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The Relationship between Copyright and Patent Protection in European Union Law

The purpose of this book chapter is to investigate to what extent technical function can be protected under European Union (EU) copyright law. Technical function has been explicitly excluded under other regimes of protection in the Union, for example, trademark and design protection law, to avoid overlap (also known as cumulation) between these regimes and patent law. No such statutory provisions

Technology in economics - function, process or recipe?

This essay reflects on the ”-ology of technology”, pace Brian Arthur (2009), as conveyed in theformal (i.e. mathematical) treatment of technology and innovation in economic theory. In thedecades from the 1970s economists of the evolutionary strand have levied criticism on the way inwhich technology is handled in mainstream economics. Some of this criticism has concerned theassumptions made in part

Genetics of type 2 diabetes : It matters from which parent we inherit the risk

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) results from a co-occurrence of genes and environmental factors. There are more than 120 genetic loci suggested to be associated with T2D, or with glucose and insulin levels in European and multi-ethnic populations. Risk of T2D is higher in the offspring if the mother rather than the father has T2D. Genetically, this can be associated with a unique parent-of-origin (PoO) tran

Optimization schemes for efficient multiple exciton generation and extraction in colloidal quantum dots

Multiple exciton generation (MEG) is a process in which more than one electron hole pair is generated per absorbed photon. It allows us to increase the efficiency of solar energy harvesting. Experimental studies have shown the multiple exciton generation yield of 1.2 in isolated colloidal quantum dots. However real photoelectric devices require the extraction of electron hole pairs to electric con

Effects of a healthy Nordic diet on gene expression changes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in response to an oral glucose tolerance test in subjects with metabolic syndrome : A SYSDIET sub-study

Background: Diet has a great impact on the risk of developing features of metabolic syndrome (MetS), type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). We evaluated whether a long-term healthy Nordic diet (ND) can modify the expression of inflammation and lipid metabolism-related genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) during a 2-h oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in

Spatial disparities in melanoma incidence and prognosis with consideration to stage at diagnosis, gender and marital status

Screening strategies need to consider differences in late-stage disease detection linked to socio-demographic and geographic factors. We specifically addressed disparity in melanoma stage at diagnosis linked to residential municipality, gender and marital status within the middle- and old-age population of southern and western Sweden. Population-based registers were used to identify the melanoma c

The approach and preference behaviour of chicks in relation to the intensity of neural-input effects.

The approach tendency of young precocial birds has been found to be related to stimulus magnitude in an inverted U-shaped fashion. This paper discusses the coding and processing of stimulus information in 2 cases, namely, when the quantitative stimulus variable is (1) the size of a moving object and (2) flicker rate. It is shown that the optimal size of a moving object for eliciting approach can b

Betalningsansvar vid drivande av rörelse - ansvarsgenombrott?

Uttrycket ansvarsgenombrott förknippas i allmänhet med att aktieägarna i ett aktiebolag, trots ansvarsbegränsningen i 1 kap. 3 § ABL, görs ansvariga för aktiebolagets förpliktelser. Principen sägs ha utvecklats i praxis och antas ha tillämpats i avgöranden från Högsta domstolen (HD). Syftet med denna artikel är att undersöka i vilken mån det i rättspraxis från HD finns stöd för en sådan föreställn

Junk Science? Four Arguments Against the Radiological Age Assessment of Unaccompanied Minors Seeking Asylum

Should radiological age assessment be considered as a means of alleviating thedoubts of a decision maker in the asylum procedure? The present article addressesthis question through a number of steps. First, it questions whether the use of radiologicalimaging methods in the age assessment of unaccompanied adolescents seekingasylum complies with the internal norms of the forensic science community.

Prediction of Stroke Onset is Improved by Relative Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery and Perfusion Imaging Compared to the Visual Diffusion-Weighted Imaging/Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Mismatch

Background and Purpose - Acute stroke patients with unknown time of symptom onset are ineligible for thrombolysis. The diffusion-weighted imaging and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) mismatch is a reasonable predictor of stroke within 4.5 hours of symptom onset, and its clinical usefulness in selecting patients for thrombolysis is currently being investigated. The accuracy of the visual

The effects of plasmin and protein Ca on factor VIII:C and VIII:CAg

The effects of various concentrations of plasmin and activated protein C on the factor VIII procoagulant activity (VIII:C) and coagulant antigen (VIII:CAg) were studied in factor VIII concentrates and normal plasma. Small amounts (0.1 CTA U/ml) of plasmin rapidly destroyed VIII:C, and affected, but did not destroy VIII:CAg, in factor VIII concentrates. In normal plasma larger amounts of plasmin (1

Fanconi's anaemia associated with haemophilia A

Fanconi's anaemia and haemophilia A are born inherited diseases creating haemostatic defects. The association of these two rare diseases in one patient is described. The patient's haemophilia was studied with a newly developed immunological technique determining the plasma antigen associated with Factor VIII activity, and was found to be a genetic variant of moderately severe haemophilia A. It was

Carrier detection in hemophilia A : a cooperative international study. I. The carrier phenotype

Eight laboratories in six countries cooperated to clarify several issues concerning the phenotypes of heterozygous carriers of hemophilia "A." Plasma levels of factor VIII (F.VIII:C, formerly VIII:C) and von Willebrand factor (VWF:Ag, formerly VIIIR:Ag) of carriers and normal women were determined by various "in-house" methods; a single lyophilized plasma standard was used for all assays. Analysis

Regulating Multiple Externalities: The Case of Nordic Fisheries

Open access is a well-known externality problem in fisheries causing excess capacity and overfishing. Due to global warming, externality problems from CO2 emissions have gained increased interest. With two externality problems, a first-best optimum can be achieved by using two regulatory instruments. However, solving the open-access externality problem also affects CO2 emissions. By using a bio-ecOpen access is a well-known externality problem in fisheries causing excess capacity and overfishing. Due to global warming, externality problems from CO2 emissions have gained increased interest. With two externality problems, a first-best optimum can be achieved by using two regulatory instruments. However, solving the open-access externality problem also affects CO2 emissions. By using a bio-ec

Ambidexterity as a dynamic capability in the globalization of the multinational business enterprise (MBE) : Case studies of AB Volvo and IKEA

Most current research argues that globalization of companies is a myth. In spite of this Swedish firms have managed to globalize successfully according to a study by Vahlne and Ivarsson (2014). On a general level this is because they managed to build strong advantages and learned to overcome barriers constituted by cultural, institutional and geographic distance. We elaborate on the expectation th