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Emissioner i Perstorp - Sektors-, capitajämförelser och lufthaltsmodeller

I denna studie utfördes en serie tester för att utvärdera luftkvaliteten i Perstorps kommun. Med utgångspunkt från SMED:s databas gjordes jämförelser av flera utsläpp mellan Perstorps kommun, grannkommunen Klippan, samt Skåne och Sverige. På grund av dess utbredda industri var utsläppen från Perstorp ofta betydligt större än för de andra grupperna sett per capita. För att säkerställa att de uppgifIn this study a series of tests have been performed in order to evaluate the air quality of Perstorp municipality. From the SMED database comparisons of several emissions between Perstorp, the neighbouring Klippan municipality, Scania and Sweden were made. Due to its prevalent industry, the emissions from Perstorp were often significantly higher than that of the other groups seen per capita. In or

Hundar på arbetsplatsen - en jämförande studie av arbetsrelaterad stress hos anställda på företag med eller utan hund

Syftet med uppsatsen var att genom en psykologisk kvantitativ studie undersöka om hundar kan påverka stressnivån hos anställda på företaget som tillåter hund. Har de anställda på företaget som tillåter hund på arbetsplatsen lägre upplevd stressnivå än de anställda företag som inte tillåter hund? Studien genomfördes på två välkända svenska företag, ett finansbolag och en riksorganisation, som båda

Inducing Lasting Attitude Change Through Choice - A Choice Blindness Study on Political Views

Studies of decision-making have shown that attitudes can be influenced by choices. One way in which to study these types of attitude changes can be through the choice blindness paradigm. Choice blindness is the well documented finding that people may both fail to notice that the outcome of a choice does not correspond to what was intended, and at the same time construct coherent arguments in suppo

Forgotten rooms and rejected items

The curtain is a decorative object with at lot of additional functions. We wanted to work with the curtain and our goal was to make people see it with new eyes. We decided to try to raise the value of the curtain by giving the user an excuse to interact with it; through storage. The starting point of the project was a theme we call forgotten rooms and rejected items. To us this talks about how we

Virvel - Vertical axis wind turbine for private use

Vertical axis wind turbines have vertical rotation axles, unlike traditional wind turbines, which rotate around horizontal axles. Vertical wind turbines convert energy from turbulent winds, pick up wind energy from all directions and are easy to serve. The noise from a vertical axis wind turbine is only one-tenth as strong as horizontal-axle wind turbines, which make it possible to place the verti

All About the Money: A Cultural Analysis of Financial Incentives as a Motivator for Improved Household Waste Separation

In the Netherlands it is very common to separate household waste inside the home. In several Dutch municipalities a financial incentive system has been implemented that is intended to motivate residents to manage and separate household waste more efficiently. The system has shown to give good results when evaluated in terms of the amount of collected household waste. However, no research exists on

Osäkerhet i förorten - En kritisk diskursanalys av Aftonbladets rapportering av säkerheten i Biskopsgården

During the last few years Gothenburg in Sweden has been crippled by a vast number of social and criminal injustices. Among them are shootings, murders and the increasingly poor social welfare for the inhabitants. One of the areas that have taken the hardest toll by this is Biskopsgården. Besides being havocked by shootouts between local gangs, murders being the rule rather than exception, it also

Cloning and Characterization of Plasminogen-Binding Proteins from Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae

Bakterier kidnappar det mänskliga proteinet plasminogen för egen vinning Kroppen har utvecklat ett komplext system som skyddar oss från invaderande mikroorganismer. Genom att binda kroppsegna proteiner kan bakterier kidnappa detta försvar och främja sin egen spridning. Haemophilus influenzae är en av dessa sjukdomsframkallande bakterier vars ökande framfart väckt oro och lett till behovet av ett Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a human-specific pathogen frequently associated with respiratory tract infections. Recruitment of human plasminogen is one of the multifaceted colonization and invasion strategies employed by NTHi. Plasminogen is a proenzyme abundant in human plasma. Physiological activators convert plasminogen to the proteolytically active broad-spectrum protease plasm

Design and Test of an L-Band (GNSS) Low Noise Amplifier and Limiter

Abstract This thesis work was performed at RUAG Space AB, Göteborg, Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to test the performance boundaries of SiGe based heterojunction bipolar transistor in designing a low noise amplifier meant for GNSS applications. After careful consideration of different alternatives for active components in SiGe HBT process, BFY640-04 from Infineon was selected as the active com

