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KBT med svagbegåvade klienter: ett tillvägagångssätt för konceptualisering och behandling

Kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) kan idag erbjuda evidensbaserade behandlingar för de flesta psykiska sjukdomar, men har inte utvecklats systematiskt för svagbegåvade personer med psykiska besvär. Individerna i denna osynliga befolkningsgrupp är emellertid extra sårbara för psykisk ohälsa pga sina sociala livsvillkor, samt sina psykobiologiska förutsättningar. Med stöd i forskning om KBT för lågbegåCognitive-Behavioural-Therapy (CBT) can today offer evidence-based treatments for most psychological disorders, but has not developed systematically for people with borderline intellectual functioning (IQ 70-85) and their psychological disorders. Individuals in this unseen population are, however, exceptionally vulnerable to psychological disorders because of their social life situation, as well a

Ironi och dess betydelse för översättningen av "The Dog Owner’s Manual"

Det är tonfallet i texten och den stiliserade formen som gör att hundboken "The Dog Owner’s Manual" verkar både roligare och trendigare än en vanlig hundbok. Genom att framställa hunden som en produkt, använda ett tilltal som liknar det i en teknisk manual och göra illustrationerna stiliserade har boken fått en ironisk prägel som känns unik. Med den här uppsatsen har jag velat klargöra v

Konstruktionsanalys av högvakuumenhet vid händelse av dammexplosion

This Master Thesis treats the problems involved with a dust explosion inside a filter unit. The project is a cooperation between AB Ph. Nederman in Helsingborg and the Mechanical Design Department of Design Sciences LTH, Lund. The Master thesis was carried out from December 2009 to April 2010. The initial phase of the project involves studies of the phenomena dust explosions, standards and regulat

Improve Sofa Assembly through Automation and Redesign of the Processes Case: New Designs

Objective: To redesign the current assembly process of the Ektorp Sofa from IKEA in order to improve cycle times, quality levels and to reduce, if possible, costs associated with manufacturing, production times and materials. IKEA wants to increase either the productivity or the quality standard of the Ektorp Sofa by simplifying the processes involved in the construction of the sofa and modernizin

Surviving Breast Cancer: A study of cancer recurrence and mortality after mastectomy in postmenopausal women receiving radiotherapy and Tamoxifen

This paper analyzes mortality, cancer recurrence (loco-regional, other types of cancer and distant) and the impact of progesterone status on the effect of Tamoxifen using survival analysis methods. The data consists of 258 postmenopausal women from the Southern Sweden health care region with estrogen positive receptor status receiving radiotherapy, Tamoxifen and a combination of those after mastect

Insulinantikroppars påverkan på risken för hypoglykemi hos patienter med diabetes typ 2 behandlade med inhalerat eller subkutant insulin

A higher levels of insulin antibodies has been seen with diabetes patients who inhale insulin instead of injecting it subcutaneously, which is the most common way to take insulin. Whether or not this increased level of insulin antibodies affect the patients condition is not fully investigated in all aspects. This essay aims to, in different ways describe and analyse if a higher level of insulin an

Social Capital: A Cradle For Democracy or a Resource for Autocracy? A normative analysis on the role of Social Capital and its relation to Civil Society in democratization

Social capital is a concept that has gained widespread use and recognition in many academic disciplines. This interest stems from an idea that the social capital produced in the organisations and associations of civil society can be beneficial in the creation and furthering of democratic processes and economic development among many other things. Using normative methods of consequentiality I will

Jämställd utveckling?: Representationer av jämställdhet i ett avpolitiserat politikområde

This thesis investigates how gender equality is represented in the regional development policy in Swedish region Skåne. Drawing from a discursive perspective it sees policy as a process in which both problems and solutions are given shape. A method for policy analysis developed by political scientist Carol Bacchi; “What’s the problem represented to be?” is used in the analysis. The method is suppl

Human rights reporting by Swedish state - owned companies

Den svenska staten bedriver affärsverksamhet via ett femtiotal företag av vilka staten äger minst 50% av företaget i 43 av fallen. År 2007 antog den svenska regeringen en rad nya riktlinjer gällande hållbarhetsrapportering för dessa företag. Dessa nya riktlinjer skulle tas i bruk från och med räkenskapsåret 2008. Hållbarhetsrapporteringen, dvs. den icke finansiella rapporteringen av dessa svenska In 2007 the Swedish government adopted a set of guidelines mandating all Swedish state-owned companies to conduct a non financial report i.e. a sustainability report that is to be independently verified. The sustainability report is to be in line with the internationally recognized Global Reporting Initiative framework (G3), a framework of guidelines for how to conduct sustainability reports. The

