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Mapping a New History of the Ecological Turn : The Circulation of Environmental Knowledge in Sweden 1967
This essay introduces environmental historians to a new approach inspired by the burgeoning field of Wissensgeschichte; that is, the study of societal circulation of knowledge. It is argued that this new method can help us to better map out and analyse the emergence of modern environmentalism in society at large. To demonstrate the practical implications of the argument the essay is centred on an
Robust constrained Model Predictive Control of fast electromechanical systems
A major drawback hinders the application of Model Predictive Control (MPC) to the regulation of electromechanical systems or, more generally, systems with fast dynamics: the time needed for the online computation of the control is often too long with respect to the sampling time. This paper shows how this problem can be overcome by suitably implementing the MPC technique. The main idea is to compu
Cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome in people with established psychotic illnesses : baseline data from the IMPaCT randomized controlled trial
BACKGROUND: The aims of the study were to determine the prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors and establish the proportion of people with psychosis meeting criteria for the metabolic syndrome (MetS). The study also aimed to identify the key lifestyle behaviours associated with increased risk of the MetS and to investigate whether the MetS is associated with illness severity and degree of func
Transcriptional reactivation of OTX2, RX1 and SIX3 during reprogramming contributes to the generation of RPE cells from human iPSCs
Directed differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) holds great promise in cell replacement therapy for patients suffering from degenerative eye diseases, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In this study, we generated iPSCs from human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) by electroporation with episomal plasmid vectors encoding OCT4,
Fostering the waste-responsible citizen? Bio-politics and post-political planning
The ability of mitral papillary muscle positions to explain QRS complex characteristics in humans
Anatomical location of the conduction system may influence the characteristics of the depolarization and thus characteristics of the QRS complex. It is known that in the heart, there are electro-anatomical relationships, such as relationships among the molecular, genetic and anatomic components of the conduction system and papillary muscles. This review aims to discuss how knowledge of the electro
Combined level set and ab-initio modeling of grain structure and texture evolution during self-annealing in thin Cu films
Preoperative localization in unilateral parathyroid surgery. A cost-benefit study on ultrasound, computed tomography and scintigraphy
In 50 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism, investigation before initial neck exploration included ultrasonography, computed tomography and 99technetium-201thallium subtraction scintigraphy. The sensitivity for correct preoperative localization was 50%, 54% and 56%, respectively. There was marked inter-observer variation in assessment of ultrasonography and computed tomography, while scintigr
Recension av Werdenfels, Åke (red.), ”Tidsbilder. S:t Laurentii/Heliga Kors kyrka i Ronneby”, Blekingeboken 2016, årg. 94.
Partsrelationer och makt (presentation)
Communications of autonomy and vulnerability in criminal proceedings
In some high-profile Swedish cases on violence in intimate relationships, policemen and judges have been blamed for missing important aspects of the victim’s vulnerable situation and the ongoing violence, and indirectly causing the death of the women victims. When these types of cases encounter the criminal justice system, two seemingly opposites are confronted: autonomy and vulnerability. In dete
Inversion of a dynamical system by an operator identity
Inversion of a linear dynamical system is shown to be an operator equivalence to the well-known matrix lemma: (D + CLB)−1 = [D−1 − D−1C(L−1 + BD−1C)−1BD−1]
Random Effects in Biomedical Flow Systems
The random effects in tracer kinetics and cell cycle kinetics are usually described by the particle residence time. An analytical framework is developed, and the importance of the statistical independence of the residence times is emphasized.
Röde Orm – en otidsenlig klassiker
Complex spectral properties of non-Hermitian operators : An application to open-flow mixing systems
We study the spectral properties of the advection-diffusion operator associated with a non-chaotic 3d Stokes flow defined in the annular region between counter-rotating cylinders of finite length. The focus is on the dependence of the eigenvalue-eigenfunction spectrum on the Peclet number Pe. Several convection-enhanced mixing regimes are identified, each characterized by a power law scaling, -μd∼
Textual objects and strategizing : The influence of documents as active objects on strategic recursiveness
In this paper, we explore the role of documents as influential objectsin strategizing, especially in terms of how they influence strategicrecursiveness. We do not restrict our study to explicitly strategyrelateddocuments (e.g. strategic plans and vision or missionstatements), but include all documents that generally address acompany’s long-term direction. By applying the notions ofauthoritative te
Magnetomotive ultrasound for nanomedicine : a mechanistic approach to detection, evaluation and safety assessment
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, but reliable diagnosis and staging can contribute to optimal treatment planning, and is a crucial factor in reducing mortality and maintaining quality of life. Soft tissue mechanical properties are promising indicators of cancer that can be assessed non-invasively using functional imaging. Additionally, lymphatic involvement is considered a k