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Perception of risk factors for infusion phlebitis among Swedish nurses: a questionnaire study

This questionnaire study was set up to assess the perceptions of risk factors for infusion phlebitis among Swedish nurses, as their concepts of these factors may influence the incidence. A majority of the nurses believed that insertion of a peripheral venous catheter in the forearm and catheter rotation within 48 hours was protective. These measures are not supported in recent studies and guidelin

Fusion of skim milk cheese curd grains: Development of a method to measure the fracture stress of the bonds between fused curd grains

An experimental technique with which to measure the fracture stress of fused curd grains, submerged in ultrafiltered milk permeate, has been developed and applied to curd grains of rennet-induced skim milk at pH 6.40 during the first 25 min of fusion. Effects of applied compressive stress within the range of 25-50 Pa, syneresis time, fusion time and tension loading rate were investigated. Fracture

Capacity of human beta-defensin expression in gene-transduced and cytokine-induced cells

The purpose of this study was to determine the capacity of cells transduced with human beta-defensins (HBDs) to express antimicrobial peptides, since sufficient expression level is required for effective antimicrobial activity. Retroviral vector pBabeNeo and lentiviral vector SIN18cPPTRhMLV (SIN18) carrying HBDs were utilized to transduce non-HBD-expressing cells such as fibroblasts or HBD-produci

Structure of As-68 studied via the C-12(Ni-58,pn) reaction

Excited states of As-68 nucleus were populated through the C-12(Ni-58,pn) reaction and investigated by in-beam gamma-spectroscopic methods. The NORDBALL detector array equipped with charged particle and neutron detectors was used to detect the evaporated particles and gamma-rays. The level scheme of As-68 was constructed on the basis of gamma gamma-coincidence relations up to 6 MeV excitation ener

Demographics, injury characteristics and outcome of traumatic brain injuries in northern Sweden

Objectives - To describe demographics, injury characteristics and outcome of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in northern Sweden over 10 years. Materials and methods - Data were retrospectively collected on those individuals (n = 332) in Norrbotten, northern Sweden, with a TBI who had been transferred for neurosurgical care from 1992 to 2001. Results - A majority were older men with a mild TBI and an

Recruitment from resting stages among bloom-forming cyanobacteria

Popular Abstract in Swedish BLÅGRÖNALGERS VILOSTADIER—EN VIKTIG LÄNK TILL ALGBLOMNINGAR ALGBLOMNINGAR Algblomningar i Östersjön och i många av våra sydsvenska insjöar har blivit ett vanligt inslag sommartid. Vi vet att övergödning av våra vatten orsakar detta genom att överskottsnäring tillför's från olika mänskliga aktiviteter från land. Dock vet vi inte exakt vad det är som styr när och hur desCyanobacteria are known to form heavy blooms in eutrophicated freshwaters and also form resting stages, associated with the sediments, during harsh growth conditions. These resting stages can serve as inoculum for pelagic populations and function as a potential source for bloom formations. However, the factors involved in initiating recruitment from resting stage to the pelagic phase are not fully

Tro och helgelse. En analys av Johan Olof Wallins moraluppfattning.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Johan Olof Wallin (1779-1839) har främst genom sina psalmer haft stor betydelse för hur kristen tro och etik har uppfattats i svenskt kultur- och kyrkoliv. Inom tidigare forskning har diskuterats om Wallin är dygdetiker, moralist, neolog eller romantiker. Hans åskådning har kritiserats för att den ger människans handlande en enligt lutherskt synsätt alltför stor betydelThis study focusses on the question of the moral status of actions, a question subdivided into two further questions: 'What is held to characterize morally right action?' and 'What is a morally good life?' Texts by Johan Olof Wallin (1779-1839)-pastor, Archbishop in the Church of Sweden, hymn writer and poet-are analyzed in detail. The scope of the study is theological/ethical and its method is de

Immunoregulatory differences between adult onset type 1 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA)

Popular Abstract in Swedish Autoimmun diabetes karakteriseras av cell medierad autoimmunitet mot insulinproducerande beta celler i Langerhanska öar. Typ 1 diabetes är den största typen av diabetes i barn och ungdomar och antas vara orsakad av Th1-cell drivet angrepp av beta celler. Den betydligt vanligare typ 2 diabetes antas inte vara en autoimmun sjukdom men diabetes specifika autoantikroppar (IAutoimmune diabetes is characterized by cell mediated autoimmunity against insulin producing beta cells in pancreatic islets. Type 1 diabetes is the major cause of diabetes in children and adolescents and is believed to be mediated by a Thl driven destruction of beta cells. The much more prevalent type 2 diabetes is not considered as an autoimmune disease but diabetes specific autoantibodies (ICA

Plasma fibrinogen level and the risk of major cardiovascular diseases and nonvascular mortality: an individual participant meta-analysis

CONTEXT: Plasma fibrinogen levels may be associated with the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke. OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationships of fibrinogen levels with risk of major vascular and with risk of nonvascular outcomes based on individual participant data. DATA SOURCES: Relevant studies were identified by computer-assisted searches, hand searches of reference lists, and personal c