Tankar om utbildning och yrkesdrömmar hos tjejer födda 1995

The purpose of this study was to find out what girls born in 1995 thought about education and what they had for professional dreams. Could they see any problems to achieve their dreams? Did they think that being a woman could be a problem? Did their parents influence the choices that they want to make? Wei interview 9 girls at the age of 14 to 15 years old. We chose this group because they were on

Ungdomars levnadsvanor avseende kost och träning - en enkätundersökning bland sistaårselever på Osbecksgymnasiet i Laholm

The purpose of this study is to examine social class- and gender differences regarding youth´s habits of living on the subject of diet, exercising and what they do to maintain a healthy living. The research questions of the study are: Are there any differences between social classes’ habits of living? Are there any differences between boys´ and girls´ habits of living? The theory in the study is b

A Utilitarian Dilemma on Diachronic Preferences

When preferences from the past or future disagrees with present preferences about what to do now, it seems counterintuitive for preference utilitarianism to take these past and future diachronic preferences into account. In this thesis I discuss two different solutions to this problem. First, preference utilitarianism could solve the problem by becoming more sophisticated - by suggesting that we s

Folkmusikaliska influenser i svensk respektive grekisk populärmusik - en komparativ studie. Vilka folkmusikaliska influenser svenska och grekiska folkmusikstudenter finner i populärmusik och hur de resonerar kring dessa.

Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på de eventuella folkmusikaliska influenserna i svensk respektive grekisk populärmusik och göra en jämförelse mellan de båda. Syftet är också att finna likheter och skillnader i hur svenska respektive grekiska folkmusikstudenter resonerar kring folkmusikaliska influenser i populärmusik för att belysa ämnet ur olika perspektiv Svensk och grekisk populärmusik hTitle: Folk musical influences in Swedish and Greek popular music - a comparative study. What folk music influences Swedish and Greek folk music students can find in popular music and how they reason about them. Author: Michael Sideridis The purpose of this study is to determine the possible influences of folk music in Swedish and Greek popular music and make a comparison between the two. It also

Perceived Severity of Visually Accessible Fires

Investigations of past fires suggest that building occupants faced with a fire have problems defining the severity of it, especially in the early stages of the fire. An experiment was therefore carried out to study people’s ability to estimate fire growth, and their perceived ability to extinguish a fire using a portable fire extinguisher. A total of 535 persons, namely 304 men and 231 women, were

I nöd och lust: En studie av individualiseringens påverkan på heterosexuella parrelationer ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv

For Better or for Worse: The Influence that Individualization has had on Heterosexual Couples from an Equality Perspective. ABSTRACT Author: Julia Sellman Title: For Better or for Worse: The Influence that Individualization has had on Heterosexual Couples from an Equality Perspective. [I nöd och lust: En studie av individualiseringens påverkan på heterosexuella parrelationer ur ett jämställdhets

"Andra har ingen aning om hur det är för dem som är annorlunda" En kvalitativ studie om hur det är att växa upp med ett syskon med utvecklingsstörning

Title: ”Others don’t have a clue about what it’s like for those who are different” A study about growing up with a mentally retarded sibling. Authors: Irén Palm och Liselotte Christensen Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to enlighten what it can be like growing up with a mentally retarded sibling. We want to know the kind of support a sibling needs to get from its family, surroundings and pro

Förstudie av tillkommande risker för offshore-anläggningar på grund av externa installationer

Demands on cost-efficiency and production-efficiency combined with decreasing storage space availability on oil platforms located on the Norwegian continental shelf force new methods for equipment placing on oil platforms. This report investigates how risk is affected when introducing an external installation on an oil platform. Results indicate that an external installation can reduce the platfor

Computer Aided Manufacturing Software Evaluation

This report describes the evaluation process to find the best possible CAM-solution for a prototype department within Tetra Pak. The purpose is to manufacture unique or small series of aluminium moulds for injection moulding of thermoplastics with a milling machine. The program should be as easy as possible to use while still having enough functionality to achieve satisfying quality of the moulds.

Institutional Quality and Economic Growth - A Comparison across Development Stages

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and compare the effect of institutional quality on the economic growth rate in developed and developing countries. To do this panel data was examined using a pooled regression model and a fixed effects model. Three institutional variables from Freedom House, the International Country Risk Guide and the Database of Political Institutions were used. The resul

Amning och spädbarnsvård i antikens Rom

This essay is about the feeding and care of young infants in Roman antiquity. My aim is to discuss the nutrition of babies and attitudes towards them in Roman society.