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Lex Liberalism - En kvalitativ studie om hur Lexbase gör politik

The Swedish website Lexbase was launched the year of 2014, by the publisher Jonas Häger. They market themselves as a database with public documents from Swedish courts for the general public. Through their search engine, Lexbase offer private persons to find private and legal persons who have been facing legal proceedings since 2008. The aim of this study is to examine how Lexbase, as a private bo

Green Access Control System

The number of fixed-installation resource-constrained devices, such as Internet of Things devices, has been growing rapidly in the past years. One challenge of accommodating these large numbers of connected devices is the need to power them all. In this thesis, we investigate ways to reduce the power consumption of the door controller in an existing physical access control system, without compromi

Identification of Phenotypes in Cardiac Arrest Patient Cohorts

När hjärtat slutar slå och inte pumpar blod längre, kallas det för hjärtstopp. Det finns olika orsaker som leder till hjärtstopp så som underliggande hjärtsjukdomar eller ventrikelflimmer. Utan behandling dör patienter som har drabbats av hjärtstopp och även med behandling leder hjärtstopp ofta till död eller neurologiska problem. Målet med detta arbete är att dela in hjärtstoppspatienter i olikIn this thesis, it is analysed if cardiac arrest patients can be grouped into similar clusters based on different underlying conditions and clinical variables and if there is a difference between clusters in either mortality or neurological outcome as measured by the Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC) scale. The two data sets both contain a targeted temperature management variable which indicat

How to optimize the extraction of active substance from polymeric materials

Extraktion är en separationsteknik som används för att avskilja önskade ämnen från en blandning. Syftet är att utvärdera hur man kan påverka extraktionen av läkemedel genom vaginala ringar. De vaginala ringarna som användes till studien är tillverkade av materialet Etylenvinylacetat (EVA) blandat med läkemedel. Därefter har ringarna blivit inkapslade av filmer som endast består av EVA-material. MThe aim of this thesis was to evaluate influencing parameters of extraction through polymers and find effective extraction methods. A second purpose was to compare differences and similarities of various polymers consisting of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) when extracted with identical parameters. Vaginal rings made of EVA which were loaded with active substance were used for the study. The rings a

Hur kompletterar råa bostadsrätter bostadsmarknaden?

Den svenska byggnationen och utbudet av bostäder har länge varit homogent då bostäder utformats på samma sätt under lång tid. Det byggs för få bostäder samtidigt som konkurrensen är låg mellan bostadsutvecklarna vilket är en faktor till höga bostadspriser på marknaden. Hushålls möjlighet att ta sig in på marknaden har påverkats av infört bolånetak och striktare amorteringskrav. Det har nyligen börThe Swedish construction and supply of housing has for a long time been homogeneous because the housing has been designed in the same way over decades. The competition between housing developers is low and at the same time not enough housing has been built, which is a contributing factor of high housing prices on the market. Households’ ability to enter the market has been affected by the introduc

Quantification of Swelling in Sealing Materials

The objective of this study was to quantify swelling in gasket materials to better predict the gaskets life span in heat exchangers. Alfa Laval produces plate heat exchangers, which are a common unit within the process industry. There are different types of plate heat exchangers, and one type is sealed with gaskets. Two common types of rubber used as gasket materials are EPDM and NBR which are stu

Circular Entrepreneurship in a Cradle to Cradle inspired start-up: an in-depth look at the motives and challenges associated with the implementation of a circular business model in Zambia

This study examines the implementation of circular economy principles in a company operating in a developing country. Focus is put on the start-up phase of the company, where we seek to understand the entrepreneurial motive behind implementing circular, sustainable practices in the infant stage of the company. Furthermore, the methods used to construct a circular, sustainable business model are in

Rollerna bortom kontraktet

Examensarbetets titel: Rollerna bortom kontraktet Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2021 Ämne/kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Hanna Eguren, Alexandra Larsson, Matilda Pettersson Handledare: Sverre Spoelstra Fem nyckelord: Franchise, franchisegivare, roll, agentteorin, kontrakt Forskningsfråga: Hur ser franchisegivare på sin roll i relationen med Title: The Roles Beyond the Contract Seminar date: June 2nd 2021 Course: FEKH49, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Organization, Undergraduate Level, 15 credits Authors: Hanna Eguren, Alexandra Larsson, Matilda Pettersson Advisor: Sverre Spoelstra Key words: Franchise, franchisor, role, agency theory, contract Research question: How do franchisors view their role in the rel

Barn- och ungdomars upplevelser av att leva med diabetes mellitus typ 1

Introduktion: Diabetes mellitus är en obotlig, utbredd sjukdom som ökar globalt. I Sverige är cirka 50000 personer diagnostiserade med diabetes mellitus typ 1, runt 7000 av dessa är barn och ungdomar. Diabetes mellitus är en sjukdom som kräver mycket egenvård. Att leva med diabetes mellitus typ 1 kan påverka patientens mentala- och psykosociala hälsa. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är at

