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Household participation in Waste management – Environmental and strategic evaluation of good examples for source separation of waste fractions
Waterfowl in temperate eutrophic lakes - Interactions with macroinvertebrates, submerged vegetation and fish
Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling har jag fördjupat mig i de ekologiska sambanden mellan några av de mest påtagliga och kända organismerna i sjöar och dammar, nämligen sjöfåglar, undervattensväxter, smådjur (från och med nu kallade evertebrater, vilket betyder ryggradslösa djur), och i viss grad fisk. Bland sjöfåglarna (här avses främst änder, gäss, svanar och sothöns) finns det både The aim of this thesis was to explore some of the important links between waterfowl and the biota in shallow eutrophic lakes in temperate areas. Waterfowl depend on macroinvertebrates as sources of protein and calcium, which are essential for egg production and growth. Macroinvertebrates in turn depend on submerged vegetation for food and shelter. Increased density of vegetation thus leads to incr
Ung som gammal: kreativitet genom livsloppet
Media som diskursiv bakgrundsmusik
Den svenska socialdemokratin - en rörelse mellan klass och stat
Nazismen och musiken
Enhancing Regional Knowledge Economies: Universities and Industry-Science Relationships— A comparative perspective from Japan and UK
Vad är lagom?
Convolutional Codes for Iterative Decoding
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"'Ärade damer!' Den Svenske Nationalsocialisten som kvinnotidskrift"
From parity and complex imitation to pantomime. Comment on Arbib
Performance Modelling and Control of Server Systems using Non-linear Control Theory
All service control nodes, for example SCPs, HLRs, and MSCs, are constructed as a server system with one or more servers that process incoming requests. Since service control nodes are sensitive to overload, admission control mechanisms are often implemented. In this paper, we model and analyse admission control mechanisms for server systems with control theoretic methods. We develop a nonlinear s
Alltför mänskliga rättigheter? : den allmänna förklaringen som ett levande dokument
Parisisk serenad
Förförståelse och förberedelse : att omforma en seminariekultur
Molecular and pathological characterization of inherited breast cancer.
The two major breast cancer susceptibility genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, account for the majority of familial breast–ovarian cancer, but only a modest proportion of breast cancer families without ovarian or male breast cancer. Search for additional breast cancer genes with traditional linkage analysis has so far been unsuccessful, probably due to genetic heterogeneity. Pooling of families of different e
Catching Eureka on the Fly
An interesting class of intelligent tutoring systems are systems that are able to detect and recognize affective responses and states in students, and use such data to adapt its feedback, guidance and instruction. The article presents affective responses and states considered relevant for learning, and methods that have been proposed or used to detect such responses and states. We focus on the aff