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Energy service contracting in Slovenia: Comparison of the barriers and drivers for Energy service contracting development in Germany and Slovenia

Increased energy efficiency is identified as a key strategy to tackle three energy-relatedchallenges (energy security, climate change and economic development) with low trade-offsand huge win-win opportunities. Energy service contracting represents an instrument of thedemand side energy management that enables cost-effective energy savings. However, theinstrument implementation is many times hinde

Integrationen av romer i Sverige - En studie i mångkulturell integration av etniska minoriteter.

The Roma people have been living in Europe for about a thousand years. But still they have not been integrated in to the European society. In many places around Europe they are being subjected to unfair and sometimes illegal actions due to their ethnicity. At the same time many European countries have adopted multicultural integration policies in which the main goal is to integrate ethnic and cult

Välfärdsläkare, Mjukvaruleverantör eller Godhjärtad Entreprenör? En studie av fyra sociala ideella organisationer som verkar på integrationsområdet i Lunds Kommun

Social ideell sektor utgör en allt mer betydelsefull garant av välfärd för utsatta grupper. Forskning om sociala ideella organisationers roll på integrationsområdet saknas, en lucka som vi har tagit avstamp i. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med företrädare från ideell och kommunal sektor som verkar på integrationsområdet i Lunds kommun har fyra ideella organisationers roll samt relation till kommune

Den nationella identiteten kontra EU-identiteten

How does the identity discourse appear when a country is negotiating for an EU membership? Is it positive or negative towards taking part of the European identity? This essay is a critical discourse analysis inspired by Fairclough, where I analyze the Croatian identity discourse during 2005-2010 in three Croatian newspapers. To clarify my analysis and to operationalize my concept, I have selected

Neopatrimonialism och etnisk konflikt - En komparativ studie av Ghanas och Kongos neopatrimoniala system och dess koppling till etniska konflikter

Många länder i subsahariska Afrika har sedan självständighet karakteriserats av neopatrimoniala strukturer där etniciteten har spelat en viktig roll och där etniska konflikter har varit vanligt förekommande. Det tycks finnas ett samband mellan ett neopatrimonialt system och förekomsten av etniska spänningar i dessa etniskt splittrade stater. Frågan är hur detta samband ser ut? I denna studie har v

Kommunvisioner - En verklig handlingsplan eller symbolpolitik?

Att arbeta fram visioner för sin verksamhet är ett fenomen som har blivit allt vanligare bland Sveriges kommuner. De är i många fall tänkta att fungera som styrdokument men är många gånger väldigt abstrakta och vaga. Vi har undersökt om det är så att kommunvisionerna bär drag av symbolpolitik. Undersökningen utgår ifrån en taxonomi som består av fyra sätt att känna igen symbolpolitik: kategorier,

Konsumtion – ett verktyg för identitetsskapande? – En studie om individens identitet i förhållande till konsumtion

Denna uppsats behandlar identitetsskapande i förhållande till konsumtion. Vi har belyst hur skapandet av en identitet formas av en individs konsumtionsvanor, där vi valt att titta på det designersamarbete H&M, under hösten 2010, ingått med modehuset Lanvin. För att kunna få svar på detta har vi genomfört två kvalitativa metoder i vår studie bestående av fem intervjuer och en observation. De te

Multinationella företag och ansvarsutkrävande i en samtida kontext Fokus: Holländska oljebolaget Trafiguras utsläpp i Elfenbenskusten

This study is about the multinational oil company Trafigura who has offices in 67 countries. Trasfigua put dangerous waste in coast outside Ivoara 2006. It was dangerous because the effects caused dead to a lot of people. One of the main questions of my study is however the company has any responsibility for the things they dump in coast outside of Ivory in the perspective of the actors. The other

Fire safety on intercity and interregional multiple unit trains

This study is an investigation of fire safety on intercity and interregional multiple unit trains. In the study the major fire risks are identified using a Preliminary Hazard Analysis, which is followed by an estimation of the consequences for different fires onboard trains using simulations and hand calculations. The improvements when introducing self-closing doors and a water mist system are als

Ersättning av halonhandbrandsläckare i stridsfordon

This report investigates the replacement of halon 1211 in handheld extinguishers used in combat vehicles. Four different tests have been carried out with five available agents: HFC 236fa, HFC 227ea, CO2, water mist and a extinguishing fluid. The results from the tests indicates CO2 to be the best alternative, although it is not as versatile as halon 1211.

