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Your search for "*" yielded 531183 hits

Organisational, Renowned, and Charismatic Leaders: Three Types of Resources

Emerging research on civil society elites has highlighted the presence of elitist tendencies in European civil societies with a growing concentration of political and economic resources in the hands of small groups of major organizations and leaders. Building upon this strand of research, this article aims at studying the power stratification of Italian civil society-third sector through a systema

Tillfällig privatisering av det offentliga rummet. En fallstudie av Åhus strand.

Based on Kristianstad municipality, this study examines the issue of allowing temporary privatization at Åhus beach. The study utilizes both a literature review and document analysis to analyze its content, and an interview was conducted as well. The theoretical framework introduces entrepreneurial urbanism, privatization and public space. In summary, it can be concluded that Evenemangsstranden in

Transitioning Towards Net-Zero Emissions While Staying Competitive - Is BASF Capable Of Doing So?

The chemical industry stands as a critical player in the global effort to combat climate change and achieve environmental sustainability. As the world is getting closer to crucial temperature thresholds, the need for decarbonisation becomes increasingly urgent. Thus, this paper focuses on BASF as the biggest chemical company in Germany but also globally and the German chemical industry in general,

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In the Swedish city of Helsingborg, in the southernmost county of Skåne, there is a prominent equestrian statue of Magnus Stenbock (1666–1717). Unveiled in 1901, it is a testament to his popularity as a commander of the Carolean Army and provincial governor general. The memorial culture surrounding Stenbock included various monuments, festivals, and parades in Skåne (Scania) and particularly in He

Social media platforms for politics : A comparison of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Snapchat, and WhatsApp

Citizens have increasingly diversified their use of social media platforms, raising questions about which platforms are adopted and for what purposes. We use survey data from four countries (Canada, France, the United States, and the United Kingdom) gathered in 2019 and 2021 (n = 12,302) about Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Snapchat, and WhatsApp. Political ideology predicts the ad

Evaluating retrofit options for specific buildings with low energy-performance in Skåne, Sweden, Focusing on energy use, environmental impact, profitability, and thermal comfort

In pursuit of energy efficiency and sustainable development, goals have been set by the EU and Sweden to improve the energy performance of buildings and reduce their environmental impact. Renovating the existing building stock is a path to achieving the energy and climate goals. This study investigates and analyses various retrofitting options for multifamily residential buildings in Skåne, Sweden

Even a single positive blood culture may matter- a case of prosthetic valve infective endocarditis caused by Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii

Corynebacterium is a skin commensal bacterium that can contaminate blood cultures. It is however also a rare cause of infective endocarditis (IE). Here we report a case of Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii aortic prosthesis IE in a 76-year-old man where only a single blood culture bottle was positive initially. C. kroppenstedtii is a very rare cause of IE, only reported two times previously. The diag

De-bordering and re-bordering practices at the intersection of gender and migration. A multi-site exploration of specialized services for migrant women experiencing violence in Italy and Sweden

This study builds on analyses of everyday professional practices to explore de-bordering and re-bordering processes in the field of gender-based violence (GBV). The concepts of de-bordering and re-bordering practices express the tensions arising from the conflictual roles taken on by civil society actors (CSAs) in their double vest of service delivery for the state and advocate for migrant women w

Centering Labour Regime Analysis: The case of a small-scale gold mine as the stage of the competition between the state and illegal armed groups over Colombia’s mining resources

This thesis combines labour regime analysis with Marx’s distinctive class of modern landed property in a case-study situated at the small-scale gold mine La Mina Vincente. It examines how the Colombian state's efforts to formalize artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) intersect with the presence of illegal armed groups, shaping the labour regime of La Mina Vincente. The study makes use of qua

Between consultation and partnership : participation styles in Swedish urban revitalization processes involving disabled people

Inclusive urban design relies on the participation of disabled persons. This study examines how the involvement of this group is perceived and managed in three revitalization initiatives applying current legal and moral requirements, e.g. ‘universal design’. Qualitative content analysis was conducted on go-along interviews and participant observation in projects related to public places and buildi

The proposed EU legal framework surrounding AI Liability in the Supply Chain: A contribution to a cohesive system

The EU has a plan to develop itself as a leading force in the AI field, and for that, it created a whole plan to be better prepared for that and foster in-novation and development of it in the Union. One of the steps in this plan is to create a cohesive framework around AI to increase trust to the European people, as said systems although very often beneficial, also brings many risks to fundamenta

Securing Industry 4.0: Assessing Cybersecurity Challenges and Proposing Strategies for Manufacturing Management

Industry 4.0 represents the foundation of the fourth industrial revolution, characterised by the integration of innovative technology into the manufacturing process. This integration enhances automation, diagnostics, data analysis, and autonomous decision-making through the networking of equipment and machinery. However, the increased reliance on technology raises concerns about the implementation

Driving sustainability: assessing KPI effectiveness in the Saudi chemical industry

This study explores the relationship between Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and environmental performance improvement within the Saudi chemical industry. Against the backdrop of global sustainability imperatives and Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which promotes sustainability for economic diversification, this research aims to assess the effectiveness of KPIs in driving environmental sustainabilit

Naturen i järnburen. En dokument- och diskursanalys om den svenska skogspolitikens diskursiva förändring.

Denna uppsats syftar på att analysera förändringar i svensk skogspolitik över tid med ett fokus på hur diskurser har format och formats av dessa förändringar. Sveriges landyta består av 68 procent skogsmark. Skogen är huvudsaklig för ekonomi, biologiska mångfald och arbetet mot klimatförödelse. Att förstå sig på hur lagarna som bestämmer över skogspolitiken är då viktigt på en nationell nivå för a

Uppföljning och lärande efter företagsförvärv: En studie av synergieffekter och goodwill

I denna studie undersöks hur företag följer upp förväntade synergieffekter efter företagsförvärv där goodwill har redovisats och hur lärande sker. Studien har två syften. Det första syftet är att analysera hur svenska börsnoterade företag följer upp förväntade synergieffekter vid företagsförvärv. Det andra syftet är att analysera företagens lärandeprocesser efter företagsförvärv. För att samla in

The Brand Matrix : Corporte Brand Leadership Starts from the Inside

To run a successful business, you need to engage and inspire your employees. To do that, first clarify the promises and values that make up your organization’s identity core – then align the core with every aspect of the business. Drawing on his influential Harvard Business Review article, Mats Urde shows how to tackle this critically important task and forge a corporate brand identity that will b

Distansarbete - Karriärmöjlighet eller kvinnofälla? En kvalitativ studie om hur traditionella könsmönster utmanas eller reproduceras vid distansarbete

Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att bidra med kunskap om huruvida och på vilket sätt traditionella könsmönster reproduceras eller utmanas vid distansarbete. Tidigare forskning: Tidigare forskning visar att könsroller påverkar hur kvinnor och män hanterar distansarbete. Kvinnor tenderar att ta större ansvar över obetalt arbete i hemmet, vilket kan påverka deras karriärmöjligheter negativt. Distansarbe