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A Road to Success Under Construction? Examining the Constraints of Public-Private Partnerships in Sweden

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) have been embraced across the globe the past decades, with the driving forces varying across countries. Considering the relatively scarce usage of PPP in Sweden it appears highly relevant to identify the constraints for realising PPP projects. The outcome of such a study provides better understanding on what factors could constrain countries with low utilisation,

Miljösäkring på Trafikverket - från planskede till byggskede. Utvärdering av sju miljösäkringsverktyg

Trafikverket publicerade 2011 en handbok över hur miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar inom verket bör utföras. I handboken betonas vikten av att implementera resultatet från tidigare MKB i projektet för att säkerställa projektets miljöanpassning. Syftet med examensarbetet är att analysera behovet av att styra miljöfrågorna mellan planskede, bygghandling och byggskede, samt att utvärdera hur olika verktyg

Lösningsmedel, grundvattenkemi och geofysiska signaler - Ett relationsproblem i Kv. Färgaren

This Bachelor thesis is assigned to interpret and visualize the degree of contamination and degradation of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAH) in relationship with groundwater chemistry and signals from geophysical surveys. The relationships between pollutant, chemistry data and geophysical surveys were tested through linear regression. By using the Swedish National Food Agency limits for dri

The Case of the Terrorist Organization November 17 (17N) - Media and Political Power

This research addresses the role and the power that the media have in framing information about terrorism and also the importance of the media in a well functioning democracy. In order to do so, a case study of the Terrorist Organization November 17 (or 17N) in Greece is presented, using theories related to terrorism, media and political influence in order to better understand the way that the med

En virtuell rekonstruktion -Vad kan det lära oss? Studiet av husrekonstruktioner från järnåldern med hjälp av 3D-modellering

This study deals with two issues. One is the interpretation of reconstructions of Iron Age houses; and the other is whether virtual reality—i.e. 3D modeling—is a useful tool for this interpretation. Physical reconstructions are constrained by both researchers’ and financiers’ interests. These interests sometimes clash, when e.g. return on investment forces a profitable version of a given project,

Atombomben och det moderna samhället.

Under senare delen av 1950-talet utspelade sig i Sverige en livlig debatt om huruvida landet skulle framställa egna atombomber. Tidsmässigt sammanföll detta med vad som kallats "den andra vetenskapliga revolutionen"; en tid präglad av ekonomisk högkonjunktur, snabb teknologisk utveckling och allmän framstegsoptimism. I föreliggande uppsats analyseras hur de svenska atomvapenmotståndarna

American Options on Commodities Under Stochastic Convenience Yield and Stochastic Volatility

American and Bermudan options have a wide range of applications in financial markets, e.g. in commodities markets among others. The pricing literature of such contingent claims is broad and many different algorithms and frameworks have been developed. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the Least-Squares Method (LSM), \cite{LSM}, can be extended to incorporate stochastic convenience y

Discrimination and Social Exclusion in Sweden in the Age of Globalization. The Case Study of Thai Migrants

International migration facilitated by contemporary globalization has brought about feelings of insecurity in terms of identity for both the host societies as well as incoming immigrants posing a major obstacle in host countries to integrate immigrants into society. In such context, social exclusion and discrimination can occur. The author argues that this is not a one-directional process. In orde

Constituent order in non-verbal representations: Describing events with pictures by speakers of Swedish and Kurdish

In this thesis the question concerning possible influence of language on thinking was addressed by investigating constituent orders in non-verbal representations of motion events. Forty-nine participants, 25 native speakers of Swedish with the default order SVO (or Agent-Act-Patient), and Kurdish with SOV (Agent-Patient-Act) were recruited in Sweden and 24 in Iraqi Kurdistan to take part in an exp

Den önskvärda svenskheten. En studie om bilden av Sverige ur ett statligt perspektiv.

We have extended our knowledge about the complexity that exists in the marketing of countries. With as a case, we have investigated how nation branding is actually managed from a sender perspective. We have analysed which desirable values the Swedish public organization NSU (National Board for Promotion of Sweden Abroad) communicate through the website The results we have ar

Developing the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Cambodia? The Gray Area between Ministry and Development: Evangelical Missionaries in Cambodia and the Synthesis of Social Services and Evangelism in Practice

Evangelical missionaries in Cambodia have a dual role as religious actor and development actor. This hybrid identity poses conceptual challenges for development actors, beneficiaries, and even missionaries themselves-- are they doing ministry or are they doing development? Through field observations and interviews in Phnom Penh with evangelical missionaries, this thesis examines how evangelism and

Mark-to-Model - An Explanation of the Choice and Relative Use

Title: Mark-to-Model – An Explanation of the Choice and Relative Use Seminar Date: 2012-05-31 Course: BUSN69, Degree Project – Accounting and Auditing. Master of Science in Business and Economics, 15 ECTS. Authors: Mikael Svensson and Alexander Wingren Supervisor: Torbjörn Tagesson Key Words: Financial Instruments, Mark-to-model, Fair value accounting, Level 3 and IFRS 7 Aim: The aim with th

Model Calibration and Economic Optimization in Conservation Planning with Bayesian Methods

Popular science summary: Having problems with statistics? Try Bayesian! While many of us are afraid of the abstruse concepts and annoyed by a lot of limitations in classical statistics, Bayesian methods provides user-friendly way to do statistics. They are intuitive, explicit and have a wide range of applications. In conservation planning, different sources of evidence need to be integrated to

The Mystical End of Finitude: Analogia Entis as Catholic Denkform

This thesis aims to show that the doctrine of analogia entis, the analogy of being, is a proper form of thought for Catholic theology, because it is based on a theological metaphysics. The thesis includes a very brief historical account of the concept of analogy in philosophical and theological metaphysics, but has for its real starting point the exclamation of Karl Barth that the analogia entis i

Gärningskvinnor: en textanalys av hur åtalade kvinnor beskrivs i domar

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur åtalade kvinnor beskrivs i domar vid Lunds Tingsrätt, samt om dessa beskrivningar kan tänkas förklaras och motiveras med hjälp av kriminologiska teorier. En annan avsikt med uppsatsen var att efter sammanställningen av vårt analysmaterial föra en diskussion om rätten kan tänkas sända ut icke åsyftade verkningar till samhället rörande framställningen av

Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete

Detta är en studie på betong som följer metodiken för en livscykelanalys (LCA). Studien är gjord för två typer av betong, vanlig husbyggnadsbetong och frostbehändig betong som används vid brobygge. Speciellt fokus läggs på det flyttillsatsmedel som tillsätts i betongen. Användningsfasen är inte medtagen i studien på grund av att det inte är specificerat vilken typ av betongkonstruktion som betonge

Den yttre och inre ordningen : En analys av Gustaf Wingrens syn på kallelsen

Abstract Denna uppsats fokuserar på Gustaf Wingrens lära om kallelsen vilken har sin grund i Wingrens avhandling Luthers lära om kallelsen från 1942. Det är ett textstudium där den övergripande frågeställnigen handlar om Wingrens syn på Guds handlande med människan i den yttre ordningen och i det inre samvetet. Det jag kommer fram till är på vilket sätt Guds rike, det jordiska och himmelska riket,