Temporal analys och aktivitetsmodellering av Tsunamikatastrofen 2004

Part of the acts made by the Swedish government under the Tsunami disaster 2004 showed difficulties in registration, cooperation and command. To facilitate these requirements a technical system is needed. This report discusses different kinds of methods for computer support that enable a better command, cooperation and resource management. A requirement specification was made after activity modell

Brandskydd på byggarbetsplatser - finns det?

The purpose of this report is to investigate the problem with fire safety at construction sites. If it is found necessary, the report will try to present methods of how the situation can be bettered. Investigations have been made through interviews, visits to building sites and by examining statistics of fires at construction sites. Swedish laws have been studied with the purpose to evaluate how t

Brandutredningar - En kvalitativ utredning av omfattningen av polisens utbildning samt ämnesområdets generella problem

This report is an evaluation of the Swedish police force qualifications and competence regarding fire investigations, more specific regarding their knowledge in fire theory and fire behavior. Fire investigations are handled by both the fire service and the police force. The fire service normally investigates accidental fires. Their intention is to gather information about why the fire occurred. Th

Skärsläckaren - experimentella försök och beräkningar

During the last decade the cutting extinguisher has been used as a complement to more traditional fire fighting tools in the Swedish rescue service. In earlier research regarding the cutting extinguisher, the tools ability to penetrate different building materials and the transition of the water jet into a water spray inside the enclosure have been given little attention. This report aims to illus

Insatsstödets utformning för oljeskyddsinsats - Skåne Nordväst

An oil spill accident may lead to vast environmental damage and economic losses. In order to minimize the consequences from an oil spill accident, a well shaped response support should be developed. Response support has the ability to reduce stress and therefore make the rescue operation and decontamination operation more efficient. In this report oil spill accidents, organization theories and typ

Släcksystem för lätta räddningsfordon

In the last years the use of lightweight fire fighting vehicles has become more common in Swedish fire and rescue services. These vehicles need some kind of suitable fire extinguishing system. The purpose of this report is to assist the fire and rescue services with information for the decision about which system to use. Six different systems (CCS Cobra, DSPA, Firexpress, Oertzen, One Seven and a

Insatsplanering på kärnkraftsverk

The aim of this report is to illustrate that a well done pre-planning effectively helps fire fighting in nuclear power plants. Experiences from this study of fire in nuclear power plants can be used in forthcoming pre-planning.

Införande av one stop clinic - en simuleringsstudie på Klinisk kemi, Helsingborgs lasarett

Klinisk kemi på Helsingborgs lasarett analyserar prover från sjukhuset, kringliggande vårdcentraler och prover från patienter som kommer till den närliggande provtagningscentralen (PTC). En önskan om att erbjuda ett one stop clinic-koncept till ett antal diabetespatienter har växt fram. Det skulle innebära att patienterna kommer för provtagning till PTC och besöker läkaren vid ett och samma tillfäThe division of Clinical Chemistry at Helsingborg Hospital analyses human biological samples from the hospital, adjacent care centres and from patients who take the samples at the neighbouring centre (PTC). The division of Clinical Chemistry has a vision of being able to offer a one stop clinic-concept to a group of patients diagnosed with diabetes. This would mean that the patient could take the

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Linden köpcentrum, Norrköping

The report contains an evaluation of the fire safety at Linden shopping centre in Norrköping, Sweden. The evaluation concerns evacuation times, fire development, smoke filling and smoke layer temperatures. The modelling has been executed with the computer models FDS, ARGOS, AST/CFAST and SIMULEX which were validated with hand calculations. The report includes suggestions for improvement of the bui