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Element 115

Element 115 är arbetsnamnet för det grundämne som karaktäriseras av att atomer av ämnet har 115 protoner i sin atomkärna. Protoner är positivt laddade kärnpartiklar och är ansvariga för att atomkärnor omges av lika många negativt laddade elektroner för att bilda fullvärdiga neutrala atomer. Olika grundämnen -- såsom guld, syre och tellur -- kännetecknas av att atomerna har olika många protoner, ocThis thesis is devoted to detailed studies of element 115 decay chains using the highly efficient multi-coincidence alpha, electron, gamma and X-ray detector setup TASISpec at the gas-filled separator TASCA at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. In a three-week long experiment thirty new decay chains assumed to stem from element 115 isotopes were observed together with the very first detections of gamma rays

Infrared cameras in science education

Infrared cameras can be used in science education. The technology suits open-ended thermodynamics laboratory exercises in higher education. School children engage in instant inquiry of thermal phenomena.

Mechanical symptoms as an indication for knee arthroscopy in patients with degenerative meniscus tear : a prospective cohort study

OBJECTIVE: According to prevailing consensus, patients with mechanical symptoms are those considered to most likely benefit from arthroscopic surgery. The aim of this study was to determine the value of using patients' pre-operative self-reports of mechanical symptoms as a justification surgery in patients with degenerative meniscus tear/knee disease.DESIGN: Pragmatic prospective cohort of 900 con

A Swing Beyond Formalism: Judicial Dialogue and International Law-Shaping

The paper analyzes judicial dialogue (or judicial cross-reference) as a new form of international law-making and articulates itself around a new lexicon of international law grounded on concepts of authority, normativity and interaction, rather than sources, obligations and hierarchy in law. The aim is to offer a theoretical insight in the phenomenon of judicial cross-reference as a new avenue of

Risk of Abdominal Surgery in Pregnancy Among Women Who Have Undergone Bariatric Surgery

OBJECTIVE:: To compare the rates of abdominal surgery during pregnancy among women with previous bariatric surgery (women in the case group) and women with first-trimester body mass index (BMI) greater than 35 and no previous bariatric surgery (women in the control group). METHODS:: We conducted a national cohort study, merging data from the Swedish Medical Birth Registry and the Swedish National

Monetary Aggregates for Ireland, 1840-1921

This article constructs new monetary aggregates for Ireland between 1840 and 1921.Three major findings are gleaned from the data. First, we find that the degreeof monetization on the eve of the Famine was comparatively high. Second, wefind an unprecedented monetary contraction during the Famine. Third, in contrastto previous research, we find that the failure of the Munster Bank in 1885 hadramification

Inventing Sacred spaces: Islamic symbolism in Turkish Visual Politics. Paper accepted for 10th Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies: Middle Eastern Connectivities. Odense, Denmark

This paper draws attention to the increasing prominence of religious symbolism in Turkish visual politics, focusing state sponsored expositions, cultural events and public celebrations, orchestrated by the Turkish AKP Government and municipalities. The appropriation of Islamic and neo-Ottoman symbols in such public events appears to have become an important strategy for forwarding religious values

Andlighet, mångfald, skola. Föreläsning vid seminariet Barnens Rätt till Andlighet, Barnrättsakademin, Örebro universitet (fullängdstext)

Denna text lägger an ett skolperspektiv på frågeställningar kring barns andlighet och fokuserar särskilt den framväxande mångkulturella skolan. Diskussionen kommer därför inledningsvis undvika ordet "andlighet" och snarare kortfattat uppmärksamma (vad som idag heter) religionskunskapen och dess ställning i svensk skola under 1900-talet. Efter detta diskuteras skolan som en plats definierad av å en

Algeriet vid skiljevägen. Ett studium av politiska, ekonomiska och ideologiska strukturer i Algeriet 1992. Projektarbete för Försvarets Forskningsanstalt (FOA), juni – augusti 1992.

Algeriet vid skiljevägen. Ett studium av politiska, ekonomiska och ideologiska strukturer i Algeriet 1992. Projektarbete för Försvarets Forskningsanstalt (FOA), juni – augusti 1992. Torsten JansonKandidatstudent i islamologi, Lunds universitetSLUTSATSERAlgeriet 1992 - Point of no returnTvå saker om den algeriska nationen kan omedelbart konstateras: den är till sitt väsen en militärdiktatur; och de

The gamma-tubulin meshwork as a therapeutic target

Cancer is a heterogeneous disease and treatment regime is dependent on type and location of the tumor. Several of the commonly used chemotherapeutics target the functions of the microtubules. One of the major problems with these drugs is the adverse effects associated with their use. Another problem many of the chemotherapeutics today face is resistance. Therefore there is a constant need for deve

How do selected crop rotations affect soil organic carbon in boreo-temperate systems? A systematic review protocol

Background: Soils are important global carbon pools that are under threat from intensive land use through a variety of agricultural practices. Sustainable management of agricultural soils may have the potential to mitigate climate change through increased carbon sequestration and increase their fertility. Among management practices to increase carbon sequestration, crop rotation designs have often

Automated interpretation of myocardial SPECT perfusion images using artificial neural networks

The purpose of this study was to develop a computer-based method for automatic detection and localization of coronary artery disease (CAD) in myocardial bull's-eye scintigrams. Methods: A population of 135 patients who had undergone both myocardial 99mTc-sestamibi rest-stress scintigraphy and coronary angiography within 3 mo was studied. Different image data reduction methods, including pixel aver

Leisure activities and mobility device use among very old people in Latvia and in Sweden

Introduction Opportunities for leisure activities and physical mobility are important for the ageing population. Therefore, we aim to describe leisure activities outside the home among very old (over 80 years of age) users and non-users of mobility devices in two European countries. Method Survey data on mobility device use, self-rated physical mobility and leisure activities outside the home were

Early- versus late-onset Alzheimer disease : Long-term functional outcomes, nursing home placement, and risk factors for rate of progression.

Background/Aims: Whether age at onset influences functional deterioration in Alzheimer disease (AD) is unclear. We, therefore, investigated risk factors for progression in activities of daily living (ADL) and nursing home placement (NHP) in cholinesterase inhibitor (ChEI)-treated patients with early-onset AD (EOAD) versus late-onset AD (LOAD). Methods: This 3-year, prospective, observational, mult

Surgical management of degenerative meniscus lesions : The 2016 ESSKA meniscus consensus

Purpose: A degenerative meniscus lesion is a slowly developing process typically involving a horizontal cleavage in a middle-aged or older person. When the knee is symptomatic, arthroscopic partial meniscectomy has been practised for a long time with many case series reporting improved patient outcomes. Since 2002, several randomised clinical trials demonstrated no additional benefit of arthroscop