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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Enlightened Prejudices : Anti-Jewish Tropes in Modern Philosophy

In the wake of the atrocities of the twentieth century, the standard account of the Enlightenment, as a warranty of universal ideals of rationality and morality, has been challenged from a number of different angles. In line with these critical discourses, the present article investigates how, to a significant extent, two of the greatest philosophers of reason, Kant and Hegel, underpin their unive

Innovation management tools: implementing technology watch as a routine for adaptation

Innovation management (IM) is a multidisciplinary field which has been growing for the past few decades. However, the management of innovation is often considered equivalent to technology management or the management of research and development. By focusing on a set of small-and medium-sized enterprises operating in a medium-high-tech industry, the paper intends to determine the characteristics of

An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Decentralized Gas Fired Liquid Heating

The effects on the energy situation in industry when gas fired liquid heaters replace steam have been determined by energy surveys performed in a brewery and a slaughterhouse, measurements of the performance and emissions from liquid heaters installed in these industries, and theoretical analyses of the potential energy saving. The theoretical study in the first part of the project provides infor

Topical nitroprusside may reduce histamine-induced plasma exudation in human nasal airways

Mucosal exudation of nonsieved bulk plasma is a key feature of airway defense and inflammation. We have previously observed in guinea pig tracheobronchial airways that endogenous nitric oxide (NO) of the mucosa may tonically suppress the permeability of the subepithelial microcirculation, and that topical administration of the NO donor nitroprusside may reduce plasma exudation responses. The prese

Determination of hexahydrophthalic anhydride in air using gas chromatography

Two methods for the determination of hexahydrophthalic anhydride (HHPA) in air were developed. In a solid sorbent method, HHPA was sampled in Amberlite XAD-2 tubes, eluted in toluene and analysed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. The sampling rates were 0.2 and 1.0 l/min. At 15 micrograms/m3 (relative humidity less than 2%) and 27 micrograms/m3 (relative humidity 70%) no break

DNA compaction induced by a cationic polymer or surfactant impact gene expression and DNA degradation.

There is an increasing interest in achieving gene regulation in biotechnological and biomedical applications by using synthetic DNA-binding agents. Most studies have so far focused on synthetic sequence-specific DNA-binding agents. Such approaches are relatively complicated and cost intensive and their level of sophistication is not always required, in particular for biotechnological application.

Two microvillar organs, new to Crustacea, in the Mystacocarida.

The mystacocarid crustacean Derocheilocaris typica has two microvillar organs, one new, the other previously unappreciated in crustacean literature. The first is situated on the head-shield and consists of three pairs of cells: one with microvilli and a ballooned nucleus; one smaller and without special features; the third large and investing the other two and extending down to the foregut. We cal

Bell's Palsy - Medical Treatment and Influence of Prognostic Factors

Bell’s palsy is an acute onset of peripheral facial nerve dysfunction. Despite extensive research the aetiology is unclear. The most prevailing theory is that reactivation of viruses such as Herpes simplex type-1 or Varicella zoster may cause Bell’s palsy. The natural course is favourable but at least 30% of patients will suffer sequelae such as residual paresis, synkinesis and/or contracture. The

All the Things That You Can Do With Jus Cogens: : A Pragmatic Approach to Legal Language

Investigating the meaning of conceptual terms is an important task for international legal scholars. In the analysis of the usage of conceptual terms in international legal discourse, traditionally, most international lawyers have confined studies to the descriptive meaning of those terms. They have assumed that conceptual terms describe a relationship between, on the one hand, the particular prop

Cognitive impairment is undetected in medical inpatients: a study of mortality and recognition amongst healthcare professionals

Background Detecting cognitive impairment in medical inpatients is important due to its association with adverse outcomes. Our aim was to study recognition of cognitive impairment and its association with mortality. Methods 200 inpatients aged over 60 years were recruited at the Department of General Internal Medicine at University Hospital MAS in Malmö, Sweden. The MMSE (Mini-Mental State Exami

Synthesis of poinsettifolin A

A synthesis of poinsettifolin A (1), a prenylated flavonol isolated from Dorstenia poinsettifolia, is described. Two routes starting from quercetin were explored, and 1 could be prepared if a prenyl group first was incorporated at C-6 of the protected quercetin followed by a condensation with citral at C-8. The key synthetic steps are a Mitsunobu reaction, an europium (III)-catalysed Claisen rearr

LIVING WITH CHILDHOOD CANCER - Family Members’ Experiences and Needs

The overall aim of this thesis was to elucidate family members’ lived experiences and needs during a child’s cancer trajectory and to describe how the illness and its treatment influence both individuals within the family and the family as a whole. Seventeen families with a child under the age of 13 and newly diagnosed with cancer were followed during the child’s treatment trajectory by means of i

Rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP do not predict progressive joint damage in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis treated with prednisolone: a randomised study

Objective: To analyse if predictors of radiographic progression differ between patients treated with or without prednisolone in early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Radiographs of hands and feet were assessed using the modified Sharp/van der Heijde score and radiographic progression was defined as an increase in the total Sharp score above 5.8 (the smallest detectable change). Design: Prospective, ran

Benchmarking biological nutrient removal in wastewater treatment plants: influence of mathematical model assumptions.

This paper examines the effect of different model assumptions when describing biological nutrient removal (BNR) by the activated sludge models (ASM) 1, 2d & 3. The performance of a nitrogen removal (WWTP1) and a combined nitrogen and phosphorus removal (WWTP2) benchmark wastewater treatment plant was compared for a series of model assumptions. Three different model approaches describing BNR ar