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Verkan av passivitet vid avtals ingående

Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda vilka möjligheter det finns att ingå ett avtal trots parts passivitet. Begreppet passivitet används i betydelsen underlåtenhet att agera när part, under en process till synes syftande till att avtal ska ingås, normalt kan förväntas agera genom en positiv viljeförklaring, ett nekande eller ett förtydligande. Innan passivitetsfrågan behandlas närmare presenteras den The purpose of this essay is to investigate the possibilities of entering into a binding agreement despite the passivity of one of the parties. The term passivity is used to denote the lack of action when a party, during a process with the apparent aim of entering into an agreement, typically can be expected to act through a declaration of intent, a refusal or a clarification. Before a closer en

Energy Policy Development in a Non-OECD Context - Early Experiences of Energy Efficiency Policy for Residential Buildings in Argentina

The reliability of energy supply is crucial for the well-being of individuals and the prosperityof countries. At the same time, energy production is closely connected to CO2 emissions,which is believed to have an important impact on human-induced global warming. In light ofresultant, partly counteracting challenges, energy efficiency has gained increasing attention as ameans of ensuring energy sup

Muntlig bevisning i hovrätten - en straffprocessuell studie ur ett nordiskt perspektiv

Muntlig bevisning har länge medfört problem i den svenska hovrätten. När ett mål når den andra instansen har kvaliteten på muntlig bevisning blivit sämre, inte minst på grund av att minnesbilder hos förhörspersoner försvagas med tiden. Trots det har utgångspunkten, allt sedan det muntliga och omedelbara förfarandet introducerades genom 1948 års rättegångsbalk (RB), varit att principen om det bästaOral evidence has caused problems in the Swedish courts of appeals for a long time. When a case reaches the higher court, the quality of oral evidence has deteriorated, primarily because the recollections of witnesses and parties have weakened over time. The starting point has, nevertheless, been that the principle of the best evidence requires renewed questioning of witnesses and parties in the c

Effektstudier inom området våld i nära relationer: En komplettering av en år 2002 genomförd metaanalys.

Denna studie är en komplettering av en tidigare, år 2002, genomförd metaanalys. En experimentell och två quasiexperimentella studier analyseras dels utifrån frågeställningen om de interventioner, som används för att minska återfallsrisken med avseende på våld i nära relationer, har önskad effekt och dels utifrån frågeställningen om de i det här sammanhanget använda interventionerna kan anses vara

Strengthening Community Led Resilience to Threats of Climate Change in Africa. Case Study Uganda

Impacts of extreme events caused by climate change, particularly heavy rains that lead tofloods and the prolonged recurrent droughts are now a regular occurance across the entireAfrican continent, hindering the region’s ability to be able to meet the MDGs by 2015. Africais already described as the most vulnerable and least prepared continent to these impacts andwith the lowest adaptive capacity le

Anknytningens betydelse och utvecklingen av de känslomässiga banden mellan barn och missbrukande föräldrar

Abstract Author: Annika Johansson, Anette Elmbert Title: The importance of attachment and the development of emotional bonds between child and drug abusing parents Keywords: attachment bond, abusive parents, treatment and health Supervisor: Anders Lundberg Assessor: Carina Tigervall The aim of this study was to examine the attachment bond between mother and child in treatment of abuse, at the

Att lära hur man lär sig. En studie om övningsinstruktioner inom instrumentalundervisning på musik- och kulturskolor.

Studiens syfte är att undersöka förmedlingen av övningsinstruktioner inom instrumentalundervisningen på musik- och kulturskolor. Med utgångspunkt i lektionstillfällen undersöks övningsinstruktionernas innehåll, förmedlingssätt samt elevens uppfattning av dessa instruktioner. I studien undersöktes det tre violoncellpedagogers undervisning, totalt tolv lektioner, varav hälften var gruppundervisning.Title: To teach how to learn – A study of practice instructions in the field of music education. The purpose of this study is to examine how instructions concerning practicing a musical instrument are conveyed during a lesson. The content of the instructions and the way they were presented during the lesson were examined, as well as the student's perception of these instructions. The study wa

"Ey yo, jag rimmar på tills det går bra nu" - en studie om svensk hiphop

Hiphop is a culture that has grown among youth the last decades. Its based of four elements: breakdance, graffiti, djing and rap and each of these have their own way to express position, social status, power and identity. I want to know more what Swedish hip-hop stands for among rappers and producers. Goal: The goal is to get insight of what hip-hop means for the rappers and how they use hip-hop

Proper property rights for foreigners?

