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Evaluation of the Microvascular Blood Flow, Oxygenation, and Survival of Tarsoconjunctival Flaps Following the Modified Hughes Procedure.

For the modified Hughes procedure, a tarsoconjunctival flap from the upper eyelid is used to reconstruct large, full-thickness, lower eyelid defects. The conjunctival pedicle is divided once vascularization is deemed to be adequate. The importance of maintaining a flap pedicle to ensure adequate perfusion of the graft has been questioned. The purpose of the study was to investigate the microvascul

Planning Order Releases for an Assembly System with Random Operation Times

A multi-stage assembly network is considered. A number of end items should be delivered at a certain time. Otherwise a delay cost is incurred. End items and components that are delivered before they are needed will cause holding costs. All operation times are independent stochastic variables. The objective is to choose starting times for different operations in order to minimize the total expected

Evaluation of quantitative planar (90)Y bremsstrahlung whole-body imaging.

With high-dose administration of (90)Y labeled antibodies, it is possible to image (90)Y without an admixture of (111)In. We have earlier shown that it is possible to perform quantitative (90)Y bremsstrahlung SPECT for dosimetry purposes with reasonable accuracy. However, whole-body (WB) activity quantification with the conjugate view method is not as time consuming as SPECT and has been the metho

Extracellular matrix alterations and acute inflammation; developing in parallel during early induction of pulmonary fibrosis.

Pulmonary fibrosis is a hallmark of several systemic diseases such as systemic sclerosis. Initiation and early development is not well characterized, as initiation usually is unnoticed in patients, yet fibrosis has been considered a late event, occurring after an inflammatory phase. By utilizing an animal model, the starting point can be defined and the initiation process and early development tho

Familial Lund frontotemporal dementia caused by C9ORF72 hexanucleotide expansion.

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) as an important clinical entity was rediscovered in Lund and Manchester in the early 1990s. Here we show that the large Lund pedigree with behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia previously described with this disorder has an expansion in the recently described C9ORF72 locus on chromosome 9.

Beta-amyloid, tau-protein and cystatin C in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer´s disease

Alzheimer´s Disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative dementia characterized by the extracellular accumulation of the beta-amyloid (Ab) peptide into plaques and intracellular phosphorylation and accumulation of tau protein into neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). Inflammation due to astrocytic and microglial activation is one of the ongoing processes in the disease giving rise to cytokine product

Gesture as a Communication Strategy in Second Language Discourse : A Study of Learners of French and Swedish

Popular Abstract in SwedishGester betraktas ofta populärt som det mest typiska sättet för språkinlärare att lösa kommunikativa problem. Trots det har gester sällan studerats inom ramen för teorier som rör bruket eller inlärningen av andraspråk. Den här studien avser att redogöra för hur andraspråksinlärare använder spontana eller koverbala gester som kommunikationsstrategier. Gester klassificeras Gesture is always mentioned in descriptions of compensatory behaviour in second language discourse, yet it has never been adequately integrated into any theory of Communication Strategies (CSs). This study suggests a method for achieving such an integration. By combining a cognitive theory of speech-associated gestures with a process-oriented framework for CSs, gesture and speech can be seen as re

Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Flows at Widely Different Mach Numbers

The present thesis mainly focuses on the numerical simulation of the turbulent flow field and acoustics developed in different industrial applications. The study covers a large range of Mach numbers, starting from incompressible regimes and ending with a fully compressible flow. In the first part of the thesis, several computations of an incompressible flow, are performed in order to study the be

Mao Zedong on Education

This is an annotated translation, with an introduction, of Mao Zedong's instructions on current educational work at an informal discussion with the heads of Education Departments from seven Chinese provinces and municipalities on 7 March 1957

Thermal history of the Phanerozoic sedimentary succession of Skåne, southern Sweden, and implications for applied geology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedimentära bergarter såsom t.ex. sandstenar och lerskiffrar, bildas genom att lösa sediment (t.ex. sand och lera) ”bakas” hårda när de sjunker ned i jordskorpan. Anledningen till att många lagerföljder rör sig nedåt i jordskorpan beror till viss del på de ovanliggande sedimentens tyngd, men är i huvudsak ett resultat av de platt-tektoniska rörelser som hela tiden påverPost-depositional thermal conditions have been investigated throughout the Phanerozoic sedimentary succession in Skåne. Clay mineralogy and illite crystallinity have been the main tools for the Lower Palaeozoic strata. Within the Mesozoic sequence thermal influence was examined using RockEval pyrolysis and vitrinite reflectance analysis. Clay mineralogy of the Lower Palaeozoic shales and mudstone

Antibiotics differ in their tendency to cause infusion phlebitis: a prospective observational study.

Intravenous administration of antibiotics is a known risk factor for infusion phlebitis. We have previously demonstrated differences in cell toxicity for 4 antibiotics. Clinical experience indicates that antibiotics differ in their tendency to cause phlebitis. The present study was done prospectively on 550 patients with 1386 peripheral venous catheters. The incidence of phlebitis was 18.5% with a