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Preoperative localization of enlarged parathyroid glands with ultrasonically guided fine needle aspiration for parathyroid hormone assay

For preoperative localization of enlarged parathyroid glands, several imaging techniques have been used. In this study we demonstrate the feasibility of using ultrasonography with fine needle aspiration for parathyroid hormone assay as a preoperative localization procedure in 21 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. A single adenoma was found in 18 patients while 3 patients had multiglandular

A prospective study of 100 roboticallyassisted laparoscopic adrenalectomies

We evaluated robotically assisted laparoscopic adrenalectomy (RLA) in a prospective study of 100 consecutive patients (60 women and 40 men) undergoing unilateral adrenalectomy at the University Hospital. The median age was 59 (24-82) years and BMI 27.6 (17.1-40.9) kg/m(2). Preoperative diagnoses were Conn's syndrome 30%, pheochromocytoma 23%, Cushing syndrome 27% and non-functional tumor 20%. The

Intraoperative secretion of intact parathyroid hormone and amino-terminal parathyroid hormone fragments from normal parathyroid glands associated with solitary parathyroid adenoma

The nonadenomatous parathyroid glands associated with parathyroid adenoma in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) are assumed to exhibit suppressed secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Because the function of these glands is of clinical importance for calcium homeostasis after surgery for pHPT, we studied the decrease of serum levels associated with intact PTH (i-PTH) and amino-term

Recent advances on CD4+ T cells in atherosclerosis and its implications for therapy

Atherosclerosis is an arterial inflammatory disease and the primary cause of cardiovascular disease. T helper (Th) cells are an important part in atherosclerotic plaque as they can be either disease promoting or protective. A body of evidence points to a pro-atherosclerotic role of Th1 cells, whereas the role of Th2, Th17 and iNKT cells seems more complex and dependent on surrounding factors, incl

Soil organic matter decomposition mechanisms in ectomycorrhizal fungi

In boreal forests, ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are found in soil layers containing decomposed litter and humus-rich soil organic matter (SOM). This chapter summarizes the present understanding of the mechanisms for oxidative decomposition of SOM and the hydrolysis and mobilization of organic N and P sources by ECM fungi. It discusses how these processes may influence the formation and stability of

Divorce and the onset of alcohol use disorder : A Swedish population-based longitudinal cohort and co-relative study

Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify the magnitude and nature of the relationship between divorce and risk for alcohol use disorder (AUD). Method: In a population-based Swedish sample of married individuals (N=942,366), the authors examined the association between divorce or widowhood and risk for first registration for AUD. AUD was assessed usingmedical, criminal, and pharmacy regi

Experimental Investigation on Effects of Central Air Jet on the Bluff-body Stabilized Premixed Methane-air Flame

Flame stabilized by a bluff-body is a common scene in many engineering applications due to the enhanced mixing characteristics, improved flame stability, and ease of combustion control. We recently designed a burner which has a conical bluff body with a central air injector. In the current work, effects of the central air jet on the heat load of the bluff body, the flame structures and the flame b

Flow-Inducing Networks

We consider flow-inducing networks, a class of models that are well-suited to describe important biochemical systems, including the MAPK pathway and the interactions at the trans-Golgi network. A flow-inducing network is given by the interconnection of subsystems (modules), each associated with a stochastic state matrix whose entries depend on the state variables of other modules. This results in

Spatial Models of Gene Patterns in Plants

Hur utvecklas en växt? Om man studerar växter så upptäcker man ganska snart de många symmetrier och regelbundna former som finns i växtriket. Nya växtorgan såsom löv och blommor bildas ofta i regelbundna mönster, som exempelvis kan ge upphov till de spiraler som kan observeras på en ananas eller kotte. Beroende på frekvensen ochvinklarna mellan de nya organ som skapas, kan olika mönster hos växtenThe growth and development of plants exhibits a striking symmetry, visible in the regular arrangement of leaves and flowers. Plant development is carefully controlled at the molecular level by gene regulatory networks, and the symmetry of plants can be observed also in the molecular patterns of gene expression.This thesis investigates the molecular basis for spatial patterns of gene expression in

Gender differences in psychiatric diagnoses in older people with intellectual disability: a register study

BACKGROUND: Gender differences regarding psychiatric ill-health are well known in the general population. However, not much research is done on people with intellectual disability, and especially not among older people with intellectual disability.METHODS: People with intellectual disability aged 55+ years in 2012 in Sweden were identified through a register containing information on those receivi

Fast hyperbolic Radon transform represented as convolutions in log-polar coordinates

The hyperbolic Radon transform is a commonly used tool in seismic processing, for instance in seismic velocity analysis, data interpolation and for multiple removal. A direct implementation by summation of traces with different moveouts is computationally expensive for large data sets. In this paper we present a new method for fast computation of the hyperbolic Radon transforms. It is based on usi

Aiming for a holistic integrated service for men diagnosed with prostate cancer – Definitions of standards and skill sets for nurses and allied healthcare professionals

Purpose To establish a comprehensive set of recommendations for the service structure and skill set of nurses and allied healthcare professionals in prostate cancer care. Methods Using components of formal consensus methodology, a 30-member multidisciplinary panel produced 53 items for discussion relating to the provision of care for prostate cancer patients by specialist nurses and allied healthc

"Altare beate Marie presentationis" : en ny rekonstruktion av ärkebiskop Brostorps förstörda altarskåp

‘Altare beate Marie presentacionis’– a new reconstruction of the ruined altar belonging to Archbishop BrostrupBefore the extensive interior alterations of Lund Cathedral in 1833, only six stone altars, four relatively complete retables, and one fragmentary Madonna remained from the once vast amount of Catholic altars. At present only the stone altar in the crypt retains its medieval position, and

Akaryotes and Eukaryotes are independent descendants of a universal common ancestor

We reconstructed a global tree of life (ToL) with non-reversible and non-stationary models of genome evolution that root trees intrinsically. We implemented Bayesian model selection tests and compared the statistical support for four conflicting ToL hypotheses. We show that reconstructions obtained with a Bayesian implementation (Klopfstein et al., 2015) are consistent with reconstructions obtaine