The development of tourism is important for Indonesia and has potential to increase economic growth. Lack of capital is a constraint that affects the growth potential negatively. However, capital gaps can be filled with foreign direct investments. Lombok is the closest neighbor to tourism flourishing Bali and has a big potential to expand its tourism industry. An international airport is planned t

Mellan fem stolar - samverkan inom individ- och familjeomsorg kring kvinnofrid

Abstract Authors: Julia Folkesson and Katarina Kristensson Titel: Between five chairs - the interaction at individual and family care regardning womens safety. Supervisor: Lotta Mulder The aim of our study is to analyze the interaction at the individual and family care in a small community in southern Sweden regardning violence against women. We chose to study the interaction from a professional

Svensk lagstiftning om ansvarsgenombrott i ABL - varför inte?

I Sverige är aktiebolaget idag vår vanligaste associationsform och fördelarna är många. Den förmod¬ligen starkaste av dem är regeln om det begränsade ansvaret för aktieägare. Genom denna regel åtnjuter aktieägare skydd mot att behöva gälda bolagets borgenärer med mer än det redan satsade aktiekapitalet. Med detta som bakgrund kan det begränsade ansvaret sägas vara en direkt förutsättning för förveIn Sweden, the most common type of company is the limited stock company (aktiebolag), which brings about several advantages. The strongest one is probably the shareholders’ limited liability. By this rule, the stock owners acquire protection from having to atone for any company debt exceed¬ing the already submitted equity stock. Keeping this in mind, one can consider the limited liability being an

Reciprocity, Nepotism or Costly Signaling – Evidence from Mobile Phone Money Transfers in Nairobi

The purpose of this thesis is to test whether the theories of reciprocal altruism, nepotism due to kin selection and costly signaling can explain patterns of human altruism. A new way of investigating this has surfaced since the introduction of mobile phone money transfers in areas where social sharing is frequently exercised. Data was collected from 167 respondents in Nairobi, Kenya on their late

Steam injector comparison

Fouling of direct steam injectors and holding cells is a serious problem in the heat treatment of products in the dairy industry. The fouling limits the run time of a plant and increases the time for cleaning. Both these factors will increase the processing cost. Four different direct steam injectors are tested and evaluated using the criteria fouling of the injector, the stability of the injector

When the Personal becomes Global: A Study of Global Care Chains in a European Context

This thesis provides insight into Global Care Chains located between Italy and Ukraine. The countries under analysis represent different ends of the Global Care Chain, Italy being a country of immense immigration and Ukraine being on the other side as a country of large emigration. The women who migrate are mostly mothers and/or wives and their most common employment is in the reproductive sector

Design of an Electronic Brake Pedal

The final purpose of this project is to create a platform that leads to the improvement of the braking feeling by the users of heavy vehicles. The complexity of the problem lays on the different constraints: geometrical and functional, and as well on the interaction with a human operator. The task is to design a new electronic brake pedal, with the possibility to change the relationship between fo

Best Available Techniques - Guideline proposal for Det Norske Veritas

This master thesis was commissioned by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and was conducted at the department of Energy Sciences at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. The purpose of the thesis was to develop a structured and uniform methodology for Best Available Techniques (BAT) assessments of oil-­‐ and gas installations. BAT is defined in the EU directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and

Aid Fragmentation and Swedish Bilateral Development Assistance

A recently discovered problem concerning foreign development assistance is that of its fragmentation. The concept of aid fragmentation refers to the composition of the flow of aid into a recipient country in terms of its origin. Highly fragmented aid is by definition that which is made up by contributions from a large share of the total number of potential donors. Sufficiently high fragmentation i