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Articles (page 26 of 86)
- Majid, A. & Kruspe, N. (2018). Hunter-gatherer olfaction is special. Current Biology, 28, 2-413. Elsevier.
- Majid, A., Burenhult, N., Stensmyr, M., de Valk, J. & Hansson, B. S. (2018). Olfactory language and abstraction across cultures. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373. Royal Society Publishing.
- Majid, A., Roberts, S. G., Cilissen, L., Emmorey, K., Nicodemus, B., O'Grady, L., Woll, B., LeLan, B., De Sousa, H., Cansler, B. L., Shayan, S., De Vos, C., Senft, G., Enfield, N. J., Razak, R. A., Fedden, S., Tufvesson, S., Dingemanse, M., Ozturk, O., Brown, P., Hill, C., Le Guen, O., Hirtzel, V., Van Gijn, R., Sicoli, M. A. & Levinson, S. C. (2018). Differential coding of perception in the world's languages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, 11369-11376. National Academy of Sciences.
- Makili-Aliyev, K. (2018). Comparing the Åland Islands Precedent and the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict. Journal of Autonomy and Security Studies, 2, 106-117.
- Marklund, A. (2018). No country for old men : utopian stories of welfare society’s shortcomings in A Man Called Ove and The 100-Year-Old Man. Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 10, 48-55. Co-Action Publishing.
- Möller, D. (2018). Fakiren som pekoralpastischör : Föredrag vid Fakirensällskapets höstmöte den 14 oktober 2017. Fakirenstudier, 2017, 27-36. Fakirensällskapet.
- Mörte Alling, A. (2018). Panoramascener i Pappa Goriot och Röda Rummet. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 2018, 72-81. Föreningen för utgivande av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap.
- Naidu, V., Zlatev, J., van de Weijer, J., Devylder, S., Duggirala, V. & Blomberg, J. (2018). Holistic spatial semantics and post-Talmian motion event typology : A case study of Thai and Telugu. Cognitive Semiotics, 11, 1-27. De Gruyter.
- Narvselius, E. (2018). Demonized, domesticated, virtualized : fortification buildings as a case of Prussian heritage in present-day Kaliningrad. Nationalities Papers, 46, 400-421. Cambridge University Press.
- Nicolau, F. (2018). Negotiating Languages. An Introduction to the Writings of Seymour Mayne. Philologica Jassyensia, XIV, 199-208. Asociaţia Culturală "A.Philippide" - Rumänska Vetenskapsakademiens filial i Iaşi..
- Nilsson, P. & Rosqvist, B. (2018). Inför revideringen av SAOB : fackspråk och fackspråksbeteckningar i går, i dag och i morgon. LexicoNordica, 25, 135-152. Nordisk forening for leksikografi.
- Piekarska Duraj, L. & Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2018). Europeanization in Regional Museums? : Examples from Sweden and Poland. Politeja, 52, 25-56.
- Sabatakakis, V. (2018). Οι Νεοελληνικές Σπουδές στο Πανεπιστήμιο Lund. Academia (Greece), 2018, 80-87. Higher Education Policy Network.
- Schremm, A., Novén, M., Horne, M., Söderström, P., van Westen, D. & Roll, M. (2018). Cortical thickness of planum temporale and pars opercularis in native language tone processing. Brain and Language, 176, 42-47. Elsevier.
- Simaki, V., Paradis, C. & Kerren, A. (2018). Evaluating stance-annotated sentences from the Brexit Blog Corpus: A quantitative linguistic analysis. ICAME Journal, 42, 133-165. De Gruyter.
- Sjöberg, C. (2018). Promotionen i Lund : insignier, symbolik och historia. Heraldisk tidsskrift, 12, 471-486. Societas Heraldica Scandinavica.
- Sjödin, A. (2018). Anakronistisk kosmopolitism : Carl Georg Brunius’ De diis arctois. Edda, 105, 110-128. Universitetsforlaget.
- Skärlund, S. (2018). Den intima ledaren? : Om ledarartiklar, informalisering och språklig förändring. Språk och stil, NF 28, 78-111. Institutionen för nordiska språk, Uppsala universitet.
- Smidfelt, L. (2018). An intercomprehension study of multilingual Swedish L1 speakers reading and decoding words in text in Italian, an unknown language. Lingua, 204, 62-77. Elsevier.
- Sniegon, T. (2018). Umírání v sovětském Gulagu pro budoucí slávu matky Rusi? : „Vlastenecký“ výklad Gulagu v současném Rusku. Pamet a dejiny, 3, 3-13.
- Sofos, S. (2018). The Turkish election as a warning against the irresistible charms of populism. Open Democracy. openDemocracy.
- Sonesson, G. (2018). La traducción como acto doble de comunicación : Entre semiótica cognoscitiva y semiótica de la cultura. Parte I: De la comunicación a la traducción. Interpretatio. Revista de Hermenéutica, 3, 159-187.
- Sonesson, G. (2018). Meaning redefined : Reflections on the scholastic heritage conveyed by john deely to contemporary semiotics. American Journal of Semiotics, 34, 65-86. Philosophy Documentation Center.
- Sonesson, G. (2018). No more faith in fakes : A natural history of counterfeiting. Versus, 127, 259-274. Societa Editrice Il Mulino.
- Spira, I. (2018). Chinese Isms : The Modernization of Ideological Discourse in China. Journal of Political Ideologies, 23, 283-298. Routledge.