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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Minimising activity and dose with enhanced image quality by radiopharmaceutical administrations

Owing to the introduction of new diagnostic procedures, such as computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), the individual dose caused by medical exposures has grown rapidly in the last years. This is especially a subject to radiation protection for nuclear medical diagnosis, since in this case radiopharmaceuticals are admini

How can Open Source Software Development Help Requirements Management Gain the Potential of Open Innovation: An Exploratory Study

A key component in successfully managing software products is to properly, and in a timely manner, identify and secure competitive advantage by innovation via feature differentiation. Although open source software (OSS) is not a new idea, several product development companies that operate in a market-driven context have started to use open source solutions as core software components in their prod

Genetic loci influencing kidney function and chronic kidney disease

Using genome-wide association, we identify common variants at 2p12-p13, 6q26, 17q23 and 19q13 associated with serum creatinine, a marker of kidney function (P = 10(-10) to 10(-15)). Of these, rs10206899 (near NAT8, 2p12-p13) and rs4805834 (near SLC7A9, 19q13) were also associated with chronic kidney disease (P = 5.0 x 10(-5) and P = 3.6 x 10(-4), respectively). Our findings provide insight into me

Remembering the Chaos - But Life Went on and the Wound Healed. A Four Year Follow Up with Parents having had a Baby with Infantile Colic.

OBJECTIVE: To elucidate parent´s experience of having had a baby with colic four years previously and of how the colic and care influenced the family in a long-term perspective. METHODOLOGY AND PARTICIPANTS: A qualitative inductive follow-up study with 13 individual and one focus group interview including four parents. Altogether ten mothers and seven fathers representing 12 families, who had been

New palaeointensity data from Holocene Icelandic lavas

We present rock magnetic and palaeointensity data from Holocene Icelandic lava flows, including historical and pre-historical lavas. Susceptibility versus temperature measurements indicate that the magnetic mineralogy is dominated by primary titanomagnetite that have experienced variable degrees of high-temperature oxidisation. The analyses also demonstrate that virtually all studied samples are t

Quantitative X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography at 82 keV

Potential applications of grating-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging are investigated in various fields due to its compatibility with laboratory X-ray sources. So far the method was mainly restricted to X-ray energies below 40 keV, which is too low to examine dense or thick objects, but a routine operation at higher energies is on the brink of realisation. In this study, imaging results obtained a

Gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with cirrhosis: a longitudinal study before and after liver transplantation

Objective. Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are common in cirrhosis and have an impact on quality of life. Their pathophysiology and their relation to energy intake have not been fully elucidated and the effect of liver transplantation on GI symptoms has not been studied. We aimed to prospectively evaluate GI symptoms and their determinants before and after transplantation and their potential relati

Undervisa mot våld. Attityder, läromedel, arbetssätt

Syftena med det i projektet beskrivna inlärnings- experimentet var att studera barns attityder till våld och att med ett attitydtest undersöka effekterna av undervisning mot våld. Samtidigt jämfördes individuellt arbete och grupparbete samt användningen av tre slag av läromedel: texter, bilder och muntliga uppgifter. Både process- och produktvariabler undersöktes. Deltagare var elever i åldrarna 1The main aim of this study has been to influence the attitudes of students, Grades 4-6, in order that they will become opposed to the use of violence. The entire project was conducted during a full academic 20-credit term, as part of inter- mediate level teachers' training. The purpose of this learning experiment was threefold: 1. To study children's attitudes towards violence. 2. To study the eff

Masses, lifetimes and production rates of Xi(-) and Xi(+) at LEP 1

Measurements of the Xi(-) and (Xi) over bar (+) masses, mass differences, lifetimes and lifetime differences are presented. The (Xi) over bar (+) sample used is much larger than those used previously for such measurements. In addition, the S production rates in Z -> b (b) over bar and Z -> q (q) over bar events are compared and the position xi* of the maximum of the distribution in Z -> q (q) over

Back pain, disability, and radiographic vertebral fracture in European women: a prospective study

Vertebral fractures are associated with back pain and disability. There are, however, few prospective data looking at back pain and disability following identification of radiographic vertebral fracture. The aim of this analysis was to determine the impact of radiographically identified vertebral fracture on the subsequent occurrence of back pain and disability. Women aged 50 years and over were r

A measure of internal and external motivation to control in-group bias

A measure of individual differences in the motivation to control in-group bias (favouritism) was created. As in Plant and Devine’s (1998) measure of out-group bias, one subscale referred to an internal motivational source and the other to an external motivational source. The psychometric properties of the measure were tested across four samples. The results indicate that the measure reliably capt

New microsatellite markers for examining genetic variation in peripheral and core populations of the Coastal Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus)

The Coastal Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) is classified as threatened at the northern periphery of its range in British Columbia (BC), Canada, primarily due to forestry practices and habitat fragmentation. Characterising dispersal behaviour and population connectivity is therefore a priority for this region, while genetic differentiation in core versus peripheral locations remains unst