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A Generalized Method of Moments Detector for Block Fading SIMO Channels

In this letter we apply the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), widely used in econometrics, to receivers operating with imperfect channel state information (CSI) of singleinput-multiple-output (SIMO) block-fading channels where a single pilot symbol is used. The GMM results in the standard maximum ratio combining (MRC) receiver, but with an improved channel estimate. Although not our goal at the

Is it safe to withhold long-term anticoagulation therapy in patients with small pulmonary emboli diagnosed by SPECT scintigraphy?

Background: The need for anticoagulation therapy (AC) in patients with subsegmental pulmonary embolism (SSPE) diagnosed by computed tomography of the pulmonary arteries (CTPA) has been questioned, as these patients run low risk for recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) during 3 months of follow-up. Whether this applies also to patients with small PE diagnosed with pulmonary scintigraphy has not y

The Role of Internal Standardization in Business Models: An Activity Configurations Perspective

This chapter focuses on business models and the role of internal standardization in business models. We develop a typology that outlines the role of internal standardization for a set of value configurations that serve as representations of generic business models. The topic is of importance for both managers and researchers in relation to firm level innovation and strategy, as well as how busines

Therapeutic targeting of hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factors in cancer

Insufficient tissue oxygenation, or hypoxia, contributes to tumor aggressiveness and has a profound impact on clinical outcomes in cancer patients. At decreased oxygen tensions, hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) 1 and 2 are stabilized and mediate a hypoxic response, primarily by acting as transcription factors. HIFs exert differential effects on tumor growth and affect important cancer hallmarks in

När befolkningen ökar och förändras -stora städers kapacitetsutmaningar och styrning för att möta dem

Föreliggande studie riktas specifikt mot hur ledande politiker och tjänstemänför de tre svenska storstäderna Göteborg, Malmö och Stockholm beskriverden urbanisering de själva är navet i. Närmare bestämt riktas intresset motstyrning för att hantera de kapacitetsutmaningar som de tre storstäderna ställsinför när de arbetar med att möta efterfrågan och rättigheten till kommunalverksamhet från allt fl

Children´s Talk about Group Belonging : Inclusion and Exclusion Expressed in Focus Groups in School.

Children spend a large percentage of their day with their classmates in school. Classmates are not only co-workers, but also individuals interacting socially as friends. The understanding of group affiliation and friendship interaction in school is of great importance to social work in school because of its implications on children’s wellbeing and academic performance. Several studies show that soChildren spend a large percentage of their day with their classmates in school. Classmates are not only co-workers, but also individuals interacting socially as friends. The understanding of group affiliation and friendship interaction in school is of great importance to social work in school because of its implications on children’s wellbeing and academic performance. Several studies show that so

Det gäller en av fem : Fakta om barn, sexuella övergrepp och sexuell exploatering i Sverige 2014

Det här är den tredje stora undersökningen som gjorts om av samma forskargrupp. De tidigare undersökningarna genomfördes 2004 och 2009 . Det gör att vikan jämföra svaren och se utveckling över tid . Undersökningen har genomförts avforskare från Linköpings och Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Stiftelsen AllmännaBarnhuset och har finansierats av regeringen . Den här skriften sammanfattardelar av unde

Feasibility study of advanced nom-reduction by hollow fiber ultrafiltration and nanofiltration at a Swedish surface water treatment plant

Membrane technology, i.e., ultrafiltration and nanofiltration, is growing in popularity, as it is a space efficient alternative for surface water treatment. Two types of hollow fiber membranes were tested in a fully equipped and automated pilot at a Swedish water treatment plant. Raw water was treated by a nanofilter and by coagulation before an ultrafilter. Operation parameters recorded during th

What older People Expect of Robots: A Mixed Methods Approach

This paper focuses on how older people in Sweden imagine the potential role of robots in their lives. The data collection involved mixed methods, including focus groups, a workshop, a questionnaire and interviews. The findings obtained and lessons learnt from one method fed into another. In total, 88 older people were involved. The results indicate that the expectations and preconceptions about ro

Structural stability of biochemical networks : Quadratic vs. polyhedral Lyapunov functions

Due to the intrinsic uncertainty and variability affecting biochemical reaction networks, it is fundamental to assess their structural stability, i.e., to establish if all the networks having a given structure are stable independent of specific parameter values. For basic motifs in biochemical networks, we show that stability cannot be structurally proved by quadratic Lyapunov functions. However,

Functional homology between N-myc and c-myc in murine plasmacytomagenesis : plasmacytoma development in N-myc transgenic mice

Mouse plasmacytomas induced by pristane oil alone, or in combination with Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV), regularly carry one of three alternative chromosomal translocations that juxtapose c-myc to immunoglobulin heavy- or light-chain loci. E mu-c-myc transgenic mice develop translocation-free plasmacytomas after induction by pristane oil and/or A-MuLV [Sugiyama, H., Silva, S., Wang, Y., W

Structure and expression of B-myc, a new member of the myc gene family

The myc family of genes contains five functional members. We describe the cloning of a new member of the myc family from rat genomic and cDNA libraries, designated B-myc. A fragment of cloned B-myc was used to map the corresponding rat locus by Southern blotting of DNA prepared from rat X mouse somatic cell hybrids. B-myc mapped to rat chromosome 3. We have previously mapped the c-myc to rat chrom

Aberrant class switching juxtaposes c-myc with a middle repetitive element (LINE) and an IgH intron in two spontaneously arising rat immunocytomas

Our previous studies of spontaneously arising rat immunocytomas of the Lou/Wsl strain have shown that Ig switch regions are frequently the targets for c-myc recombination. In several tumors, however, we were unable to show recombination of the c-myc with Ig switch regions. We have cloned the rearranged c-myc fragments from 2 of these tumors, IR209 and IR223, and found that the c-myc recombines wit

On Evaluating Author's Performance by Publications: An Axiomatic Study

The need to compare authors on the basis of their publications is well known. In this paper, we undertake an axiomatic analysis of the ways to measure academic authorship, for a given dataset of papers. We find that the intuitive Egalitarian index is the only index that satisfies efficiency, anonymity and monotonicity in terms of paper citation. This index divides authorship of joint projects equa

Assigning Refugees to Landlords in Sweden : Efficient Stable Maximum Matchings

In Sweden, asylum seekers are either deported or granted a residence permit. Refugee families with a residence permit are assigned to the different local municipalities. Since almost all accommodation options are exhausted in Sweden, households in some municipalities are asked to state their willingness to accommodate refugee families. In line with the European NGO “Refugees Welcome”, a refugee fa

Styra, chefa, leda : begränsat och framhävt skolledarskap

Hur och under vilka omständigheter definieras och inramas skolledarskap? Frågan ställs i detta kapitel till två slags texter som vid sidan av sina respektive huvudfunktioner just definierar och inramar skolledares görande. Det är, för det första, texter som reglerar rektorers uppdrag generellt och på nationell nivå, närmare bestämt styrdokument för den sedan 2010 obligatoriska rektorsutbildningen