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Risk and financial accounting by Swedish banks: Some suggestions for improvements
Psychiatric care staff and care associates’ perceptions of the quality of care in psychiatric care.
Diversity performance of multiband antennas for compact mobile terminals
Spatial diversity is a popular multiple antenna system technique, due to simplicity in implementation. However, its application has thus far been limited to systems where the electrical separation between adjacent antennas typically exceeds half a wavelength. This is because a more compact design induces higher antenna correlation and impedance mismatch, which results in lower diversity gains. In
Operational Experience of Load Shedding and new Operational Requirements on Frequency Relays
This paper summarises experience and analysis of under-frequency load shedding and power generator islanding. Most power systems can withstand the loss of a single generating unit or a single transmission line. Simultaneous loss of several power system components may cause a severe deficit in active and reactive power. The action of overexcitation limiters on the remaining generators may further a
In Homes and Factories: Employment Patterns among Women during the Second Industrial Revolution
Fitting attitudes and Value; the Buck-passing Account
Double Skin Facades; optimizing the cavity performance
Nash Implementation of Competitive Equilibria in a Model with Indivisible Goods
The India-US Dispute over the US rules of origin for textiles and apparel products
Real and virtual photon structure
The structure of real and virtual photons has been studied in electron-proton scattering processes producing di-jet events at HERA by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations. Data have been compared to next-to-leading order QCD calculations and to the predictions of Monte Carlo generators based on the DGLAP and CCFM formalisms for describing the parton dynamics.
Computer supported visualization of ergonomic guidelines
This study attempts to discover how ergonomic guidelines should be visualized in order to make it easier and more interesting to find and interpret the guidelines throughout the construction process. A prototype visualizing ergonomic guidelines at the intranet has been developed and evaluated at a company that produces cars for the global market. The results shows that the visualization of ergonom
Relative importance of secondary settling tank models in WWTP simulations - A global sensitivity analysis using BSM2
Lower bounds on the free distance for random concatenated convolutional codes
Telling stories: Jazz improvisers' usage of the rich intermedial 'storytelling' metaphor
A mass-transport model for semiconductor nanowire growth
Localized surface plasmon resonance sensing of lipid-membrane mediated biomolecular reactions
Identity and Conflict Resolution: The Construction of a Third Culture of Negotiation
Humanities for medical students? A qualitative study of a medical humanities curriculum in a medical school program
Naturalism, Truthmaker Internalism and Representational Content
The paper is an attempt to bring doubt to the claim that truthmaking is an internal relation holding between a truthmaker and bearer of truth. Depending on whether an internal relation is taken to be necessitated by the existence of its terms or supervenient on the intrinsic properties of its relata, truthmaker internalism involves commitment to one of two views: either truthbearers have their con