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Your search for "*" yielded 525964 hits
Some transparent convolutional codes with a simple encoder inverse
Were women more vulnerable during the inter-war depressions? Evidence from the Swedish manufacturing industry, 1920-1939
Digitisation and the physical security industry
The role of the Medial Temporal Lobe in The Acquisition of semantic memory.
A three dimensional plasticity model for perpendicular to grain cohesive fracture in wood - an abstract
Konsten att inte sopa problemen under mattan: Om Bergmans Scener ur ett äktenskap
Space wars and the new urban imperialism: inhumane creative urban governance
There is no such thing as importance
Statistical mechanics of electronic energy levels in semiconductors
It is shown, using Guggenheim's pressure ensemble that partial Gibbs free energies are the quantities determining equilibrium occupations of electronic levels and hence are the quantities that enter detailed balance relationships. It is also shown that the energy of an optical no-phonon transition between band states equals the corresponding free energy change. This is also true for transitions in
'Man' and aspect in Swedish
Att arbeta med sig själv: pedagogiska tankar utifrån Stanislavskij
I detta paper utgår jag ifrån Konstantin Stanislavskijs En skådespelares arbete med sig själv och ställer frågor kring hur lärandesituationen på en juridisk utbildning kan vägledas av Stanislavskijs teori och praktik.
An optimization model for path diversity protection in IP-over-WDM networks
Något har förändrats. Frågan är bara vad? Om Bolognaprocessens inverkan på läroplanskulturen i två svenska yrkesprogram.
Ultraljudsnavigerande mobil robot för rörelsehindrade personer
Människor med grava rörelsehinder behöver hjälp för att klara av sina vardagliga sysslor såsom att klä på sig, äta, borsta tänderna, klia sig, dricka mm. De behöver också stöd för att kunna utföra ett arbete. Traditionellt är det någon eller några personl
Can Training Eyemovements Hinder Visual Search?
There have long been assumptions about optimal visual strategies for specific tasks, arising from the differences noted between experts’ and novices’ eye movements in domains as diverse as reading, driving, rifle shooting, and cricket. However, because there remains a gulf between theoretical models of eyemovement control (e.g Findlay & Walker, 1999) and their use in applied contexts, simply t
Measured occupancy levels in Swedish offices
Fast Optimal Three View Triangulation
We consider the problem of L2-optimal triangulation from three separate views. Triangulation is an important part of numerous computer vision systems. Under gaussian noise, minimizing the L2 norm of the reprojection error gives a statistically optimal estimate. This has been solved for two views. However, for three or more views, it is not clear how this should be done. A previously proposed, but
Remembrance, Commemoration and Memorial Ceremonies in Post-tsunami Thailand
Memorial ceremonies serve varying purposes, from national recognition of a tragedy to healing an individual’s inner wounds. An important aim is to make a catastrophic event comprehensible. The Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004 hit thirteen countries and almost 300,000 people were killed. In Thailand approximately 10,000 perished and among them were foreign tourists from nearly forty countries. Memorial