Kultur, den viktigaste mottagaren: En kvalitativ studie om internationella företags kommunikationsanpassningar

Denna studie ämnar kartlägga faktorer som påverkar ett företag och deras internationella kommunikationsanpassning till olika kulturer. Studien har som utgångspunkt den anpassning de internationella företagen Barilla Group och Top-toy genomförde vid varsin kris på en nationell marknad. Studien är en kvalitativ textanalys med empiriskt material bestående av texter från både ett sändar- och mottagarpThis study intends to highlight factors affecting the tension between corporate values and international communication adjustments among cultures. This case study has its base when Barilla Group and Top-toy were adjusting their communication while going through separate crises. We conducted this study through a qualitative text analysis with a hermeneutic viewpoint. Collecting empirical findings f

Is there an impact of Foreign Direct Investments on gender equality? A study of female employment in Latin America and the Caribbean

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a part of the globalization process, a process increasing all over the world. These investments affect people, both in the home economy and the host economy. People in the host economy are, due to several aspects, affected in different ways. One of those aspects is gender. Gender inequality in the world is well known, women have less political, economic and socia

Mo Money Mo State -Do more public agencies bump up the local tax revenues?

In this thesis the subject has been to investigate if there is any connection between government agency presence and tax revenue in the municipality. Previous studies in Sweden have more focused at the intergovernmental relation between state and local level and especially they have focused on government grants and the effects. But this thesis recognizes that the government can also shift the dist

Temporal Persistence of the Homicide Rates in the Colombian Municipalities.

The objective of this paper is to determine the existence of temporal persistence in the homicide rates in the Colombian regions, or in other words, to determine the existence of a relationship between the past and present homicide rates. In order to achieve this objective, in this study was analyzed longitudinal data with annual observations for all the municipalities of the country. The results

Förvaltning av Skånes vildsvinsstammar

Vildsvin är det klövvilt som idag ökar snabbast i Sverige. Den markanta populationsökningen är delvis hänförbar till den utbreda utfodring av vildsvin som görs av markägare och jägare. Detta leder till att vildsvin kan reproducera sig under hela året istället för till begränsade parningsperioder. Den ökande vildsvinspopulationen har skapat konflikter mellan jägare och markägare eftersom dessa har The essay examines the potential need for implementing a new structure of wildlife management to the wild boar. Such structure could be needed due to the fact that wild boar, Sus scrofa, is the ungulate with the fastest growing population of animals in the southern parts of Sweden. The unwieldy situation has created conflicts between hunters and landowners, as these have different interests regard

Income Inequality and Trade Protection - Does the Sector Matter?

According to traditional trade theory, trade reduces inequality between the rich and the poor. However, since the beginning of the 1980s, a constantly rise in within-country inequality has been observed in many developed and developing countries. With the rapidly increasing globalization during the same period in mind, a natural question to ask is whether the two phenomenon are linked. In this pap

Genetic analysis of Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer

Anaplastic thyroid cancer is one of the most fatal endocrine malignancies. The tumour is highly invasive and show aggressive growth patterns with poor prognosis. Thyroid tumourgenesis is poorly understood. Thyroid malignancy incidences are higher in women than men with a ratio of 2:1, the average age at diagnosis is 60, tumour size ranging between 6 cm to 9 cm, highly infiltrative on presentation

Combustion Homogeneity with PPC in a Light Duty Optical Engine

The objective of this Master Thesis is to investigate the homogeneity level of the Partially Premixed Combustion using different injection strategies, for low load engine conditions. In order to achieve this aim, it is necessary to understand the Partially Premixed Combustion process of an engine through the performance of optical measurements in an optical setup. Partially Premixed Combustion (PP

Medborgargarde skyddar byns butik: civilsamhällets betydelse för det brottsförebyggande arbetet utifrån fallet Kågeröd.

Kågeröd is a village in the municipality of Svalöv with about 1500 inhabitants. The village has only one remaining grocery store, Coop Konsum, and the store is currently in a financial struggle due to to the high rate of crime that has affected the store during the past six months. When the inhabitants of Kågeröd found out that the store, which functions as a social meeting point, was threatened t