized on the nation state scale. Cr

“How does aid dependency lead to depression of refugees from Myanmar in Tham Hin Camp, Thailand?”

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), at the end of 2010, there were 43.7 million forcibly displaced persons worldwide, and 15.4 million of these were refugees, including many from Myanmar. Currently, Thailand hosts around 100,000 refugees from Myanmar who have been registered by UNHCR and the Thai government, and another 53,000 unregistered refugees. The protract

Segregation of migrants

Globalization has lead to the situation that all countries in this or that way become affective by migratory movements. In year 2008 stream immigration to Sweden reached its record levels, with more than 100,000 people entering the country (Segregation 'widespread' for Swedish immigrants 2008). Although known to provide multiple benefits, such as new life opportunities, migration may also

GIS-baserad metod för etablering av centraliserade biogasanläggningar baserad på husdjursgödsel

Den globala klimatförändingen är vår tids största utmaning och det största miljömässiga, sociala och ekonomiska hotet världen över. Genom att använda husdjursgödsel för produktion av förnyelsebar energi i form av biogas kan utsläppen av västhusgaser minskas, samtidigt som lokala resurser utnyttjas på ett hållbart sätt. Norge har som nationellt mål att 30 % av husdjurgödseln ska användas till produClimate change because of increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is widely recognized and is our times biggest environmental, social and economical threat worldwide. Converting livestock manure into a renewable energy resource such as biogas contributes to lowering greenhouse gases emissions and takes advantage of local energy resources in a sustainable way. Norway has a national goal to pro

Ett svenskt kronvittnessystem? Billighetsskälen och en ny strafflindringsgrund

Den förhärskande straffrättsideologin i Sverige idag är nyklassisk, där proportionalitetsprincipen, ekvivalensprincipen och humanitetsprincipen är ledstjärnor vid utdömande av straff. Principen om proportionalitet innebär att straffen ska vara rättvisa, det vill säga att lika brott ska behandlas lika i ljuset av vilka straff som ska tilldelas. Vid den stora svenska brottsbalksreformen 1989 infördThe prevailing ideology of criminal justice in Sweden is neo-classical. The principles of proportionality, of equivalence and of humanity are the guiding principles of sentencing. The principles of proportionality and of equivalence mean that the punishment should be fair, e.g. the same crime should be treated equally in the light of the penalties. In the large Swedish penal code reform in 1989 t

Gendered Social Work?

This paper is an empirical study on social work in China from the gender perspective. In this paper, I will analyze how social work in China, as a relatively new career, is being interpreted and constructed under Chinese modern gender norms; at the same time, how male social workers experience work and personal life in the context of feminized social work. There is an interesting phenomenon that