Barriärer för hållbara investeringar

Examensarbetets titel: Barriärer för hållbara investeringar Seminariedatum: 2021-06-02 Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Julia Benke, Filippa Kjellberg, Ida Svensson Handledare: Peter Svensson Nyckelord: Barriärer, Gap, Hållbarhet, Intention, Attityd, Beteende Forskningsfråga: Vilka barriärer försvårar hållbara investeringar? Syfte: StudienTitle: Barriers to Sustainable Investing Seminar date: 2021-06-02 Course: FEKH29, Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 ECTS Authors: Julia Benke, Filippa Kjellberg, Ida Svensson Advisor: Peter Svensson Key words: Barriers, Gaps, Sustainability, Intention, Attitude, Behavior Research question: Which barriers obstruct sustainable investing? Purpose: The study aims to contrib

Moving Target Classification with Radar Point-Clouds and Supervised Contrastive Learning

This thesis deals with radar data for the purpose of moving target classification in the context of surveillance. The radar data in question comes in the form of point-clouds represented as frame-wise histograms with several channels and we seek to improve upon an existing cross-entropy based deep learning classifier using supervised contrastive loss. We find that the embeddings output by supervi

Using AR gaze-based interaction to control IoT devices

Förstärkt verklighet (AR), augmented reality på engelska, har på sistone fått stor uppmärksamhet från kända applikationer som Pokémon Go och Snapchat. AR har dessutom blivit alltmer populärt som dels mätverktyg men också för att instruera och hjälpa användare som jobbar med komplexa arbetsuppgifter. Huvud-burna AR-glasögon kan dessutom ha stor potential att assistera människor vars händer är upptaAugmented Reality (AR) has lately gained a lot of momentum with popular applications such as Pokémon Go and Snapchat. Also, AR is becoming increasingly popular as a supportive tool for measuring objects and instructing users who are struggling with complex tasks. Moreover, head-worn AR glasses can have the potential of assisting people who needs their hands elsewhere or are unable to use their han

Authentication of Swipe Gestures in Smartphones using Sensor Data

Smartphones are an increasingly important part of our lives. As services that treat sensitive information are found on most modern phones, there is a growing need for security. The common approaches of entering a PIN-code or some pattern when accessing an application on the phone is not necessarily sufficient, as they are vulnerable to different types of attacks. The embedded sensors of modern sma

Renewable Energy Communities - Exploring behavioral and motivational factors behind the willingness to participate in Renewable Energy Communities in Germany

Several studies and actors have emphasized the role of Renewable Energy Communities as collective citizen initiatives enhancing the decentralized, low-carbon energy transition. Despite the social, environmental, and economic benefits, several changes in the energy policies in Germany have led to a decrease of newly registered Renewable Energy Communities. Previous financial measures have failed to

Konsekvenser i Pandemins spår - Har efterfrågan på kontorslokaler förändrats?

Utbrottet av den globala pandemin våren 2020, inneburit omvälvande förändringar för i stort sett alla människor och verksamheter. Privilegier som fri rörlighet och mötesfrihet har sedan utbrottet bytts ut mot strikta restriktioner i de flesta länder vilket drivit många branscher in i krisläge och därmed förändringsarbete. Fastighetsbranschen är inget undantag. Sedan folkhälsomyndigheten rekommenSince the outbreak of the pandemic early 2020, the world has experienced disruptive change in many of its foundations. Privileges as free movement, the freedom of assembly and simply being able to go to the movies have been replaced by strict local and national policies, limiting humans and companies. The Covid-19 agenda has forced a lot of businesses into crisis mode with transformation as a cons

Electricity supply chain adaption to distributed solar PV sources: electricity suppliers and prosumers. Sweden Case study based on UK framework.

Background The Paris Agreement has forced the European Parliament to set a target of 35% renewable energies by 2030. In Sweden, the adaptation of the electricity supply chain to renewable energy production has created new opportunities for the electricity supply chain member. New business models between prosumers and electricity suppliers are currently being developed while the whole management of

An Act of Translation

Malmö is an expanding, globalised and multicultural city with the aim to be sustainable and green. Throughout this aim, there is the actuality of negotiating space: space for housing, space for activity and green space for nature. Many different preferences of when, how and why to use public space meet and friction is inevitable. Within this debate of urbanization and nature following the western

Slutet för EU-interna investeringstvister? - En utredning av rättsläget efter EU-domstolens dom C-284/16 Achmea

År 2018 meddelade EU-domstolen förhandsavgörandet C-284/16 Achmea som kom att göra investeringstvister mellan en investerare från en EU-medlemsstat mot en annan EU-medlemsstat osäker. I domslutet konstate-rade EU-domstolen att artiklarna 267 och 344 Fördraget om Europeiska unionens funktionssätt utgjorde hinder mot en sådan skiljeklausul som fanns i ett bilateralt investeringsavtal mellan SlovakieIn 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) rendered its preliminary ruling C-284/16 Achmea, making the future of investment treaty arbitration between an investor from one EU member state and another EU member state uncertain. In the judgement’s operative part, the CJEU con-cluded that articles 267 and 344 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union precludes arbitration clause