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The Obstacles Ahead in Europe’s Race to Trade With Post-Sanctions Iran
Lund Archaeological Review 2002-03
Electron Wave Packet Dynamics on the Attosecond Time Scale
Popular Abstract in Swedish ”Har en galopperande häst vid något tillfälle alla hovarna i luften samtidigt?” Den här till synes enkla frågan är inte helt enkel att svara på eftersom det inte går att avgöra med blotta ögat om så är fallet. För att avgöra om hovarna verkligen är i luften på samma gång behöver vi andra redskap med bättre tidsupplösning än våra ögon. Första gången någon lyckades göra eOne objective of attosecond science is to study electron dynamics in atoms and molecular systems on their natural time scale. This can be done using attosecond light pulses. Attosecond pulses are produced in a process called high-order harmonic generation, in which a short, intense laser pulse interacts with atoms or molecules in a highly nonlinear process, leading to the generation of high-order
A 4-Year Exercise Program in Children Increases Bone Mass Without Increasing Fracture Risk.
BACKGROUND: Most prospective pediatric exercise intervention studies cover
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and their hydroxylated metabolites in serum in humans in Nicaragua
OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to investigate exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in a young urban population in a developing country, with focus on potentially highly exposed children working informally as scrap scavengers at a large municipal waste disposal site. We also set out to investigate whether hydroxylated metabolites, which not hitherto have been found retained in humans, could b
Spel och spegling hos Ingmar Bergman
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"Kampen om träden har uråldriga anor"
The Mathematics of Internet Search Engines
This article presents a survey of techniques for ranking results in search engines, with emphasis on link-based ranking methods and the PageRank algorithm. The problem of selecting, in relation to a user search query, the most relevant documents from an unstructured source such as the WWW is discussed in detail. The need for extending classical information retrieval techniques such as boolean sear
Överviktens betydelser
Armering avgör om puts på isolering spricker
Armeringens placering betyder mycket för om putsen på isoleringen på en fasad spricker. Genom att använda ett bruk med liten krympning i kombination med fiberinblandning kan sprickbildningen reduceras.
Multimodal management of colorectal liver metastases and the effect on regeneration and outcome after liver resection.
Abstract Management of colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) has dramatically changed during the last decade and has now become more multimodal and aggressive, including the use of downstaging chemotherapy, portal vein embolization to increase the function of the liver remnant or both in combination. Radiofrequency ablation is also an option in CRLM, potentially combined with surgical resection. Resu
Genom lagen blir vi alla lika/olika
I Louis Althussers klassiska text "Ideologi och ideologiska statsapparater" är det lagens direkta tilltal som får exemplifiera begreppet interpellation. Genom lagen (och dess representanter i vardagen) görs vi inte bara lika, till medborgare. Vi interpelleras även till en mängd andra, särskiljande identiteter. För att kunna åtnjuta lagens skydd måste våra konkreta livsöden kodas om till abstrakta
Meniscal pathology on MRI increases the risk for both incident and enlarging subchondral bone marrow lesions of the knee: the MOST Study.
OBJECTIVES: /st> To investigate the association between meniscal pathology and incident or enlarging bone marrow lesions (BML) in knee osteoarthritis. METHODS: /st> The authors studied subjects from the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study aged 50-79 years either with knee osteoarthritis or at high risk of the disease. Baseline and 30-months magnetic resonance images of knees (n=1344) were scored for
Recension av H. Furuhagen, Pompeji - bakom ruinerna
Distance bounds for periodically time-varying and tail-biting LDPC convolutional codes
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The Challenges of Provisioning Real-Time Services in Wireless Internet
The issues involved in supporting real-time wireless Internet services go beyond the problem of forwarding packets to the correct destination of a mobile host. These issues include handover latency, availability of network resources after moving, and a proper charging and accounting infrastructure. Through a survey of current research in these areas, we discuss various concerns of integrating mobi