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FreeStyle Libre : contact irritation versus contact allergy
Being creative as identity creation
Why Engage in Collective Action? The Conditional Effect of Social Support and Efficacy on Protest Participation
Why do people engage in collective actions, such as demonstrations? We suggest that intentions to engage in protest activities come from the perception that the action is an efficient way to affect policy but is also dependent upon the level of others’ engagement. Specifically, lower support should spur intentions to engage if the individual believes that the collective act is an efficient means t
Remissvar: Barns och ungas rätt vid tvångsvård. Förslag till ny LVU (SOU 2015:71)
The social structure of entrepreneurship as a scientific field
Entrepreneurship as a scientific field has grown significantly, irrespective of the measures used. In this article we raise the question: How can we understand the evolution and success of entrepreneurship as a scholarly field? In particular, we focus on the social structure of entrepreneurship scholars to explain (1) how they are becoming integrated into larger scholarly communities and (2) how t
Remissyttrande: Se barnet! (SOU 2017:6)
Applicability of the lattice Boltzmann method to determine the ohmic resistance in equivalent resistor connections
Knowing the ohmic resistance in the materials allow to know in advance its electrical behavior when a potential difference is applied, and therefore the prediction of the electrical performance can be achieved in a most certain manner. Although the Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) has been applied to solve several physical phenomena in complex geometries, it has only been used to describe the fluid
Shock history of the fossil ungrouped achondrite Österplana 065 : Raman spectroscopy and TEM of relict chrome-spinel grains
Chrome-spinel grains from the fossil ungrouped achondrite Österplana 065 (Öst 065) recovered from Middle Ordovician limestone in Sweden were studied using Raman spectroscopy and TEM. All the studied chrome-spinel grains have a high density of planar fractures and planar features, not seen in chromites from the other L chondritic Ordovician fossil meteorites. Raman spectra of the host chrome-spinel
Affective Politics in Transitional North Africa: Imagining the Future: Workshop and roundtable report
Love, Feminism and Dialectics : Repairing splits in theory and practice
Gunnarsson highlights how dialectics can shed light on the relation between love and dominance, foregrounding the crucial role that ontological tensions play in self–other relating. Drawing on Roy Bhaskar’s dialectical critical realist philosophy, she expands on Jessica Benjamin’s analysis of male dominance, as well as other feminist work, and elaborates on the necessity of living-with rather thanGunnarsson highlights how dialectics can shed light on the relation between love and dominance, foregrounding the crucial role that ontological tensions play in self–other relating. Drawing on Roy Bhaskar’s dialectical critical realist philosophy, she expands on Jessica Benjamin’s analysis of male dominance as well as other feminist work, and elaborates on the necessity of living-with rather than
Patients' initial steps to cancer diagnosis in Denmark, England and Sweden : what can a qualitative, cross-country comparison of narrative interviews tell us about potentially modifiable factors?
OBJECTIVES: To illuminate patterns observed in International Cancer Benchmarking Programme studies by extending understanding of the various influences on presentation and referral with cancer symptoms.DESIGN: Cross-country comparison of Denmark, England and Sweden with qualitative analysis of in-depth interview accounts of the prediagnostic process in lung or bowel cancer.PARTICIPANTS: 155 women
The biology of color
Coloration mediates the relationship between an organism and its environment in important ways, including social signaling, antipredator defenses, parasitic exploitation, thermoregulation, and protection from ultraviolet light, microbes, and abrasion. Methodological breakthroughs are accelerating knowledge of the processes underlying both the production of animal coloration and its perception, exp
Attention and Learning through the Eyes of the Emotional Brain
The present thesis consists of four articles that address cognitive-emotional interactions as measured through eye movements and pupil dilation.Social facilitation-inhibition is an effect that describes changes in performance (enhancement or impairment) when individuals complete tasks in social presence compared to when they perform the same tasks in solitary conditions. Along this line, Paper I a
European Respiratory Society statement : Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary disease in α1-antitrypsin deficiency
α1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is the most common hereditary disorder in adults. It is associated with an increased risk of developing pulmonary emphysema and liver disease. The pulmonary emphysema in AATD is strongly linked to smoking, but even a proportion of never-smokers develop progressive lung disease. A large proportion of individuals affected remain undiagnosed and therefore without acce
Metabolic and functional phenotypic profiling of Drosophila melanogaster reveals reduced sex differentiation under stressful environmental conditions
Strong sexual dimorphism is commonly observed across species and, e.g., trade-offs between reproduction and maintenance are thought to explain this dimorphism. Here we test how the metabolic and functional phenotypic responses to varying types of environmental stress differ in male and female Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae), and how stress impacts the magnitude of sexual dimorphis